The Council shall adopt, by ordinance, an Administrative Code which shall provide for the Township administrative structure and procedures.
The Council shall, by ordinance, create, alter or abolish and prescribe the functions of Township departments, offices and agencies not inconsistent with law or this Charter.
Department Heads. The Council is empowered to hire, designate and remove department heads; and the department heads have the discretion to manage their particular departments within the constraints imposed by the Council.
Personnel Rules. The Council shall adopt, by ordinance, personnel rules necessary to the administration of the Township's personnel system including, but not limited to, methods for determining the merit and fitness of the candidates for appointment or promotion, policies regulating disciplinary action and grievance procedures.
The Administrative Code shall provide a grievance procedure whereby an aggrieved employee of the Township is entitled to a prompt hearing before the Council as a matter of right. Any employee requesting a hearing as provided by the Charter shall do so by requesting the same in writing to the Chairman of the Council within ten days from the date of the occurrence for which he requests a hearing.
The Council, by a majority vote, shall appoint and fix compensation of one person who shall be designated the Township Solicitor. Said person shall be a member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
It is the intent of this Charter that only one person shall be the Solicitor of the Township, but the Council may authorize temporary assistants.
The duties of the Township Solicitor shall be defined in the Administrative Code and elsewhere in this Charter.
Removal of the Township Solicitor shall require a majority vote of the Council.
The Council, by a majority vote, shall appoint and fix compensation of one person who shall be designated the Township Engineer. Said person shall hold a degree in civil engineering and shall be a professional engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is the intent of this Charter that only one person shall be the Engineer of the Township, but the Council may authorize temporary assistants. The duties of the Township Engineer shall be defined in the Administrative Code.
Removal of the Township Engineer shall require a majority vote of the Council.
The Council, by majority vote, shall appoint and fix compensation of one person who shall be designated the Township Secretary.
It is the intent of this Charter that only one person shall be the Secretary of the Township, but the Council may authorize temporary assistants.
The duties of the Township Secretary shall be defined in the Administrative Code.
Removal of the Township Secretary shall require a majority vote of the Council.
[Amended 11-5-1996]
The Council may, by majority vote, at any time, create the office of Township Manager and may in like manner abolish the same. While said office exists, the Council shall, from time to time and whenever there is a vacancy, by majority vote, appoint one person to fill said office. Any such Township Manager shall be subject to removal by the Council by a majority vote.
The powers and duties of the Township Manager shall be defined in the Administration Code. The compensation of the Township Manager shall be fixed by Council and shall be paid out of the General Fund. The Council may delegate any of their nonlegislative powers and duties to the Township Manager. The Township Manager may hold the office of Township Secretary and/or Township Treasurer. The Township Manager shall not be an elected official or department head.