Sewer District No. 1 — See Ch. 1040.
Plumbing Code — See Ch. 1424.
[Ord. No. 76, passed 6-3-1969]
A certain portion of the Township is hereby constituted a separate sewer district, to be known as "Sewer District No. 2," and the location, area and boundaries of the said sewer district are as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Summit Road at its intersection with the boundary of Sewer District No. 1; thence south along the boundary of Sewer District No. 1 to the rear of properties fronting on State Road; thence along the rear of properties fronting on State Road westwardly to a point in the intersection of the boundary line of Sewer District No. 1 with the lands now or late of William Saurman, et ux; thence along the said lands southwardly to the center line of State Road; thence along the center line of State Road eastwardly to a corner of lands of Pearson E. Pike; thence along said lands southwardly to the zoning division line between the B-Business and R-1 Residential Districts; thence along said line westwardly to a point, a corner of lands of Raymond Roche, et ux; thence along said lands southwardly crossing Spring Street, 50 feet wide, to the rear property line of lands now or late of Sarah R. Cummings; thence eastwardly along the rear line of lots fronting on Spring Street to a point in the rear line of lots fronting on South Overhill Road; thence southwardly along lots fronting on South Overhill Road and South Overhill Circle to a point in the rear line of lots fronting on Winter Street; thence westwardly along the rear line of lots fronting on Winter Street to a point, a corner of land of Allen Castle, et ux; thence southwardly crossing Winter Street, 40 feet wide, to a point in the rear line of lands now or late of Harold Schneck, et ux; thence along the rear line of four lots fronting on Winter Street eastwardly to lands now or late of Gabriel J. Scala; thence extending southwardly along the perimeter of lands now or late of Seymour Preston, et ux, to a point, the intersection of the center line of Bobbin Mill Road with the center line of an abandoned thirty-three-foot wide street as laid out on early plans of the Township of Upper Providence; thence extending northwardly along the center line of Bobbin Mill Road to its intersection with the center line of State Road; thence eastwardly along State Road 50 feet more or less to a corner of lands of William G. Muhleison; thence extending along said lands northwardly to the rear property line of said lands; thence extending eastwardly along the rear line of properties fronting on State Road to the rear line of properties fronting on North Overhill Road; thence extending northwardly to the center line of Summit Road aforesaid; thence extending along the same westwardly to the first-mentioned point and place of beginning.
[Ord. No. 76, passed 6-3-1969]
It shall be unlawful for any owner of a property connecting with the sewer described in Section 1042.01 to make any attachment of such sewer to the house drainage system or to any cellar drain, whereby rainwater or surface or subsoil water may be permitted to pass into said sewer.
[Ord. No. 76, passed 6-3-1969]
Whenever any person in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter has been notified by the Township that he or she is violating any of the provisions of this chapter, a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which the violation occurs or continues after such notification.