[R.O. 1997 § 140.200; Ord. No. 20 § 1, 9-1-1995]
For purposes of this Section, the term "expenses" shall refer only to expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of the official business of the City. The term "employee" shall include all persons employed by the City and all elected and appointed officials.
Any employee incurring any expense as defined in this Section and seeking reimbursement of same may submit to the City Administrator a voucher certified as being true and correct. The City Administrator shall review such expense vouchers and shall reimburse to the employee only those expenses properly incurred. The City Administrator may adopt policies relating to amounts and procedures for reimbursement consistent with ordinary business practices.
The City Administrator may advance payment of projected expenses as authorized by the Council when the projected expenses to be incurred would pose a financial burden on the employee. If such an advance is authorized, within ten (10) days after such expenses are actually incurred the employee shall submit to the City Administrator a voucher for the expenses actually and necessarily incurred and any balance of the advance remaining after expenditure.
[R.O. 1997 § 140.210; Ord. No. 210 §§ 1—8, 2-26-1996]
There is hereby established and created the "City of Wildwood-East Area Traffic Generation Assessment Trust Fund" (the "East Area Trust Fund") and the "City of Wildwood-West Area Traffic Generation Assessment Trust Fund" (the "West Area Trust Fund") to be held by the City Treasurer for the improvement of major roadways made necessary by and to serve the development of property in areas of the City designated for each trust. The major roadway improvements to be funded by the Fund may include those identified in concept by St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic and filed with the St. Louis County Council for any predecessor trusts, and such other improvements or amendments as may be made by the City of Wildwood Department of Public Works with consent of the Council. The area within each such trust fund shall be all area within the City of Wildwood encompassed in the respective predecessor trusts that each trust replaces, as designated in Subsection (B).
Trust Fund Deposit — Terms — Application.
Sums shall be deposited in the appropriate trust fund in accordance with the terms of each planned district zoning, subdivision approval, or special procedure permit so providing. The East Area Trust established by this Section shall replace, for the purposes of all existing and future contributions required by any pre-existing or future zoning, subdivision, conditional use permit, or special procedure within the City of Wildwood, the "Pond-Grover Traffic Generation Assessment Trust Fund" created by St. Louis County by Ordinance No. 12,625 (1986), as amended, the Eatherton-Kehrs Mill Road Traffic TGA created by St. Louis County by Ordinance No. 13,173 (1987), the Chesterfield Valley Road Improvements Trust, created by St. Louis County by ordinance. The West Area Trust established by this Section shall replace, for the purposes of all existing and future contributions required by any pre-existing or future zoning, subdivision, conditional use permit, or special procedure within the City of Wildwood, the Wildhorse Creek Traffic Generation Trust created by St. Louis County by Ordinance No. 16,415 (1993), and the Fox Creek-Hornecker Corridor Traffic Generation Trust created by St. Louis County by Ordinance No. 16,424 (1993).
All contribution obligations to any development impact trust or subdivision escrow required by any specific zoning, subdivision, or special procedure in effect in the City on the date of incorporation of the City shall continue in effect and shall be enforceable by the City of Wildwood until or unless such obligations are amended by the Council. Any funds transferred to the City of Wildwood Trust Funds from the St. Louis County predecessor trust funds shall be applied consistent with the objectives of the applicable predecessor trusts. Any funds that are owed to the predecessor fund for development within the City of Wildwood shall hereinafter be paid to the appropriate replacement trust fund. The City Treasurer shall hold such funds in interest-bearing accounts, certificates of deposit, and the like. All interest earned shall accrue to the trust funds.
