[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.1), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
This Article establishes standards for the erection and maintenance of signs in order to protect the safety of persons and property; to promote the efficient communication of information; to protect the public welfare; and to preserve and enhance the visual character and economy of the City of Willard. Except as otherwise provided, no sign shall be erected, moved, or modified except in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.2), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Unless otherwise provided, words and phrases used in this Article shall be defined in the following manner:
Any action or motion other than flashing lights, automatic changeable copy, or indexing that attempt to develop a pictorial scene through the movement of lights or parts of a sign.
[Ord. No. 200810A, 8-10-2020]
A sign that can be electronically or mechanically changed by remote or automatic means.
[Ord. No. 200810A, 8-10-2020]
Any words, numbers, figures, devices, designs or trademark by which anything is made known, such as are used to designate an individual, a firm, profession, business or a commodity and which are visible from any public street.
Any sign substantially and permanently attached to, painted on, etched on or supported by any part of a building exterior.
Any sign other than an attached sign and including any inoperable vehicle or any trailer located for the purpose of advertising.
A sign that draws attention to or communicates information about a business, service, commodity, accommodation, attraction or other activity that is conducted, sold or offered at a location other than the premises on which said sign is located.
Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure or a sign designed to be transported from one place to another, including, but not limited to, signs designed to be transported on wheels; menu and sandwich board signs; balloons or other inflatable figures.
Any sign that is attached to and projects away from the building surface or face.
Any sign erected and constructed wholly on and over the roof of a building, supported by the roof structure of a building and extending vertically above the highest portion of the roof.
A sign in a parallel plane to and attached upon a structure's wall.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.3), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
The following signs shall not require a sign permit, but must be in conformance with all other applicable provisions of this Article:
Address numbers and name plates. Address numbers and unlighted name plates not exceeding one (1) square foot in area per dwelling unit or business. Such signs must be attached to the principal structure, be parallel with the wall to which it is attached, and no part of said sign may extend into any required yard setback.
Banner signs. Signs, consisting of a flexible lightweight material, such as a banner, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet of area. One (1) sign per premises is permitted, posted for not more than thirty (30) business days per year.
Construction site signs. Construction site identification signs, exceeding no more than one (1) sign per site, with no more than thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
Directional signs. Signs directing and guiding traffic on private property that do not exceed one and one-half (1 1/2) square feet each.
Flags. Flags, pennants or insignia of any government or non-profit organization when not displayed in connection with a commercial promotion.
Governmental signs. Signs erected by or on behalf of or pursuant to the authorization of a governmental body, including legal notices, identification and information signs, traffic and directional signs or regulatory signs.
Neighborhood identification signs. Neighborhood identification signs, such as a masonry wall, landscaping or other similar materials that are combined to display neighborhood identification. The message of such signs shall display only the name of the neighborhood.
Non-commercial signs. Signs of a religious, political or other non-commercial nature that do not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area and that are not internally illuminated.
Official signs. Signs of a non-commercial nature erected by public utilities.
Real estate sale or lease signs. Detached or attached, non-illuminated, temporary on-premises signs pertaining to the sale or lease of the premises. Such signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area. For lots exceeding five (5) acres and having street frontage in excess of four hundred (400) feet, one (1) additional sign may be erected with an area not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. Such signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of sale or lease of the premises.
Temporary special event signs. Temporary signs not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area, erected to advertise a special event of a commercial, civic, educational, philanthropic, religious, political or similar nature. Such signs may be erected no sooner than two (2) weeks before the event and shall be removed no later than five (5) days after the event.
Vehicular signs. Signs painted on or permanently attached to vehicles. Vehicular signs may not contain flashing or blinking lights nor any animation.
Window signs. Any sign, symbol or picture designed to provide information about a business, activity, service or event that is placed against or near to the interior glass surface; and is visible from the exterior of the window. Window signs shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the glass square footage area.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.4), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 060508C §1, 5-8-2006; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
The following provisions shall apply to all signs in the City:
Prohibited signs. The following signs are specifically prohibited:
Signs which advertise or promote unlawful activity.
Signs which may be confused with a traffic control signal, sign or devise, the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle or any other governmental agency sign.
Signs which hide from view any traffic or street sign, signal or similar traffic control or directional sign.
Signs which use searchlights or strobe lights that attract the attention of the public.
Portable signs, except as specifically allowed as a temporary sign in Section 400.860.
Sign illumination. All illuminated signs shall be designed, constructed and located to eliminate or minimize glare.
Sign condition. All signs, including supports, braces and anchors, shall be installed and maintained as indentified in the municipal building codes of the City of Willard.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.5), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 060508C §1, 5-8-2006; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Two-sided and multisided signs shall be considered as one (1) sign, provided that:
The distance between the backs of each face of a two-sided sign does not exceed three (3) feet.
