[R.O. 1997 § 115.200; Ord. No. 12 § 1, 9-1-1995]
The City Administrator shall appoint a person to the office of the Deputy City Administrator. The term of the Deputy City Administrator shall continue from the date of appointment for an indefinite period of time until his/her employment is terminated by the City Administrator with the consent of the Council. Such termination, unless for cause, shall not be effective until thirty (30) days' written notice thereof has been given to the Deputy City Administrator. The first Deputy City Administrator shall be appointed by the Council with the consent of the Mayor.
[R.O. 1997 § 115.210; Ord. No. 12 § 2, 9-1-1995]
The Deputy City Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Assistant to the City Administrator and shall serve as the office manager for the City. The Deputy shall, under the supervision of the City Administrator, be responsible for overseeing operation of the daily office affairs of the City, personnel matters, payroll, maintenance of financial records for the City Administrator, and such other duties as the City Administrator or the Council may establish. Unless assigned by the Council to another officer, the Deputy shall be responsible for accounting for all funds expended from and received into the City Treasury. The Deputy shall also serve, without additional compensation, as the Assessor until the Council may otherwise fill the office or such separate position may be required.
[R.O. 1997 § 115.220; Ord. No. 12 § 3, 9-1-1995]
The Deputy City Administrator shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by ordinance.