The Zoning Officer has the power to issue the following permits:
A. Zoning permits. No building or other structure shall be erected,
nor shall any existing building or structure be moved, added to, enlarged
or structurally altered and no excavation for any building or other
structure shall begin until a zoning permit certifying compliance
with these regulations has been issued.
B. Use and occupancy permits. No building, other structure or land shall
be used, nor shall any building, structure or land be converted, wholly
or in part, to any other use, except for agricultural uses permitted
by right under the provisions of this chapter, until a use occupancy
permit, certifying compliance with these regulations, has been issued.
C. Sign permits. No permanent, freestanding or building signs may be erected without first obtaining a sign permit in accordance with Article
D. Demolition permits. No building or other structures shall be razed,
demolished or removed, either entirely or in part, nor shall any of
said activities be commenced, without a demolition permit.
E. Approval by the Board of Appeals shall not constitute approval of a permit as required in Subsections
B and
F. Other permits. Additional permits may be required to enforce the
provisions of this chapter.
All permits issued by the Zoning Officer, based on plans or
applications approved by the County Commissioners, Planning Commissioner
and/or Board of Appeals, are deemed to authorize any such approved
uses, arrangements, construction or other matter allowed by this chapter.
Any use, arrangement, construction or other matter which deviates
from that authorized by the permit is a violation of this chapter.