Cross References — As to hazardous waste, disposal of, ch. 230, art. V; as to backflow prevention devices required for hazardous waste discharges, §705.210.
State Law References — Civil defense, ch. 44, RSMo.; hazardous waste management, §§260.350 — 260.815, RSMo.
There is hereby created within and for the City of Salem an emergency management organization to be known as the Salem Emergency Management Organization, which is responsible for the preparation and implementation of emergency functions required to prevent injury and minimize and repair damage due to disasters, to include emergency management of resources and administration of such economic controls as may be needed to provide for the welfare of the people, and emergency activities (excluding functions for which military forces are primarily responsible) in accordance with Chapter 44, RSMo., and supplements thereto, and the Missouri Emergency Operations Plan adopted thereunder.
This agency shall consist of a Director and other members appointed by the Salem Emergency Management Organization to conform to the State organization and procedures for the conduct of emergency operations as outlined in the Missouri Emergency Operations Plan.
The organization shall perform emergency management functions within the City of Salem and may conduct these functions outside the territorial limits as directed by the Governor during the time of emergency pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 44, RSMo., and supplements thereto.
The Director will be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
The Director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration and operations of local emergency management operations, subject to the direction and control of the Mayor or Board of Aldermen.
The Director shall be responsible for maintaining records and accounting for the use and disposal of all items of equipment placed under the jurisdiction of the Salem Emergency Management Organization.
The City of Salem in accordance with Chapter 44, RSMo., may:
Appropriate and expend funds, make contracts, obtain and distribute equipment, materials and supplies for emergency management purposes; provide for the health and safety of persons, the safety of property; and direct and coordinate the development of disaster plans and programs in accordance with the policies and plans of the Federal and State Governments; and
Appoint, provide or remove rescue teams, auxiliary fire and police personnel and other emergency operation teams, units or personnel who may serve without compensation.
The Mayor or Public Safety Agency may enter into mutual-aid arrangements or agreements with other public and private agencies within and without the State for reciprocal emergency aid as authorized in Section 44.090, RSMo.
The Mayor of the City may, with the consent of the Governor, accept services, materials, equipment, supplies or funds gifted, granted or loaned by the Federal Government or an officer or agency thereof for emergency management purposes, subject to the terms of the offer.
No person shall be employed or associated in any capacity in the Salem Emergency Management Organization who advocates or has advocated a change by force or violence in the constitutional form of the Government of the United States or in this State or the overthrow of any Government in the United States by force or violence, or has been convicted of or is under indictment or information charging any subversive act against the United States. Each person who is appointed to serve in the Salem Emergency Management Organization shall, before entering upon his/her duties, take an oath, in writing, before a person authorized to administer oaths in this State, which oath shall be substantially as follows:
"I, _____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Missouri against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of this State by force or violence; and that during such a time as I am a member of the Salem Emergency Management Organization, I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of this State by force or violence."
The Mayor is authorized to designate space in any City-owned or leased building for the Salem Emergency Management Organization.
[R.O. 2011 §11-20; Ord. No. 2667 §1, 4-6-1987]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
Chemicals which can cause both sever short- and long-term health effects after a single, brief exposure and as defined by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
Any City employee who has delegated authority under City ordinances to make emergency decisions.
Any location where acutely toxic chemicals are manufactured, processed, stored, handled, used, transported, disposed or otherwise where located or may be found.
[R.O. 2011 §11-21; Ord. No. 2667 §2, 4-6-1987]
No person, firm or corporation shall discharge or cause to discharge, leak, leach, spill or otherwise escape upon any public street, alley, or public property, or onto the ground, or into the air, or into any private property except those areas specifically permitted by the Missouri DNR or U.S. EPA or specifically exempt by those agencies for waste disposal or landfill activities within the City any acutely toxic chemical, hazardous chemical, or any solid, liquid or gas creating a hazard or potential hazard or any waste as defined by the Missouri DNR, the Missouri Department of Health, or the U.S. EPA.
[R.O. 2011 §11-22; Ord. No. 2667 §3, 4-6-1987]
Any person, firm or corporation in violation of Section 225.110 must, if the State of Missouri or Federal Government have not assumed jurisdiction under the direction of the City of Salem, take immediate actions to contain, cleanup and remove to an approved repository the discharged materials or wastes and restore the site to its original condition. Should any person, firm or corporation fail to engage or complete the requirements of this Section, the Emergency Management Agency may order the required actions to be taken by public or private resources and allow the recovery of any and all costs incurred by the City.
[R.O. 2011 §11-23; Ord. No. 2667 §4, 4-6-1987]
Access to any site, public or private, where a prohibited discharge is indicated or suspected will be provided to emergency government staff or officers for the purpose of evaluating the threat to the public and monitor containment, cleanup and restoration activities.
[R.O. 2011 §11-24; Ord. No. 2667 §5, 4-6-1987]
Should any prohibited discharge occur that threaten the life, safety or health of the public at, near, or around the site of a prohibited discharge, and that the situation is so critical that immediate steps must be taken to protect life and limb, the City of Salem on the scene of the emergency may order an evacuation of the area or take other appropriate protective steps for a period of time until the Mayor or Board of Aldermen can act under an applicable City ordinance of the Municipal Code.
[R.O. 2011 §11-25; Ord. No. 2667 §6, 4-6-1987]
The Salem/Dent County Emergency Management Agency, Public Works Director, or City Building Inspector shall have authority to file complaints for violation of the provisions of this Article.
[R.O. 2011 §11-27; Ord. No. 2667 §8, 4-6-1987]
Any person, firm or corporation in violation of this Article shall be liable to the City for any expenses incurred by the City for loss or damage sustained by the City by reason of such violation.