[CC 1978 §505.010]
A certain document, one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Chaffee, Missouri, being marked and designated as the International Plumbing Code, 2003 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, be and is hereby adopted as the code of the City of Chaffee, Missouri, for regulating the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing systems in the City of Chaffee, Missouri, and providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefore; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such International Plumbing Code, 2003 Edition, published by the International Code Council on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this Article.
[CC 1978 §505.030; Bill No. 93-08(505.030B), 3-15-1993; Bill No. 2011-11, 8-15-2011]
Plumbing And Building Sewer — Permit Required. No person or plumber shall begin or perform work on the construction, reconstruction, alterations, installation or repair of any plumbing or house drainage system or the connection of any building sewer or house drain with a City sewer or septic tank, or with any private sewer which empties into a City sewer, or the installment or alteration of any water distribution system in or about any premises in the City without complying with all the requirements of this Title in relation thereto, and first having obtained a special permit from the City Inspector of Plumbing and Sewers, provided that no special permit is required for minor repair work.
Sewer And Water Excavation Permits Required.
No person shall make or cause to be made any excavation around or under any public or district sewer or water line, nor make any excavation for the purpose of connecting or repairing any building, sewer or water line therewith, nor construct or repair any private sewer or water line or building sewer or water line in, through or under any street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or other public place in the City, nor make any excavation without a permit being first obtained from the Public Works Administrator, which permit shall not be issued until the applicant has complied with the Sections of this Title requiring a bond/deposit. Work under said permit shall be begun within ten (10) days from issuance thereof. All applications for such permit shall be signed by the person or his or her duly authorized agent, who desires to do the work and that said application shall not be assignable, and no person shall allow his or her name to be used to obtain a permit for any other person. The application for such permit shall contain a description of the property or properties to be benefited or serviced as a result of such construction or repair.
Before any permit referred in this Subsection shall be issued, the applicant for such permit shall deposit with the City Collector:
[Ord. No. 500.040, 10-2-2023]
The sum of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) if the area to be disturbed is less than one-half (1/2) the width of the City street;
The sum of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) if the area to be disturbed is equal to or greater than one-half (1/2) the City street.
After the sewer connection, water connection, sewer repair or water repair is made, the applicant shall notify the Public Works Administrator to inspect all connections and repairs. Thereafter, the Street Department shall repair the street, alley, sidewalk or parkway and all expenses necessary for repair of any street, alley, sidewalk or parkway which shall have been disturbed as a result of such repair or placement shall be deducted from the deposit. Applicant shall additionally be responsible for any costs of repair which shall exceed the deposit as required herein. If any work under a permit as provided for in this Subsection shall be improperly done or in violation of any provisions of this Title, or cause damage to any public or district sewer or water service, the Public Works Administrator shall have the right to reconstruct such defective work and repair such damage, and the cost thereof shall be deducted from the deposit. Applicant shall additionally be responsible for any costs or damages which shall exceed the deposit as required herein. After all deductions are made from the deposit, the balance, if any, shall be returned to the applicant; provided further that the said Public Works Administrator may refuse to grant any further permits until all improper and defective work done by the applicant shall have been repaired and all expenses which he or she may have caused the City by reason of the City having to reconstruct such defective work or repair such damage shall have been first paid. The applicant or person making the sewer or water line cut in the street, alley, sidewalk or parkway shall be responsible for barricades and flares to warn the public of any danger or holes in the street, alley, sidewalk or parkway.
The City Collector shall immediately notify the Chief of Police of the name of the applicant or the name of the person who is going to perform excavation in order to connect or repair a sewer or water line and the location thereof.
The making of a street, alley, sidewalk or parkway cut to connect a sewer or water line or repair a sewer or water line without obtaining the proper permit and depositing the sum as required herein shall constitute and be deemed an ordinance violation and, upon conviction, shall be punishable by a fine as set forth in Section 100.220 of this Code plus all costs incurred by the City in repairing damages caused by such action.
Minor Repair Work. "Minor repair work" shall be construed to mean the repair of leaks in water pipes, waste pipes, valves and faucets and opening up storage in traps or drain pipes, where proper cleanouts have been provided; but where waste pipes cannot be cleaned out without cutting into same because no cleanout has been provided, waste pipe shall be disconnected and proper cleanout provided. Where soil, waste or vent pipes, traps, or fixtures are changed, special permits must be taken out and the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector notified to inspect same before being covered up.
Application For Permit. Application for permit under this Title shall be made in writing on blanks furnished by the City, by the person or plumber having charge of the work to be done, showing the number and kind of fixtures to be installed, or openings to be left in sewer, soil, waste or vent pipes for fixtures, together with such notes as to specifications of the work to be done as may be required by the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector; also, the correct street and house number, name of the owner of the premises and signed by the person or plumber, accompanied by a receipt from the City Collector for the amount of fees hereinafter provided for. Such special permits shall not be transferable.
