[CC 1987 §145.010; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §8, 8-14-1930]
Within fifteen (15) days after his/her election, and before entering upon the discharge of his/her office, the Marshal shall execute to the City of Hayti a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) with at least two (2) good and sufficient sureties, conditioned that he/she will faithfully perform all the duties of his/her office as Marshal and ex officio Collector as required by the laws of the State governing Cities of the Fourth Class and the ordinances of this City and that he/she will pay over all monies belonging to the City, as provided by law or ordinance, that may come into his/her hands.
[Ord. No. 2023-07, 10-23-2023]
Any person elected to the office of City Marshal or appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of City Marshal shall be allowed to elect to serve as such on a part-time basis by working no less than twenty (20) hours in each two-week pay period, nor more than twenty-eight (28) hours weekly on average.
Any person holding the office of City Marshal who elects to serve in such office on a part-time basis shall be compensated on an hourly basis at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.
Any person holding the office of City Marshal who elects to serve in such office on a full-time basis shall be compensated at the salary established in Ordinance No. 2021-04 (held on file in the City offices) and shall work no less than eighty (80) hours in each two-week pay period.
Any person holding the office of City Marshal shall be permitted to change their part-time/full-time election only one (1) time during their term of office unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Aldermen for good cause shown.
[CC 1987 §145.030; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §15, 8-14-1930]
The Marshal shall be Chief of Police and his/her official title shall be "Marshal" and shall have power at all times to make or order an arrest with proper process for any offense against the laws of the City or of this State and to keep the offender in the City prison or other proper place to prevent his/her escape until a trial can be had before the proper officer unless such offender shall give a good and sufficient bond for his/her appearance for trial. The Marshal shall also have power to make arrests without process in all cases in which any offense against the laws of this City or of the State shall be committed in his/her presence. He/she shall visit suspicious and disorderly houses or neighborhoods and all parts the City where disturbances or breaches of the peace or violations of any ordinance are likely to occur and arrest and take into custody every person whom he/she may find in the commission of any offense against the ordinances of this City. He/she shall without delay go to any part of this City, be it daytime or night, when he/she has reason to believe or is advised that any breach of the peace, or any violation of law or ordinance has been or is about to be committed, and he/she shall forthwith arrest any person or persons whom he/she may find engaged in the commission of any breach of peace or in the violation of any law or ordinance of this City or of the State of Missouri.
[CC 1987 §145.030; Ord. No. 472 §§1 — 2, 3-4-1968; Amended Ord. No. 620, 3-19-1985]
The City Marshal shall be charged with the following additional duties and responsibilities, to wit:
Investigate all complaints of juvenile delinquency and work in cooperation with the Juvenile Officer.
Act as bailiff and attend session of Municipal Court.
Prepare written reports monthly for the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of all felonies investigated by the City Police Department.
Make regular checks of the proper operation of all police and fire radio equipment and train new personnel in the proper use thereof.
[CC 1987 §145.050; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 9 §18, 8-14-1930]
The City Marshal shall attend all meetings of the Board of Aldermen and execute all its orders. He/she shall see that the Council Chamber is properly provided with lights and fires and kept in good order.
[CC 1987 §145.070; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §17, 8-14-1930]
The Marshal shall execute all warrants and all other process issued by the Municipal Judge and shall make return thereon, specifying in his/her return how, when and in what manner the service was had. He/she shall attend all sessions of the Municipal Court and preserve order in the courtroom. He/she shall serve all notices for the Board of Health and of the committees whenever required of him/her by said Board or committees.
[CC 1987 §145.080; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §19, 8-14-1930]
At the first (1st) meeting of the Board in April of each year the Marshal shall make a full and detailed report of all fines or other moneys collected by him/her during the preceding year, stating when the same were collected, from whom, the amount, how disposed of, the balance remaining in his/her hands and to whom the same is due.
[CC 1987 §145.120; Ord. No. 92 Ch. 3 §23, 8-14-1930]
In the discharge of his/her duties the Marshal shall be subject to the orders of the Mayor only, but each Policeman shall be subject to the orders of both Mayor and Marshal.
[CC 1987 §175.010; Ord. No. 572 §1, 1-3-1978; Ord. No. 635 §1, 1-19-1988]
The Mayor shall have the power, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Alderman, to appoint twenty (20) auxiliary Policemen for the City of Hayti, Missouri, as he/she may deem advisable. All auxiliary Policemen shall hold their office at the pleasure of the Mayor.
[CC 1987 §175.020; Ord. No. 572 §2, 1-3-1978; Ord. No. 635 §2, 1-19-1988]
All auxiliary Policemen shall be over the age of twenty-one (21) years and under the age of sixty (60) years, and shall be certified under the provisions of Chapter 590, RSMo.
[CC 1987 §175.030; Ord. No. 572 §3, 1-3-1978; Ord. No. 635 §3, 1-19-1988]
All members of the auxiliary Police Department shall be subject to call to active duty by the Mayor or City Marshal and when so called to active duty shall have the same powers and be governed by the same rules and regulations in force concerning the regular Policemen. No auxiliary Policeman, when not on active duty, shall carry a firearm concealed about his/her person and said auxiliary Policemen, when not on active duty, shall have no powers or duties other than the normal duties of a citizen.