[R.O. 1997 § 215.120; Ord. No. 1200 § 1, 9-12-2005]
Growth On Lots Of One (1) Acre Or Less. No person having control of any lot of ground or any part of any lot or parcel of ground within the City, such lot or parcel of ground consisting of one (1) acre or less, shall allow or maintain on such lot or parcel of ground any growth of weeds or grass to a height of over ten (10) inches, unless the lot is used for pasture, farming, crops, timber, woods, prairie, wetlands, other open space or on slopes that exceed three to one (3:1). However, in these instances where a nuisance is determined to exist by the Director of Planning or his/her designee, the person having control of said property or lot may be required to undertake the necessary maintenance to eliminate the growth.
Growth On Lots Over One (1) Acre And Lots In Commercial Districts. No person having control of any lot of ground or any part of any lot or parcel of real estate within the City, such parcel consisting of more than one (1) acre, except those contained within any commercial district, shall allow or maintain on such lot or parcel of real estate any growth of weeds to a height of over ten (10) inches within fifty (50) feet of the perimeter of the subject lot or parcel; except that, upon request of the property owner or other aggrieved party and for good cause shown, the Director of Planning may modify the fifty (50) foot requirement. Additionally, lots used for pasture, farming, crops, timber, woods, prairie, wetlands, other open space or on slopes that exceed three to one (3:1) may not be required to comply with the provisions of this Subsection. However, in these instances where a nuisance is determined to exist by the Director of Planning or his/her designee, the person having control of said property or lot may be required to undertake the necessary maintenance to eliminate the growth. Those lots or parcels of real estate within any commercial district shall be governed by Subsection (A) above.
Penalties. Irrespective of any other penalty imposed by this Code and in addition to the abatement authority granted to the Director of Planning in Section 215.080 and the abatement procedure available to the Director in Section 215.060, the penalties for violations of this Section shall be as follows:
First violation on parcel of ground or lot, minimum fine: $75.00.
Second violation on same parcel of ground or lot within one (1) year from date of first violation, minimum fine: $150.00.
Third violation on same parcel of ground or lot within one (1) year from date of first violation, minimum fine: $300.00.
[R.O. 1997 § 215.130; Ord. No. 1200 § 1, 9-12-2005; Ord. No. 1432 § 1, 9-10-2007]
All dead or decaying trees and all trees infected by a disease that are not promptly treated or that are not remediable and are determined to be a hazard or potential harm to the public are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be promptly taken down and removed from the premises by the owner or owners of any tract of land in the City of Wildwood on which the same is situated. The stump shall also be removed to a minimum of eight (8) inches below ground level.