Not Code material (legislation is
not general or permanent in nature).
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Not included in Code but saved from
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1989 Code
Location in 2013 Code
| |||||
Ch. 1, General Provisions
| ||||||
§§ 1-1 and 1-3 through 1-10,
Adoption of Code of Ordinances
| |||||
§§ 1-2 and 1-11, Definitions;
general penalty
| ||||||
Ch. 2, Administration
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
| ||||||
§ 2-1, Town Seal
Ch. 144
| |||||
§ 2-2, Town flag
Ch. 144
| |||||
§ 2-3, Health and welfare services
for children in nonprofit private schools; state aid
Repealed 10-9-2012
| |||||
§ 2-4, Transportation for children
attending nonprofit private schools
Repealed 10-9-2012
| |||||
§ 2-5, Qualifications of bidders
| ||||||
§ 2-6, Geographic information system
Ch. 53
| |||||
§ 2-7, Purchasing procedures for professional
| ||||||
§ 2-8, Preferential bidding procedures
| ||||||
Art. II, Officers and Employees
| ||||||
§ 2-31, State retirement plan accepted
Ch. 133
| |||||
§ 2-32, Old age and survivors insurance
Ch. 133
| |||||
§ 2-33, Old age survivorship deductions
Ch. 133
| |||||
§ 2-34, Fire Department employees
included in state municipal retirement fund
Ch. 133
| |||||
§ 2-35, Appointment of constables
| ||||||
§ 2-36, Deputy Town Manager
| ||||||
Art. III, Boards, Commissions, Committees and
Ch. 147
| |||||
Art. IV, Code of Ethics
Ch. 28
| |||||
Art. V, Records Management Program
| ||||||
§§ 2-251 to 2-259, Records Managment Program
Ch. 129
| |||||
Art. VI, Ordinance for the Naming of Government
| ||||||
§ 260, Naming of Government Facilities
Ch. 59
| |||||
§ 261, Fee Schedule
| ||||||
§ 262, Fine Schedule
| ||||||
Ch. 3, Alcoholic Beverages
Repealed 6-11-2012
| |||||
Ch. 4, Amusements
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
| ||||||
§ 4-1, Adoption of state bazaar and
raffle law
Repealed 10-9-2012
| |||||
Art. II, Pin Game Machines
Repealed 10-9-2012
| |||||
Art. III, Adult-Oriented Businesses
Ch. 185
| |||||
Ch. 5, Buildings and Building Regulations
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
| ||||||
§§ 5-1 to 5-5
Ch. 212
| |||||
§ 5-6, Installation and maintenance
of electrically charge fences
| ||||||
Art. II, Swimming Pools
Ch. 370
| |||||
Art. III, Blight
Ch. 203
| |||||
Ch. 6, Elections
Ch. 24
| |||||
Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Protection
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
Ch. 242
| |||||
Art. II, Fire Department
Ch. 42
| |||||
Ch. 8, Garbage, Trash and Refuse
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
Ch. 356
| |||||
Art. II, Solid Waste Collectors
Repealed 6-11-2012
| |||||
Ch. 9, Health and Sanitation
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
| ||||||
Art. II, Food Service Sanitation
Repealed 10-9-2012
| |||||
Art. III, Noise
| ||||||
Art. IV, Nuisances
| ||||||
Art. V, Health Department
Ch. 338
| |||||
Art. VI, Brownfield Cleanup Program
| ||||||
Ch. 10, Library
Ch. 284
| |||||
Ch. 11, Licenses and Miscellaneous Business
| ||||||
Art. I, In General (reserved)
| |||||
Art. II, Peddlers and Solicitors
Ch. 319
| |||||
Ch. 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
| ||||||
Art. I, In General
Repealed 10-9-2012
| |||||
Art. II, Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ch. 390
| |||||
Ch. 13, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Ch. 316
| |||||
Ch. 14, Parks and Recreation
Ch. 312
| |||||
Ch. 15, Planning
| ||||||
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
| |||||
Art. II, Planning and Zoning Commission
| ||||||
Art. III, Enterprise and Economic Development
| ||||||
Art. IV, Redevelopment Agency
| ||||||
Art. V, Conservation Commission
| ||||||
Art. VI, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency
| ||||||
Art. VII, Housing Partnership
| ||||||
Ch. 16, Police
| ||||||
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
| |||||
Art. II, Alarm Systems
Ch. 191
| |||||
Ch. 17, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 364
| |||||
Ch. 18, Taxation
Ch. 375
| |||||
Ch. 19, Trailers and Trailer Parks
Repealed 7-11-1995
| |||||
Ch. 20, Utilities
| ||||||
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
| |||||
Art. II, Sewers
Ch. 345
| |||||
Art. III, Water
Ch. 400