[CC 1985 §22.100]
Prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, a budget for
the City shall be prepared, and the same will be presented to and
approved by the Board of Aldermen. The format of the budget shall
be that illustrated by Appendix I, on file in the City offices.
[CC 1985 §22.120]
The Budget Officer for this City shall be the City Clerk. It
is the responsibility of the Budget Officer to prepare the budget
after reviewing expenditure requests and revenue estimates with other
City Officers. The Budget Officer shall submit the completed budget
and supporting schedules and exhibits to the Mayor, who shall present
the same to the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1985 §22.130]
The Budget Officer shall prepare the City budget under the direction
of the Mayor. The Mayor shall concur in the budget prior to its submission
to the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1985 §22.140]
Expenditure estimates in the budget shall not be larger in amount
than the total anticipated revenue for the budget year, plus any surplus
from the previous year or less any deficit from the previous year.
[CC 1985 §22.150]
The City shall not incur any debts which aggregate an amount
greater than the anticipated revenues for the budget year, without
the approval of the voters of the City, as required by law.