[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
The trustee shall employ an actuary and fix the member's compensation and shall provide for the legal and administrative expense of the plan. The actuary shall determine the present liability on account of pensions payable under this chapter to employees for service prior to the date of the establishment of this plan. The unfunded liability shall be paid as provided in Section 288.25(b), except that it may be funded over a period not exceeding 25 years. The actuary shall determine the amount which shall be contributed annually to the plan for the service of employees subsequent to the establishment of the plan, known as "future service costs."
[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
The regular contribution shall be paid over to the trustee and shall consist each year of the amount required to fund all the benefits provided under this chapter according to the calculations of an independent pension consultant retained by the trustee, but only to the extent that such funding is not provided under subsection (b) hereof.
The regular contributions to the plan to pay the unfunded liability shall be made in the following order until the contribution requirement is satisfied:
The contribution from the State, if any.
Contributions from the members of the plan, not to exceed 3 1/2% of each member's compensation. The contribution rate in effect for the prior plan year shall continue from year to year unless Township Council changes the rate by resolution.
The balance to be paid by the employer.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, effective January 1, 1995, the employer shall make the member contributions described in paragraph (b)(2) hereof, on behalf of affected members, and such contributions shall be treated as employer contributions in determining tax treatment under the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. Such contributions are being made by the employer in lieu of member contributions. Such contributions shall be paid from the same source of funds as is used in paying the wages to affected members. Member contributions made by the employer under this section shall be treated for all purposes other than taxation in the same manner and to the same extent as member contributions made prior to the date specified above. No provision in this plan shall be construed so as to permit or extend an option to affected members to directly receive the contributions made by the employer pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) hereof instead of having them paid to the retirement system.
Contributions described in paragraph (b)(2) hereof shall accumulate with interest at 5% per year compounded annually. The gross wages of affected members shall be offset by a deduction equal to the amount of member contributions made by the employer pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
The contributions shall be delivered to and held by the trustee as provided under the trust agreement. The trust fund so held by the trustee shall be used to pay benefits and expenses in accordance with the plan, the trust agreement and any agreements with an insurance company or other financial institution constituting a part of the plan and trust.
[Ord. No. 287, passed 8-10-1995]
Any forfeitures occurring as a result of a member's termination of service, or in any other manner, shall not be applied to increase benefits that any member would otherwise receive under the plan, and said forfeitures shall be applied to reduce the employer's future contributions and may be anticipated in estimating costs under the plan.