[CC 1979 §36.010, Ord. No. 2335 §1, 8-20-1996; Ord. No. 2425 §1, 9-16-1997]
A general election for the elective officers of this City shall be held on the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April of each year.
On the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April of odd-numbered years an election shall be held by the qualified voters of each ward in the City for Mayor, Municipal Judge, Collector and for one (1) Alderman from each ward, who shall hold their respective offices for the term of two (2) years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified.
On the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April of even-numbered years an election shall be held by the qualified voters of each ward of this City for one (1) Alderman from each ward, who shall hold their respective offices for the term of two (2) years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified.
[Ord. No. 4028, 6-25-2024]
Any person who desires to become a candidate for an elective City office at the general City election shall file with the City Clerk, not prior to the hour of 8:00 A.M., on the seventeenth (17th) Tuesday prior to, nor later than 5:00 P.M., on the fourteenth (14th) Tuesday prior to the next City municipal election, a written declaration of his/her intent to become a candidate at said election. The City Clerk shall keep a permanent record of the names of the candidates, the offices for which they seek election, and the date of their filing, and their names shall appear on the ballots in that order.
No person shall be a candidate for municipal office unless such person complies with the provisions of Section 115.346, RSMo., regarding payment of municipal taxes or user fees.
[CC 1979 §36.040; Ord. No. 2335 §1, 8-20-1996]
All City elections shall be conducted and held in conformance with the provisions of the State election laws.
[CC 1979 §36.050; Ord. No. 2335 §1, 8-20-1996]
The County Clerk, as the designated election authority, shall conduct City elections.
[CC 1979 §35.010; Ord. No. 1929 §1, 5-19-1992]
There is hereby created in the City of Sullivan, Missouri three (3) wards which are designated hereafter.
[CC 1979 §35.020; Ord. No. 1929 §1, 5-19-1992; Ord. No. 3506 §1, 12-6-2011]
Ward I. The boundaries of Ward I of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, are as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the northernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, and Springfield Road, proceed southwesterly along and with Springfield Road to its intersection with Fisher Drive; thence from the intersection of Springfield Road and Fisher Drive, proceed south along and with Fisher Drive to its intersection with Elmont Road; thence from the intersection of Fisher Drive and Elmont Road, proceed east along and with Elmont Road to its intersection with West Main Street; thence from the intersection of Elmont Road and West Main Street, proceed northeasterly along and with West Main Street to its intersection with West Washington Street; thence proceed east along and with West Washington Street to its intersection with West Vine Street; thence from the intersection of West Washington Street and West Vine Street, proceed along and with West Vine Street northeasterly to its intersection with South Church Street; thence from the intersection of West Vine Street and South Church Street, proceed southeasterly along and with South Church Street to its intersection with East Washington Street; thence from the intersection of South Church Street and East Washington Street, proceed east along and with East Washington Street to its intersection with McKinley Street; thence from the intersection of East Washington Street and McKinley Street, proceed south along and with McKinley Street to its intersection with Russell Street; thence from the intersection of McKinley Street and Russell Street, proceed east along and with Russell Street to its intersection with Hannah Street; thence from the intersection of Russell Street and Hannah Street, proceed north along and with Hannah Street to its intersection with Watson Road; thence from the intersection of Hannah Street and Watson Road, proceed southeasterly along and with Watson Road to its intersection with the Franklin County and Crawford County line; thence proceed east along the Franklin County and Crawford County line to its intersection with the present easternmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri; thence proceed north along the easternmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, to its intersection with the northernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri; thence proceed west along the northernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, to its intersection with Springfield Road.
Ward II. The boundaries of Ward II of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, are as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the northernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, and Springfield Road, proceed southwesterly along and with Springfield Road to its intersection with Fisher Drive; thence from the intersection of Springfield Road and Fisher Drive, proceed south along and with Fisher Drive to its intersection with Elmont Road; thence from the intersection of Fisher Drive and Elmont Road, proceed west along and with Elmont Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the right-of-way of Highway 44; thence along and with the east boundary of said highway right-of-way in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with the Crawford County and Franklin County line; thence proceed along and with the Crawford County and Franklin County line to its intersection with the westernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri; thence following the westernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, to its intersection with the northernmost corporate limits; thence along and with the northern corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, in an easterly direction to its intersection with Springfield Road.
Ward III. The boundaries of Ward III of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, are as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Fisher Drive and Elmont Road, proceed west along and with Elmont Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the right-of-way of Highway 44; thence along and with the east boundary of said highway right-of-way in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with the Crawford County and Franklin County line; thence proceed along and with the Crawford County and Franklin County line to its intersection with the westernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri; thence following the westernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, to its intersection with the southernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri; thence proceed east along and with the southernmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, to its intersection with the easternmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri; thence proceed north along the easternmost corporate limits of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, to its intersection with the Crawford County and Franklin County line; thence proceed west along and with the Crawford County and Franklin County line to its intersection with Watson Road; thence from the intersection of the Crawford County and Franklin County line and Watson Road, proceed northwest along and with Watson Road to its intersection with Hannah Street; thence from the intersection of Watson Road and Hannah Street, proceed south along and with Hannah Street to the intersection of Russell Street; thence from the intersection of Hannah Street and Russell Street, proceed west along and with Russell Street to its intersection of McKinley Street; thence from the intersection of Russell Street and McKinley Street, proceed north along and with McKinley Street to its intersection of East Washington Street; thence from the intersection of McKinley Street and East Washington Street, proceed west along and with East Washington Street to its intersection of South Church Street; thence from the intersection of East Washington Street and South Church Street, proceed northwesterly along and with South Church Street to its intersection of West Vine Street; thence from the intersection of South Church Street and West Vine Street, proceed southwesterly along and with West Vine Street to its intersection with West Washington Street; thence from the intersection of West Vine Street and West Washington Street, proceed west along and with West Washington Street to its intersection with West Main Street; thence from the intersection of West Washington Street and West Main Street, proceed southwesterly along and with West Main Street to its intersection with Elmont Road; thence from the intersection of West Main Street and Elmont Road, proceed west along and with Elmont Road to its intersection with Fisher Drive.
[CC 1979 §35.035; Ord. No. 1929 §1, 5-19-1992]
The City Clerk of the City of Sullivan, Missouri, shall keep and maintain in the office of the City Clerk, an official Ward Map, established pursuant to this Chapter, clearly indicating the boundaries of Wards I, II and III of the City of Sullivan, Missouri.
[CC 1979 §35.040; Ord. No. 1929 §1, 5-19-1992]
Newly annexed territory to the City of Sullivan, Missouri, shall be a part of the ward to which it is contiguous, unless such newly annexed territory shall be contiguous to more than one (1) ward, in which case the Board of Aldermen shall determine by ordinance the ward or wards in which such newly annexed territory shall be situated.