Fee For Permit. The charge for said plumbing and building sewer permit shall be one dollar ($1.00) for any work done in or about any building or premises other than minor repairs as defined in Section 500.040 Subsection (C) and twenty-five cents ($0.25) cents additional for each and every fixture, said fees to be paid to the City Collector; the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector to issue permits on presentation of the Collector's receipt. The term "fixtures" shall be construed to mean every closet, bathtub, shower bath, foot bath, lavatory, set of laundry tubes, sink, pantry sink, bar sink, urinal, soda fountain, drinking fountain, floor drain, boiler, gas water heater, dentist's cuspidor, catch basin, septic tank, cesspool, and every fixture having a waste pipe or supplied with water. An additional fee of one dollar ($1.00) shall be charged for each and every permit issued for the purpose of making sewer excavation as provided in 500.040 Subsection (B) of this Title.
Permit To Be Displayed. It shall be the duty of the person or plumber to keep all special permits on the premises where work is being done, until such time as the work is completed, when the permit must be returned to the Inspector who shall make final inspection and, if accepted, he/she shall cancel the same. The Inspector shall inspect all plumbing within twenty-four (24) hours after the permit has been returned and he/she has been notified of the completion of the work, Sundays and holidays excepted. All work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until final inspection and approval.
[CC 1978 §505.040; Ord. No. 555 §9; Ord. No. 723, 11-23-1953; Bill No. 2004-10(505.040A), 3-10-2004]
Property Owners Connecting With Public Sewer. The owners of property situated in the City of Chaffee, Missouri, who are located on any of the lines of the public sewer system shall make connection of their property sewer system with the public sewer system. There is hereby established a charge of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) in order to tap into any part of any line or main of the City sewer system of the City of Chaffee.
Sewer Connections — How Made. All connections with the City sewer system or with any private sewer which empties into the City sewer system shall be under supervision of the employees of the City after the excavation by the person desiring said connection and holding a permit therefor. All material necessary for the making of said connection shall be furnished by the holder of said permit. In connecting a building sewer with a public, district or private sewer, the junction pieces which have been built into the public, district or private sewer must be used for such connection unless no such junction piece can be found within three (3) feet of the point of connection designated by the City; provided however, that if no junction pieces have been set in the public, district or private sewer, a connection may be made by inserting into the public district or private sewer a junction piece of the size specified in the permit issued under the provisions of this Title, which junction piece shall lie at an angle with the public, district or private sewer not to exceed forty-five degrees (45°) from the direction of flow of said public, district or private sewer and be cut slant in the process of manufacture. All building sewers connecting with a public, district or private sewer shall be laid on the horizontal with a maximum fall of one-fourth (¼) inch per foot for a distance of at least one (1) foot from said public, district or private sewer.
Application For Sewerage Service. Application for sewerage service to premises not connected with the City's sewerage system shall be made by the occupant or owner of the premises to be served to such person as may be designated by the City Council and no connection to said sewerage system shall be made until such application has been approved by such person. When such connection has been completed, it shall be inspected and approved by such person as may be designated by the City Council. Any such application shall be accompanied by a fee of two dollars ($2.00) to cover the cost of the application and inspection. All costs of connections to the City's sewerage system shall be borne by the applicant.
[CC 1978 §505.050; Ord. No. 723, 11-23-1953]
No sewers shall run diagonally through private property when it is practicable without injury to such sewer to construct it parallel with one (1) of the exterior lines of such property; nor shall any public sewer be constructed through private property when it is as practicable to construct it along or through a street or other public highway. No sewer shall be built on private property until an adequate and proper easement is obtained therefor.
It shall be ordinance violation to do or cause to be done any of the following acts, except as herein provided, and any and all persons guilty thereof shall be fined as set forth in Section 100.220 of this Code.
To uncover the public, district, lateral or private sewers for any purpose or to make any connection therewith, or to uncover the public connection branches thereof, unless and until a permit has been issued therefor.
To make or cause to be made any connection, except as provided by ordinance.
To throw or deposit or cause or permit to be thrown or deposited in any vessel or receptacle connected with the public sewer any garbage, hair, ashes, fruit, or vegetables, peeling or refuse, rags, cotton, cinders, or other matter or thing whatsoever, except:
The usual and natural materials or substances for which it is constructed.
The garbage, fruit, vegetables, or peelings first passed through an approved and recognized mechanical garbage disposal machine which has been correctly and properly connected to the sewer system and has been inspected and approved by the Inspector of Plumbing and Sewers.
To install or permit to be installed any ball trap or any other trap depending on its seal for a movable part.
No grease, oil, oil drainings, or other petroleum products, nor greasy or oil washings from any source shall be emptied into or allowed to drain into the sanitary sewer system.
Surface water leaders. Roof leaders, surface drains, or ground water drains shall not be connected with the sanitary sewer system of the City or in such manner as they eventually empty into the sanitary sewer system.