The boundaries of the said Town shall be as follows: Beginning at the northernmost corner of the corporation of Mt. Rainier, which is at the intersection of the center line of 34th Street, if extended, with the center line of the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia River; and continuing thence in a southeasterly general direction along the center line of said stream to the intersection of the southeastern line of Czarra's Revised Addition to Brentwood as per plat filed among the Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland, in Plat Book S.D.H. No. 3 at page No. 6 which line is coincident with the northwest side of lot No. 22 in Block H of Holladay Company's Addition to Brentwood as per plat filed in Liber J. W.B. 5 at folio No. 646, one of the aforementioned Land Records of Prince George's County; and running thence along the said southeastern line of Czarra's Revised Addition to Brentwood to a point on the southwest side of Allison Street, formerly Lynn Street, which point is distant 200 feet northwest of the northwest side of 39th Place, formerly Oak Street; as shown on the aforesaid plat of Holladay Company's Addition to Brentwood; thence running parallel to and 200 feet distant from the northwest side of 39th Place, formerly Oak Street, a distance of 600 feet, more or less, to a point on the prolongation of the rear or east side of the lots numbered 2, 3, 4, and 5, fronting on 39th Street, formerly Pine Street, of the aforementioned Holladay Company's subdivision; and running thence in a southerly direction along said rear or east line to the center of Moyer's Mill Race; thence with said mill race to the center line of 39th Place, formerly Park Avenue; thence in a southerly direction along said center line to the center line of alley Ralston and Ray's resubdivision; thence along center line of said alley to the east side of 40th Street; formerly Ivy Street; thence in a southerly direction on 40th Street, formerly Ivy Street, 30 feet, more or less, to center line of said alley; thence in an easterly direction along center line of said alley to the line of Washington Railway and Electric Company (Rhode Island Avenue) thence 250 feet, more or less, along line of Washington Railway and Electric Company to intersection with Webster Street, formerly John Street; thence in an easterly direction along center line of Webster Street, formerly John Street, 250 feet, more or less; thence in a southerly direction 80 feet more or less; thence in an easterly direction across the right-of-way of the B. & O. Railroad Co.; thence in a southwesterly direction along said line of right-of-way three quarters of a mile, more or less, to the intersection with the boundary of Mt. Rainier incorporation; thence following the Mt. Rainier boundary line across the right-of-way of the B. & O. Railroad in a northwesterly general direction to the point where the eastern right-of-way of Cedar Lane intersects the center line of Upshur Street, formerly Dewey Street; thence west along the center line of Upshur Street to the center line of 34th Street; thence north along said center line of 34th Street to the end thereof; thence continuing in a straight line until intersecting the center line of the Northwest Branch, which said continued straight line is the prolongation of the center line of 34th Street, if extended, the place of beginning.
Editor's Note: Former Section 201.0, Ward boundaries, was repealed 2-6-1989 by Res. No. 89-1. The repeal of all subsections of Section 201.0 was confirmed by Res. No. 89-2, adopted 6-19-1989.