[R.O. 2009 §415.360; Ord. No. 2040 §9.01, 9-15-2003]
The subdivider of a proposed subdivision may appeal to the Governing Body decisions made in the enforcement or interpretation of these regulations by the Building Inspector, Planning Commission or the appropriate engineer. In the event the Governing Body sustains such decisions, the prior enforcement or interpretation shall be final, except as otherwise provided by law. If the Governing Body overrules the Planning Commission, the Governing Body shall state its decisions and the reasons therefore in writing and submit the decision and plat to the Planning Commission seeking concurrence. In case of non-occurrence, the decision of the appropriate Governing Body shall be final.
[R.O. 2009 §415.370; Ord. No. 2040 §9.02, 9-15-2003]
Whenever the Planning Commission deems full conformance to the provisions of these regulations is impractical or impossible due to the size, shape, topographic location or condition, or such usage of land included in a subdivision plat being presented for approval, the Planning Commission may authorize variances of these regulations. In authorizing such variances or exceptions, the Planning Commission shall find the following:
That strict application of these regulations will create an undue hardship upon the subdivider.
That the proposed variance is in harmony with the intended purpose of these regulations.
That the proposed variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which the property is situated.
[R.O. 2009 §415.380; Ord. No. 2040 §9.03, 9-15-2003]
Any waiver and/or variance in the required improvements shall be made only by the Governing Body on a showing that such improvements are technically not feasible.