The Department of Public Works shall, in conjunction with review of each planned district re-zoning and special procedure permit, determine whether the proposed development will increase the need for some or all of the roadway improvements contemplated in the plan referred to in Subsection (A) and submit its determination to the Planning Commission which shall recommend an appropriate condition, for consideration by the City Council in approving the development, to impose a traffic generation assessment on the development payable to the trust fund. Said traffic generation assessment shall be based upon a fee schedule that is updated each year to reflect fluctuations in construction costs, while being applied to the total number of provided parking spaces within the boundaries of the applicable planned district re-zoning and special procedure permit to be assessed. This change in trust fund assessment formula shall not be applied retroactively to any existing residential, commercial, or industrial project, where a building permit has been issued, prior to the adoption date of this legislation. In any such case, the assessment shall not exceed the fair share of the roadway improvements whose need is at least roughly proportional to impact caused by the development. The Director of Public Works shall adopt or amend such regulations regarding the formula or calculation of impact fee, credits, and determination of impacts to ensure the conditions of this Section are satisfied; provided, however, that no credit shall exceed the required payment nor shall a credit be given for any roadway improvement that is necessitated by public safety or welfare concern caused directly by the subdivision or development to which the impact fee was required to be paid, unless otherwise required by law.
[Ord. No. 2446, 2-25-2019]
The trust funds shall be disbursed as follows:
On order of the Director of Public Works in accordance with Subsection (E).
For the purpose of constructing the road improvements, or any part thereof, in accordance with Subsection (F).
For the purpose of reimbursing advances in accordance with Subsection (G).
On termination of the trust, in accordance with Subsection (H).
The Department of Public Works may prepare such surveys, plans and specifications, or approve such plans and specifications as are prepared by others, as are necessary for the roadway improvements, and may acquire right-of-way and other interests in property therefor, the expenses of which shall be paid from the trust fund on order of the Director of Public Works.
Trust funds may be disbursed as follows:
Any person may construct or have constructed the roadway improvements contemplated by any required trust payments upon approval of contracts between such persons and contractors for this purpose by the City Attorney and the Director of Public Works as to form and content. Any such contract shall provide for work to be done in accordance with surveys, plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, and further provide for inspection of such work and enforcement of contract terms by the City. The contract may provide for payments for work performed from this trust fund in such manner and amounts as may be approved by the City Attorney and Director of Public Works.
The City of Wildwood may at any time apply all or part of the trust fund to development of the roadway improvements herein described. Funds shall be disbursed in such case as directed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Where the road improvement needs involve roads within the control and jurisdiction of St. Louis County or the State Highway Commission, the Director of Public Works may cause funds to be disbursed to such entities for the sole purpose of assisting in the completion of such improvements.
Any person, may in accordance with contract with the Trustee approved by the City Attorney, advance funds to the trust for the trust purpose, and the Trustee may with respect thereto pledge future receipts in excess of funds used for Subsection (F)(1) and (2) above. Such pledge shall be limited however, to actual receipts, and neither the Trustee, City of Wildwood, nor any agency thereof shall be responsible for repayment beyond amounts actually so received. Repayment shall in no event exceed repayment of the amount so advanced plus interest equal to the prevailing market rate to the nearest whole percent of municipal bonds at the time such repayment commences. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subsection, the Trustee may accept any donation of funds made without rights to repayment and apply the same to any trust purpose.
The trust shall terminate and the funds shall be distributed as hereafter described:
Twenty (20) years after receipt of the first proceeds if no disbursements under Subsection (E) or (F) are made during such period;
Twenty (20) years after any disbursement under Subsection (E) if no further disbursements under Subsections (E) and (F) are made during such period;
Twenty (20) years after any disbursement under Subsection (F) if no further disbursements under Subsections (F) or (G) are made during such period.
Distribution upon termination shall be made:
First, to repay any advance made under Subsection (G);
Second, any remaining funds shall be distributed pro rata to the persons depositing funds herein under Subsection (C) or any such person's duly nominated assignee according to written statement to the City Treasurer. It is the responsibility of any such person or assignee to communicate any relevant information of change of name, address or corporate status to the Treasurer in writing;
Third, any share mailed by certified mail to the person and address of record according to the Trustee's records and returned undeliverable for any reason, and any other funds otherwise remaining for any reason shall be transferred to the Special Road and Bridge Fund or its legal successor.