[R.O. 2005 §17-4; CC 1997 §17-4]
The Health Commissioner or his/her authorized agent is hereby authorized and empowered to inspect all buildings, lands and places as to their conditions for health and sanitation and, when necessary, prevent the use thereof and require any alterations or changes necessary to make them healthful or sanitary.
[R.O. 2005 §17-5; CC 1997 §17-5]
The Health Department under the supervision of the Health Commissioner shall have general supervision over the public health and shall see that the laws and ordinances in relation thereto are observed and enforced and for that purpose the Commissioner is authorized and empowered, with the approval of the Council, to make such rules and regulations consistent with this Code and other ordinances as will tend to promote or preserve the health of the City and carry out the purposes and intents of this Chapter. He/she is empowered to authorize and require any employee or Law Enforcement Officer to enter into and examine premises as provided in this Chapter and in accordance with the provisions of Section 135.110, Administrative Warrants, to ascertain the condition thereof so far as the public health may be affected by it and to declare and abate nuisances as herein or by law or ordinance provided.
[R.O. 2005 §17-6; CC 1997 §17-6]
The Health Commissioner shall keep a record of his/her acts and orders and shall file in his/her office all petitions, documents and papers belonging thereto. Copies of such records, petitions, documents and papers, when certified by him/her, shall be prima facie evidence in any court of the facts therein contained.
[R.O. 2005 §17-7; CC 1997 §17-7]
The Health Commissioner is authorized to issue permits to owners or operators, when such comply with reasonable regulations and are not contrary to this Code or other ordinances of the City, for the conduct of such business and occupations to prevent the occurrence of public health nuisances, which may include registration and statement of the methods or conditions to be employed in their operation or maintenance, for food vending trucks, water hauling, septic tank cleaning and disposal of water, garbage, offal and refuse disposal and hauling, dumps, the business of keeping animals or fowl or reptiles, except usual farm animals and fowl.
[R.O. 2005 §17-8; CC 1997 §17-8]
The Health Commissioner shall make or cause to be made such surveys, investigations, inspections and visits as may be deemed necessary to ascertain the existence of a nuisance within the City or to prevent the occurrence of a nuisance within the City by securing compliance with this Chapter. The Health Commissioner shall collect or cause to be collected and shall analyze or cause to have analyzed all samples, specimens, materials or substances from any premises whatsoever wherein or whereon a nuisance is suspected to exist for the purpose of determining the existence of a nuisance or non-compliance with this Chapter. Every owner, occupant, permit holder, tenant or employee of premises and every other person affected by a nuisance and every person having information concerning the facts about the creation or the existence or the maintenance of a nuisance shall furnish to the Health Commissioner or his/her agent such facts, information or records as he/she may have or obtain when requested to do so.
[R.O. 2005 §17-9; CC 1997 §17-9]
All Law Enforcement Officers shall observe the health and sanitary conditions in their districts and shall promptly report to the Health Commissioner, through the Chief of Police, any disease, nuisance or insanitary condition.