Editor's Note — Ord. no. 97-27 § 1, adopted September 24, 1997 amended Ch. 2 Division 12 by setting out the provisions set out herein thereby superseding former Ch. 2 Division 12 which derived from Ord. no. 84-0-1926 §§ 1 — 4, 12-4-1984.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997]
There is hereby created the office of City Administrator for the City of Lexington, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997; Ord. No. 2009-14 § 1, 4-28-2009; Ord. No. 2019-29, 7-23-2019]
The Administrative Support Team Group shall review applicants for the City Administrator position and recommend to the Mayor and City Council the three (3) most qualified applicants, in rank order, for final selection. The City Council and Mayor shall interview the top three (3) applicants, in person, for the final selection and appointment.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997; Ord. No. 2009-14 § 2, 4-28-2009]
The person appointed to the office of City Administrator shall be a U.S. citizen, at least twenty-one (21) years of age. The City Administrator shall be a graduate of an accredited university or college with emphasis in public/municipal administration, community/urban planning, public relations, finance, written and spoken communications or possess equal qualifications and experience.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997; Ord. No. 2009-14 § 3, 4-28-2009]
The City Administrator, before entering upon the duties of the office, must be bonded in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00); and such bond shall insure the City of Lexington for the faithful and honest performance of the duties for the City of Lexington and for rendering a full and proper account to the City of Lexington for funds and property which come into the possession or control of the City Administrator. The cost of such bond shall be paid by the City of Lexington.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997; Ord. No. 2009-14 §§ 4-17, 4-28-2009]
The duties of the City Administrator shall include but not be limited to the following:
Administrative office. The City Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, and as such shall be the administrative officer of the City government. Except as otherwise specified by ordinance or by the State of Missouri, the City Administrator shall coordinate and generally supervise the operations, administration and management of government business and employees of the City, subject to the direction and supervision of the Mayor and City Council.
Set administrative policies. The City Administrator shall prescribe and promulgate, with the assistance of the City Attorney, reasonable rules and regulations as he/she shall deem necessary or expedient for the conduct of the City's functions and business.
Recordkeeping. The City Administrator shall insure full and accurate records of all actions taken, shall safely and properly keep all records and papers entrusted to the City Administrator, all records shall be and remain the property of the City and be open to inspection by the Mayor and City Council at all times.
City property. The City Administrator shall arrange and effectuate the purchase, acquisition, sale, lease or transfer of real and personal property as directed by the Mayor and City Council in resolutions and/or ordinances duly passed according to law. Supervise the maintenance of all real and personal property of the City and records pertaining thereto. Shall maintain accurate inventories on the supplies, property, equipment and real and personal property of the City.
Personnel system. The City Administrator shall function as personnel officer of the City, present the Mayor and Council a position classification system and wage scale plan for all departments and implement the plan upon adoption. Conduct employment and/or discharge interviews/conferences; and inform the Mayor and Council on the hiring, disciplinary, suspension or firing of any City employee. The City Administrator is vested with discretionary authority in the application, interpretation and consideration of personnel matters.
Coordinate departments. The City Administrator will have the authority to assign the employees of the City to any department where they are needed for the most effective discharge of the functions of City Government after consulting with department heads.
Investigate and report. Upon written request of the Mayor or a majority of Council members, investigate, examine or inquire into the affairs and operations of the departments of City Government as reasonably necessary to report on the affairs and overall operations of the department. The City Administrator shall report in writing to the Mayor and Council within sixty (60) days his/her findings on these matters.
Purchasing agent. The City Administrator shall function as purchasing agent for the City. Supervise all purchases according to procedures established by the Mayor and City Council, prepare bid specifications for services and goods, and then present a summary of the bids to the City Council for approval. The City Administrator is authorized to approve purchases up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).
Budget. The City Administrator will perform as Budget Officer for the City by preparing a five (5) year budget plan reflecting the resources and requirements of the City. Provides the Mayor and City Council documentation, analysis and supporting schedules for approval.
Financial reports. The City Administrator will furnish the Mayor and City Council a monthly report to reflect a summary of income and expenditures to date and a chart depicting actual income and expenditures. A quarterly report will be presented to depict anticipated income and expenditures.
Annual reports. The City Administrator will present to the Mayor and City Council an annual report reflecting financial status summary of accomplishments, lists of grants, unmet needs, anticipated changes/updates to the five (5) year plan and status of the City Government.
City Council agenda. The City Administrator will prepare a written agenda for each Council meeting at least four (4) days prior to the regularly scheduled Council meeting. Ensure the location is published in the local newspaper, the Internet and any other means two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date.
Council meetings. The City Administrator shall attend all regularly scheduled Council meetings and Council committee meetings.
Boards and committees. The City Administrator shall cooperate in working with the City boards and committees and assist in coordinating the activities of the various committees and boards.
State and Federal-aid programs. The City Administrator will coordinate with the Federal and State Governments in procuring financial and community improvement programs for participation by the City. Cooperate with civic organizations to further community support, economic development and industrial growth.
Professional conferences. The City Administrator may, as authorized by the Mayor and City Council, participate in professional conferences, programs and/or training pertinent to business of the City.
Policy formulation. The City Administrator shall recommend to the Mayor and Council any appropriate measures to improve the health, safety or welfare of the City.
Press releases. The City Administrator shall inform the public of the purposes and activities of City Government through available news media monthly.
Miscellaneous. The City Administrator shall perform any and all other duties as prescribed by the Mayor and City Council.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997; Ord. No. 2009-14 § 18, 4-28-2009]
The City Administrator shall be a salaried exempt employee who shall receive compensation as may be determined from time to time by the Mayor and City Council. Such compensation shall be payable biweekly. The City Administrator will receive the same fringe benefits as all other employees as established by ordinance, the personnel policy manual or as approved by City Council.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997]
The City Administrator may be suspended for cause with full pay and benefits at any time by the Mayor with the approval of a majority of the whole City Council. The City Administrator may appeal said suspension, in writing, stating the reason for the appeal. The appeal must be within ten (10) calendar days of the effective date of the suspension and must be delivered to the City Clerk. The City Council shall review the appeal and the records of the action at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting after receipt of the appeal. The decision of the City Council concerning suspension shall be final. The City Administrator shall be notified in writing of the decision.
[Ord. No. 97-27 § 1, 9-24-1997; Ord. No. 2009-14 § 19, 4-28-2009; Ord. No. 2013-21 § 1, 6-25-2013]
The City Administrator may be terminated at any time without cause upon a three-fourths vote of the full City Council elected to serve, independently of the Mayor's approval or disapproval. The City Administrator may appeal a dismissal, in writing, to the City Council within ten (10) days of the effective date of dismissal. The appeal shall be delivered to the City Clerk who shall deliver the appeal to the City Council on or before the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The City Council shall review said appeal and the records of the action. The City Administrator shall be notified in writing of the decision of the City Council, and said decision concerning dismissal shall be final. The City Administrator shall receive his/her salary for two (2) calendar months unless contractually stated otherwise plus all other benefits due to the City Administrator pursuant to personnel policies enumerated in the City Code, following the final dismissal date; provided, however, that if the City Administrator shall be terminated for acts of dishonesty or acts of moral turpitude, such salary shall not be allowed.
[Ord. No. 2009-14 § 20, 4-28-2009]
The Mayor or City Council member will not interfere with the conduct of any department or duties of employees subordinate to the City Administrator.