The distance between the backs of a "V" type sign does not exceed five (5) feet.
The total sign surface area shall include letters, emblems, background and illuminated areas. Multiple signs on the same structure shall all be inclusive of the total area. Supporting structure, framework or bracing shall be excluded from calculation.
The sign surface area of two-sided or multisided signs shall be calculated in the following manner:
The surface area of a two-sided, back-to-back sign shall be calculated by totaling the area of only one (1) side of the sign, as long as the distance between the backs of the signs does not exceed three (3) feet. If the distance exceeds three (3) feet, both sides will be added and used in calculation.
The surface area of a double-faced sign constructed in the form of a "V" shall be calculated by totaling the area of the largest side, as long as the angle of the "V" does not exceed thirty degrees (30°) and the distance between the backs of the signs does not exceed five (5) feet. If the angle of the "V" exceeds thirty degrees (30°), or the distance between the backs of the signs exceed five (5) feet, or the sign has more than two sides; the area summation of all sides shall be the calculation total.
An animation display shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total permitted square footage of sign surface.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.6), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Unless otherwise provided in Section 400.860, the following signs shall be permitted in the "R-1," "R-2" and "R-4" Residence Districts:
One (1) non-illuminated name plate or sign for each dwelling unit, not exceeding one (1) square foot in area, indicating the name of the occupant. Such signs must be attached to the principal structure, be parallel with the wall to which it is attached, and no part of said sign may extend into any required yard setback.
One (1) non-illuminated name plate or identification sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area for buildings other than dwellings, provided that said sign shall be attached to and parallel with the front wall of the building.
One (1) white, illuminated, on-premises church or school bulletin board not exceeding eighteen (18) square feet in area.
Non-illuminated real estate sale or lease sign or signs not exceeding a total area of twelve (12) square feet pertaining to the sale or rental of the property on which said sign is located.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.7), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
The following signs shall be permitted in the "R-3" Residence District:
All signs permitted in the "R-1," "R-2" and "R-4" Residence Districts.
One (1) non-illuminated, attached or detached name plate identification sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in area for boardinghouses or rooming houses.
One (1) white illuminated attached or detached identification sign not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area for multiple dwellings having four (4) or more dwelling units or for buildings other than dwellings.
All signs in the "R-3" Residence District that are not attached to the wall of the building shall be set no more than five (5) feet from the building.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.8), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
The maximum sign surface area inclusive of all attached signs permitted on any lot in any commercial district shall be determined by:
A maximum of one-half (0.5) square foot of sign surface area per linear foot of lot street frontage up to two hundred (200) feet of frontage. Lots without at least twelve (12) feet of street frontage shall be allotted six (6) square feet of area for a sign.
A maximum of three-fourths (0.75) square foot of additional sign surface area per linear foot of lot street frontage in excess of two hundred (200) feet shall be allowed.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.9), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
The maximum sign surface area permitted on any lot in any manufacturing district shall be one (1.0) square foot of sign surface area per linear foot of lot frontage.
If a lot has frontage on more than one (1) street, the total sign surface area permitted on that lot shall be the sum of the sign surface area allotted to each street on which the lot has frontage.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.10), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Signs At Street Intersections.
Street intersection sight triangles shall reflect the street classification as established in the Willard Comprehensive Plan. Minimum requirements for sight triangles shall be in accordance with the following table. The sight triangle shall be measured along the right-of-way as illustrated in Figure 400.930 contained in Subsection (B) of this Section. The City may require additional triangle area for clear sight and safety as may be warranted by special condition as determined by the Administrative Official.
Signs may be erected in the street intersection sight triangles. However, any such sign must be at least ten (10) feet above street grade except for supports, which may not exceed one (1) foot in width or diameter or be spaced less than ten (10) feet apart from any other stationary object.
Street Sight Triangle Requirements
Intersecting Street
Collector Single-Family Residential
Collector All Others
Local Residential Single-Family
Local Residential Multifamily
Collector: single-family residential
Collector: all others
Local residential
A — 100 feet by 100 feet sight triangle
B — 30 feet by 30 feet sight triangle
C — 10 feet by 10 feet sight triangle
Signs At Street/Driveway Intersections.
Signs may be erected in the street/driveway sight triangles. However, any such sign shall be at least ten (10) feet above street grade except for supports, which may not exceed one (1) foot in width or diameter or be spaced less than ten (10) feet apart from any other stationary object.
Figure 400.930 illustrates the measurement of a street/driveway sight triangle. A street/driveway sight triangle shall be measured as follows:
A triangle formed by the intersection of a public street and a driveway where the triangle area is that area encompassed within two (2) intersecting lines formed by the edge of the pavement, curb, roadway or projection thereof and extending forty (40) feet down the street from the right edge of the driveway when standing in the driveway facing the street and extending twelve (12) feet from the edge of the street extending up the driveway pavement and a third imaginary line connecting the other two (2) lines without overlaying the pavement. On the left side of the driveway, the triangle is determined by measuring sixty-five (65) feet down the street pavement from the edge of the driveway and measuring twelve (12) feet down the driveway pavement from the edge of the street and an imaginary third line connecting the other two (2) lines without overlaying the pavement.
