[R.O. 2011 §405.130; Ord. No. 10-6 §1, 3-8-2010]
The HPC shall review the application for a building or demolition permit or for a certificate of appropriateness and issue or deny the permit with forty-five (45) days of receipt of the application. Written notice of the approval or denial of the application for a certificate of appropriateness shall be provided to the applicant and the Building Inspector within seven (7) days following the determination and shall be accompanied by a certificate of appropriateness in the case of an approval.
A certificate of appropriateness shall become void unless construction is commenced within six (6) months of date of issuance. Certificates of appropriateness shall be issued for a period of eighteen (18) months and are renewable. If the project is not completed according to the guidelines provided in the certificate of appropriateness, the project shall be deemed in violation of this Chapter.
[R.O. 2011 §405.135; Ord. No. 10-6 §1, 3-8-2010]
A denial of a certificate of appropriateness shall be accompanied by a statement of the reasons for the denial. The HPC shall make recommendations to the applicant concerning changes, if any, in the proposed action that would cause the HPC to reconsider its denial and shall confer with the applicant and attempt to resolve as quickly as possible the differences between the owner and the HPC. The applicant may resubmit an amended application or reapply for a building or demolition permit that takes into consideration the recommendation of the HPC.