[R.O. 2006 §410.160; CC 1985 §22-46; Ord. No. 42.030 Art. VII §1, 5-10-1983; Ord. No. 93.48 §2, 11-4-1993]
The final plat on a permanent tracing material and five (5) prints thereof, together with copies of any deed restrictions where such restrictions are too lengthy to be shown on the plat, shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen.
The final plat is to be drawn at a scale of not more than one hundred (100) feet to the inch from an accurate survey and on one (1) or more sheets whose maximum dimensions are eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inches. If more than two (2) sheets are required, an index sheet of the same dimensions shall be filed showing the entire subdivision on one (1) sheet and the areas shown on other sheets.
After January 1, 1996, in addition to the above requirements, the developer shall submit, on electronic media suitable to the City, using programming compatible with that of the City (i.e., auto cad) final plat information. Preliminary and final plat data may be submitted simultaneously on one (1) disk.
[R.O. 2006 §410.170; CC 1985 §22-47]
A plat shall be submitted to the Commission for approval. If the Commission approves the plat, the plat shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval. If the Commission does not approve a plat, the Board of Aldermen may by a three-fourths (¾) vote override the decision of the Commission and approve the plat.
[R.O. 2006 §410.180; CC 1985 §22-48; Ord. No. 42.030 Art. VII §2, 5-10-1983]
The final plat shall show:
The boundary lines of the area being subdivided with accurate distances and bearings.
The lines of all proposed streets and alleys with their widths and names.
The accurate outline of any portions of the property intended to be dedicated or granted for public use.
The line of departure of one street from another.
The lines of all adjoining property and the lines of adjoining streets and alleys with their widths and names.
All lot lines together with an identification system for all lots and blocks.
The location of all building lines and easements provided for public use, services or utilities.
All dimensions, both, linear and angular, necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision, lots, streets, alleys, easements, and any other areas for public or private use. Linear dimensions are to be given to the nearest one-tenth (0.01) foot.
The radii, arcs, chords, points of tangency and central angles for all curvilinear streets and radii for rounded corners.
The location of all survey monuments and bench marks together with their descriptions.
The name of the subdivision, a small sketch showing its general location, and the scale of the plat, points of the compass, and name of owner or owners or subdivider.
The certificate of the surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the correct location of all monuments shown.
Private restrictions and trusteeships and their periods of existence. Should these restrictions or trusteeships be of such length as to make their lettering on the plat impracticable and thus necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference to such instrument shall be made on the plat.
Acknowledgment of the owner or owners to the plat and restrictions, including dedication to public use of all streets, alleys shown thereon and the granting of easements required.
Consent of any mortgagees to the plat with the consent to be shown on the plat.
Certificates of approval for endorsement by the Board of Aldermen.
Certification by owners that they are the sole owners and proprietors of the platted areas.