Figure 400.930 Sight Triangles for Street/Driveway Intersections
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.11), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 060508C §1, 5-8-2006; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
No sign or supporting structure, other than a governmental sign, shall be located in or over any public property or right-of-way, unless the sign is attached to a structural element of a building and pursuant to the appropriate Section of the Willard Municipal Building Code, and State and Federal statute pertaining to right-of-way restrictions.
No sign shall extend beyond a parapet or be located upon a roof. This Subsection shall not apply to temporary displays, including animated displays, erected on roofs of structures in connection with the observation of holidays.
Wall signs attached to a building shall not extend past the edge of the exterior wall and shall not project more than eighteen (18) inches away from the wall.
Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet above grade and shall not project more than eighteen (18) inches from the wall to which it is attached.
No part of a detached sign may exceed a height, measured from ground level, of twenty-five (25) feet in the "C-1" District, forty-five (45) feet in the "C-2" District and thirty (30) feet in the "M-1" and "M-2" Districts and fifteen (15) feet in all other districts.
Freestanding signs shall meet the minimum setback requirements as established in the following table:
Street Classification
Minimum Setback
Collector: single-family residential
Collector: all others
Local residential
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.12), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Detached (freestanding) signs shall be permitted according to the following requirements:
Each premises containing a multifamily use, permitted non-residential use or legal non-conforming use shall be permitted one (1) detached sign.
If a development is located on a corner lot that has at least one hundred (100) feet of frontage on each of the two (2) intersecting streets, the development may have one (1) detached sign along each street frontage.
Premises with more than seven hundred fifty (750) feet of frontage along a public street may have one (1) additional detached sign; however, a minimum of three hundred (300) feet of separation shall be maintained between signs and a minimum setback of twenty-five (25) feet from adjacent property lines is maintained for both signs.
A premise located in a commercial district shall be allowed a detached sign with a sign surface area determined by adding fifty (50) square feet to a ratio of one (1) square foot of surface area per lineal foot of frontage along the street. The maximum surface area for any detached sign shall be two hundred fifty (250) square feet.
[Ord. No. 200810A, 8-10-2020]
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.13), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 060911 §1, 9-11-2006; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Off-premises signs (billboards) shall be permitted only in the "C-1" and "C-2" Commercial Districts and in the "M-1" and "M-2" Industrial Districts. The surface area of a detached, off-premises sign shall be subject to the provisions of Section 400.880 if the sign is oriented towards a street classified as an arterial, collector or local street. Where the street towards which the sign is oriented is classified as a highway, a single side of a detached off-premises sign may not exceed three-fourths (0.75) square foot in surface area for every linear foot of street frontage. In no case may a single side of such sign exceed two hundred (200) square feet in surface area.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.14), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Any sign lawfully erected before the effective date of this Article, but which does not comply with the requirements and restrictions of this Article, shall be considered a legal, non-conforming sign and may be continued subject to the provisions of this Section.
A non-conforming sign shall not be expanded in size or effective area or altered in any manner so as to increase the degree of non-conformity. Illumination shall not be added to any non-conforming sign.
A non-conforming sign shall not be moved or replaced except to bring the sign into complete conformance with this Article.
Except for safety requirements, a non-conforming sign shall not be structurally altered so as to prolong the life of the sign. Non-conforming signs may be repaired so long as the cost of materials and labor for such work does not exceed within any twelve-month period fifty percent (50%) of the value (tax value if listed for tax purposes) of the sign.
If a non-conforming sign is destroyed, it may not be reconstructed or replaced except in conformity with the provisions of this Article. A sign shall be considered destroyed if more than fifty percent (50%) of the sign structure or backing has been altered, for whatever reason, from its original appearance.
Abandoned, destroyed or discontinued non-conforming signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days after determination by the City Administrative Official. A sign shall be considered abandoned or discontinued if:
For a period of twelve (12) consecutive months the sign advertises a service, product or activity that is no longer operating, being conducted or offered.
For purposes of this Section, a sign is considered blank if:
The advertising message displayed becomes illegible in whole or substantial part.
[Ord. No. 020227 §1(10.15), 2-27-2002; Ord. No. 131209 §1, 12-9-2013]
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, no sign shall be erected, moved, enlarged, illuminated or substantially altered without first obtaining a sign permit for each sign in conformance with the requirements of Article III, Section 400.200. Repainting or changing the message on a sign shall not be considered a substantial alteration and shall not require a sign permit.