[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lewiston (Ch. 25 of the 1965 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created in the Town of Lewiston a department to be known as the Department of Water, to be headed by a superintendent who shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board, except as otherwise provided by law.
All expenditures for maintenance of all existing water districts and of any water districts hereafter created which may be provided pursuant to the provisions of § 202-a of the Town Law shall be provided and paid for out of the funds of said Water Department appropriated as hereafter provided.
The Town Board, with the assistance of the Superintendent of Water, shall annually estimate the expenditures anticipated for the subsequent year, and the amount of such estimate shall be allocated against each then-existing water district in accordance with the following formula: The percent of customers within each district and the percent of sales of water within each district averaged together in ratio to the total number of customers and the total amount of sales within all of said water districts, and the amount thus arrived at shall be paid over to the Department of Water out of the funds levied and assessed against each district in accordance with the provisions and for the purposes authorized by § 202-a of the Town Law.
No expenditures authorized to be made for the increase or improvement of the facilities of any water district, as provided by § 202-b of the Town Law, shall be made from the sums so appropriated, but each such expenditure shall be a charge against such special district.
All water meters to be supplied within the several districts shall be purchased by the Water Department out of a revolving fund provided by the several water districts in accordance with the formula hereinbefore set forth, subject to reimbursement of such fund from each individual water meter purchaser at the time of installation. The amount of such revolving fund shall be determined by the Town Board, and may from time to time be altered by it, upon the same basis as originally established.
The Water Department hereby established may in the first instance purchase out of the funds appropriated to said Water Department such parts and supplies as in the judgment of the superintendent may be required for use within the water districts, including hydrants, valves, master meters and pipe. Whenever any of such parts shall be required for use within any individual water district, the cost thereof shall be reimbursed to the Water Department out of the funds of such water district, and the supervisor is hereby authorized and empowered to make such transfers of funds.
The power to transfer to the Water Department funds of each individual water district in accordance with the formula hereinbefore set forth and from time to time to increase or reduce the amount of such funds is hereby delegated to the supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town; provided, however, that no such increase or decrease shall be made except in accordance with the formula hereinbefore set forth, nor operate in such manner as to impose an unfair burden upon any of such water districts.
The Town Board, in determining the amount to be annually raised for the functioning of said Water Department, shall apportion against and charge to each said water district, in accordance with the formula hereinabove set forth, an allowance for the salaries of the Superintendent and all Town employees whose services are required in the operation of such Water Department and may also apportion against and charge to said Department an allowance for any services rendered by the Town Engineer or the Town Attorney.
The Water Department is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of the resolution.