[R.O. 1997 § 140.090; Ord. No. 21 § 1, 9-1-1995; Ord. No. 412 § 1, 3-9-1998]
The fiscal year of the City of Wildwood shall begin on the first day of January of each year. The City's accounting records and its annual budget shall be based on such fiscal year.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.100; Ord. No. 21 § 3, 9-1-1995; Ord. No. 1075 § 1, 5-10-2004]
The City Administrator shall serve as the Budget Officer as required by Section 67.020, RSMo. The Budget Officer shall compile a budget containing estimates of the revenues available before the beginning of the fiscal year to which it applies together with the recommended expenditures for the municipality and all of its boards, commissions and departments. The budget shall be submitted to the City Council, which shall adopt a budget prior to January 1 of each year.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.110; Ord. No. 21 § 4, 9-1-1995]
Copies of the proposed annual budget shall be made available for public inspection in printed or typewritten form in the office of the Clerk for at least ten (10) days prior to the passage of the full-year annual budget. Not less than one (1) week after the budget is available for inspection, and prior to final action on the budget, at least one (1) public hearing shall be held on the budget by the City Council. Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the City at least one (1) week prior to the time of hearing.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.120; Ord. No. 21 § 5, 9-1-1995]
The annual budget shall present a complete financial plan for the ensuing budget year, and shall include at least the following information:
A budget message describing the important features of the budget and major changes from the preceding year;
Estimated revenues to be received from all sources for the budget year, with a comparative statement of actual or estimated revenues for the two (2) years next preceding, itemized by year, fund, and source;
Proposed expenditures for each department, office, commission, and other classification for the budget year, together with a comparative statement of actual or estimated expenditures for the two (2) years next preceding, itemized by year, fund, activity, and object;
The amount required for the payment of interest, amortization, and redemption charges on the debt of the political subdivision; and
A general budget summary.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.130; Ord. No. 21 § 6, 9-1-1995]
In no event shall the total proposed expenditures from any fund exceed the estimated revenues to be received plus any unencumbered balance or less any deficit estimated for the beginning of the budget year; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed as requiring any political subdivision to use any cash balance as current revenue or to change from a cash basis of financing its expenditures.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.140; Ord. No. 21 § 7, 9-1-1995]
The City Council may delegate authority to heads of municipal departments, boards or commissions to delete, add to, or change items previously budgeted to the department, board or commission, subject to such limitation or requirement for prior approval by the City Administrator as the City Council upon a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members may establish. The annual budget may be revised by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the City Council by deleting, adding to or changing budgeted items. No revision of the budget shall be made increasing the budget in the event funds are not available to effectuate the purpose of the revision, and any increase in the total amount of expenditures for any fund shall be effected only after setting forth the facts and reasons for such change.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.150; Ord. No. 21 § 8, 9-1-1995; Ord. No. 951 § 1, 4-28-2003]
Budget transfers within a department shall follow the following procedure:
Heads of departments may make transfers within their departmental budget up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) with prior approval by the Finance Director.
Transfers within departmental budgets over five hundred dollars ($500.00) may be made only with prior approval by the Finance Director and City Administrator; provided that the approval of the majority of the members of the Council shall be required to increase the total expenditures budgeted for any department.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.160; Ord. No. 21 § 9, 9-1-1995]
Any and all transfers between departments shall be approved prior thereto by a majority of the members of the City Council.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.170; Ord. No. 21 § 10, 9-1-1995]
Any and all transfers from contingency accounts shall be approved prior thereto by a majority of the members of the City Council.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.180; Ord. No. 21 § 11, 9-1-1995]
It shall be the responsibility of the Finance Director to prepare a budget report, said budget report to contain revenues, expenditures, transfers within departments and from contingencies; said budget report shall be submitted to the City Council at least quarterly.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.190; Ord. No. 21 § 12, 9-1-1995]
As soon as practical after the close of each fiscal year, and no later than six (6) months thereafter, there shall be an audit of all accounts of the City, made by a public accountant certified by the State of Missouri and approved by the City Council. Copies of such audit shall be filed with the City Clerk and in such other places as may be required by law.