[Rev. Ord. No. 34 § 5, 10-21-1912]
If any person shall carry concealed upon or about his person a dangerous or deadly weapon of any kind or description, or shall go into any church or place where people have assembled for religious worship, or into any schoolroom or place where people are assembled for educational, political, literary or social purposes, or to any election precinct on any election day, or into any courtroom during the sitting of court, or into any other public assemblage of persons met for any lawful purpose other than for militia drill, or meetings called under militia law of this State, having upon or about his person, concealed or exposed, any kind of firearm, bowie knife, springback knife, razor, metal knucks, billy, sword can, dirk, dagger, sling shot or other similar deadly weapon or shall, in the presence of one (1) or more persons, exhibit any such weapon in a rude, angry or threatening manner, or shall have any such weapon in his possession when intoxicated, or, directly or indirectly, sell or deliver, loan or barter to any minor any such weapon, without the consent of the parent or guardian of such minor, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Nothing contained in this Section shall apply to legally qualified Sheriffs, Police Officers, and other persons whose bona fide duty is to execute process, civil or criminal, make arrests, or aid in conserving the public peace, nor to persons traveling in a continuous journey peaceably through the City.
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, RSMo. § 571.030.
[Rev. Ord. No. 34, § 16, 10-21-1912]
Any person, within the City, who shall fire off or discharge any rifle, shotgun, carbine, musket, pistol, revolver or other firearm or ordnance, or any cat gun, spring gun or air gun, or who shall throw any rock, pebble or hard substance by hand, or by means of a sling, crossbow, India-rubber band or bow, or by any other means shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, that nothing in this Section shall be so construed as to prevent the discharge of firearms by the City Police, by the State Militia on parade days, or by any detachment of the United States Army, when done by command of the proper officer; nor shall it be construed so as to prevent the firing of cannons or other firearms on days of public celebration.
[Ord. No. 92-07 § 1a, 6-8-1992]
The provisions of Sections 18-76 and 18-77 shall not apply to personnel of any component of the Armed Forces of the United States or this State when in discharge of their official duties as such and acting under orders requiring them to carry weapons; or to civil officers of the United States, this State or any political subdivision thereof while in the discharge of their official duties; or to the use of firearms at military funerals, athletic events and other appropriate occasions when only blank ammunition is used and proper safety precautions are taken, or to approved firing ranges, licensed shooting galleries or upon or within private grounds or premises under circumstances when the weapon or device can be fired, discharged or operated in such a manner as not to endanger persons or property and also in such manner as to prevent the projectile from traversing any ground or space outside the limits of such range, gallery, or grounds upon Council approval; or to prevent the carrying of any type of firearm whatsoever, unless it is unloaded and properly cased, to or from any range or gallery or to and from an area where hunting is allowed by law; or to any person acting lawfully in the defense of life or property.
[Ord. No. 92-07 § 1b, 6-8-1992]
Any person who shall discharge arrows from a bow or crossbow in the City, or any person having temporary custody of a minor who shall permit such minor to discharge arrows from a bow or crossbow in the City, except for the following purposes, and then only under conditions which do not endanger the life or property of any person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor:
The shooting of same on a regularly established range pursuant to a permit issued by the City therefor.
The shooting of same by one whose business entails the testing of such equipment in established facilities constructed and maintained for such purposes.
[Ord. No. 2004-07 § 1, 3-9-2004]
No person who has been issued a concealed carry endorsement by the Missouri Director of Revenue under Sections 571.101 to 571.121, RSMo., or who has been issued a valid permit or endorsement to carry concealed firearms issued by another State or political subdivision of another State shall, by authority of that endorsement or permit, be allowed to carry a concealed firearm or to openly carry a firearm in any building or portion of a building owned, leased or controlled by the City.
Signs shall be posted at each entrance of a building entirely owned, leased or controlled by the City stating that carrying of firearms is prohibited. Where the City owns, leases or controls only a portion of a building, signs shall be posted at each entrance to that portion of the building stating that carrying of firearms is prohibited.
This Section shall not apply to buildings used for public housing by private persons, highways or rest areas, firing ranges or private dwellings owned, leased or controlled by the City.
Any person violating this Section may be denied entrance to the building or ordered to leave the building. Any City employee violating this Section may be disciplined. No other penalty shall be imposed for a violation of this Section.
No person who has been issued a certificate of qualification which allows the person to carry a concealed firearm before the Director of Revenue begins issuing concealed carry endorsements in July 2004, shall, by authority of that certificate, be allowed to carry a concealed firearm or to openly carry a firearm in any building or portion of a building owned, leased or controlled by the City.