[Ord. No. 1101-2008 §§1 — 2, 10-20-2008]
Any of the zoning districts designated in Section 405.250 of these regulations may be designated as a "Planned District" by adding the designation "P", such as "R-P-1". When such a designation is attached to a district, the owner or developer of such land shall submit a concept plan in compliance with the provisions of Section 405.135. The Planned District provides for and encourages latitude and flexibility in the location of buildings, structures, roads, drives, variations in yards and open spaces. The purpose is to promote innovation and flexibility in site planning of land so the development is compatible with the site's physical characteristics and protects the integrity and character of both residential and non-residential areas of the City.
[Ord. No. 1101-2008 §§1 — 2, 10-20-2008; Ord. No. 1135-2010 §1, 4-19-2010]
Submission Requirements. See Section 405.135.
Procedures For Approval. See Section 405.135.
Use Regulations. The uses permitted in any Planned District shall be the same as in the corresponding regular district. For example, the uses permitted in "R-P-1" shall be the same uses permitted in "R-1". However, in appropriate circumstances in the "CP" Commercial Planned District, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the specific approval of the Board of Aldermen, the second (2nd) or higher story in the same building may be used or leased only as residences. In appropriate circumstances, the buffer yard requirements may be reduced to zero.
[Ord. No. 1101-2008 §§1 — 2, 10-20-2008]
Development Regulations. The amount of open space, buffer zone, yard, parking, play areas, density and height requirements shall be determined by the Board of Aldermen upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission after review of the concept plan.
The Board of Aldermen and Planning and Zoning Commission shall use the requirements and standards found in the corresponding district as detailed in these regulations as a guide in making their determination but may permit variances from these requirements and standards in the interest of efficient land development and utilization. In reviewing such development plan, the maximum heights of buildings and structures within such Planned District shall be as set out in the corresponding districts. It shall be permissible that side yards may be reduced to zero (0) in appropriate circumstances. It shall be permissible that streets may be narrower than thirty-six (36) feet back of curb to back of curb for a collector and twenty-eight (28) feet back of curb to back of curb for a local street; however, in these instances lazy back curbs will not be allowed and high back curbs will be required along any and all property lines of all residential and commercial lots.
[Ord. No. 1101-2008 §§1 — 2, 10-20-2008]
The following basic guidelines reflect the core principles of attractive building design in the "P" Planned District.
Attractive color schemes employing subdued colors with contrasting colors that accent architectural details such as trim, windows and entrances. Bright colors should be used sparingly and limited to accenting a building.
Compatible in size and architectural character and style of buildings of the surrounding area through the use of similar elements such as roof lines, materials colors, window design, building articulation and other architectural details.
Natural and durable materials that are economically maintained and of a quality that will retain their appearance over time.
Prominent public entries and windows focused on human scale.
Facades with varying depths, relief and corners. Use of large, flat and unbroken planes should be avoided.
Relate the size and proportions of new commercial structures to the scale of adjacent buildings.
Building in the "P" Planned District shall be subject to the following appearance and design review guidelines:
Building(s) shall incorporate a building front and facie pattern that avoids the appearance of a continuous, unbroken front and shall use vertical or horizontal patterns to vary the linear nature of large storefronts. The storefront shall incorporate wood, masonry or other attractive design materials to treat the unattractive nature of metal buildings.
Outlying buildings (uses separate from the principal merchandise store) must incorporate separate landscaping design and buffering to provide an offset from the general parking lot.
No more than sixty percent (60%) of the required parking for the principal use may be maintained in the front yard or front setback space. The remaining forty percent (40%) parking requirement must be developed to the rear of the principal building.
Parking lots must employ attractive landscaping and separation strips in the front yard or front setback area. The location of separation strips and the use of plant materials shall not obstruct the clear vision of traffic or pedestrians. See Article XXVI, Landscaping Regulations.
All parking spaces must be clearly delineated and painted. Traffic flow must be directed by the uses of painted directional symbols on the surface of the parking lot, by directional signs or both. Handicapped parking spaces shall only be located in the front of the first (1st) tier of parking spaces or at building fronts. See Article XXV, Parking Regulations.
Storefront(s) must employ signage design elements that give the appearance of a unified color and scale scheme for all building, projecting and/or flat signs and logos.
Specific variances and/or site plan waivers may be granted for the above requirements in the case of practical difficulties related to difficult lot design, topography or excessively narrow lots of record.
Loading bays and/or docks must be located to the rear or side of all principal or accessory buildings.
All refuse must be stored in specially designed enclosures that have an appearance which is compatible with surrounding buildings.
Promote pedestrian and vehicular connectivity.
Minimize adverse impacts from lighting on adjacent property.
[Ord. No. 1101-2008 §§1 — 2, 10-20-2008]
The planned development shall include such provisions for the ownership and maintenance of the common open spaces as are reasonably necessary to insure its continuity, care, conservation and maintenance and to insure that remedial measures will be available to the Board of Aldermen if the common open space is permitted to deteriorate or is not maintained in a condition consistent with the best interests of the planned development or of the entire community.
Sidewalks shall be built to City specifications along all public and private streets, however, an alternative pedestrian and sidewalk plan may be developed which provides pedestrians access between each use in the planned development.
In planned industrial and commercial districts, all utility lines shall be placed underground.