[Ord. No. 020227 §1(3.24), 2-27-2002]
Board Of Adjustment Hearing. Notice of public hearing before the Board of Adjustment on any application for variance or appeal shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
Publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Willard at least fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing.
Posting of notice in three (3) conspicuous places on the subject property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date.
Sending of notice by first class mail to all property owners of record within one hundred eighty-five (185) feet of subject property.
Planning And Zoning Commission Hearing.
Rezonings, conditional use permits and variances. Notice of public hearing before the Commission on any application for rezoning, conditional use permit or variance shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
Publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Willard at least fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing.
Posting of notice in three (3) conspicuous places on the subject property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date.
Sending of notice by first class mail to all property owners of record within one hundred eighty-five (185) feet of subject property.
Text amendments. Notice of public hearing before the Commission on any amendment to the text of this Chapter shall be given by publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Willard at least fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing.
Board Of Aldermen Hearing. Notice of hearing before the Board of Aldermen on any rezoning, conditional use permit, variance or amendment to the text of this Chapter shall be given in the same manner as required for hearings before the Commission in accordance with Subsection (B).
Contents Of Public Hearing Notices. All notices of hearing required by this Section shall include the following information:
Name of the applicant.
Name of the property owner, if different than the applicant (not required for text amendment).
Street address or common description of the property involved (not required for text amendment).
Legal description of the property involved (not required for text amendment).
Concise description of the nature of the request.
Date, time and place of the public hearing.
Place at which further information regarding the request can be obtained.
Party Responsible For Public Notice. The City shall be responsible for providing notice of all hearings required pursuant to this Section. Where notice by first class mail to property owners of record is required, the applicant shall provide the City with:
A list of said property owners and addresses that has been compiled from the property ownership records of the Greene County's Assessor's office or by a title company authorized to issue title policies in the State of Missouri, and
One (1) addressed and stamped business size envelope for each name on the property owners' list. The applicant shall be responsible for the costs incurred to provide public notice.
Substantial Compliance Of Public Notice. With respect to the mailing and posting of notices of public hearing, substantial compliance with such provisions shall be deemed to constitute proper notice.