[Adopted 6-28-1976 by L.L. No. 5-1976 (Ch. 6D, Art. I, of
the 1965 Code)]
The short title of this article is "Service Charge for the Handling
of Bonds in Lieu of Retainages."
Section 106-a of the General Municipal Law provides that a political
subdivision may impose upon each contractor a service charge for receiving,
handling and disbursing funds and coupons, all related to bonds and
bond anticipation notes submitted in lieu of retainages under municipal
contracts. Section 106-a, however, requires that imposition of such
a service charge is contingent upon a local law or ordinance passed
by the duly constituted governing body of the political subdivision.
It being a fiscally sound policy that the Town of Lewiston charge
contractors for the cost of such services, Local Law No. 5 is hereby