[Ord. No. 401-83 §1, 5-2-1983]
Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this Article, shall have the meanings indicated:
The developer, builder or other person, partnership, association, firm, private or public corporation, trust, estate, political subdivision, governmental agency, or other legal entity recognized by law applying the construction of an electric or telephone distribution system in a subdivision.
A single structure roofed and enclosed within exterior walls, built for permanent use, erected, framed of component structural parts and unified in its entirety both physically and in operation for single-family residential occupancy in a subdivision.
Terminal poles, manholes, feeder lines, service lines, switchgear, pad-mounted or submersible transformers and pedestals utilized to provide electric or telephone service to a subdivision.
That portion of a single-phase or three (3) phase circuit extending from the terminal pole or manhole at or near the perimeter of the subdivision into and throughout the subdivision and used to provide service within the subdivision and from which the submersible or pad-mounted transformers are energized, and also including that portion of the secondary circuit extending from a transformer to pedestals, excluding service lines as herein defined, and power lines as designated by the utility.
A structure which stands alone, enclosed with exterior walls or which is cut off from adjoining structures by fire walls, built for permanent use, erected, framed of component structural parts and unified in its entirety both physically and in operation for reasonably permanent occupancy as two (2) or more single-family residences in a subdivision.
That portion of the circuit extending from a pad-mounted transformer, submersible transformer, pedestal or pole directly to the point of delivery to the customer at the building or multiple-occupancy building.
A lot, tract or parcel of land divided into two (2) or more lots, plots, sites or other divisions for use for new residential buildings or the land on which is constructed new multiple-occupancy buildings per a recorded plat thereof if such recordation is required by law.
An "electrical corporation" or "telephone corporation" as defined in Section 386.020(6), RSMo., and rural electric cooperatives.
All other terms not herein defined are as defined in Section 386.020, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §2, 5-2-1983]
After the effective date of this Article, May 2, 1983, distribution systems constructed, installed and owned by utilities in subdivisions shall be installed underground.
Conversion of an existing overhead feeder line or telephone lines to underground shall not be required for those new buildings or multiple-occupancy buildings on lots which abut existing overhead lines.
Distribution systems installed by a utility shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this Article hereinafter set forth.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §3, 5-2-1983]
Within the applicant's subdivision, the utility shall construct, own, operate and maintain new underground feeder lines, underground service lines, and related distribution systems facilities only on or along public streets, roads and highways which the utility has the legal right to occupy and on or along private property across which rights-of-way and easements satisfactory to the utility have been received by the utility without cost to or condemnation by it.
Rights-of-way and easements, including those as may be required for street lighting within the subdivision satisfactory to the utility, must be furnished by the applicant in reasonable time to meet construction and service requirements and before the utility shall be required to commence its installation, such rights-of-way and easements must, by applicant, at no charge to the utility, be cleared of trees, tree stumps and other obstructions and graded to within six (6) inches of final grade. Such clearance and grading must be maintained by the applicant during construction by the utility.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §4, 5-2-1983]
Where, due to the manner in which a subdivision is developed, the utility is required to construct an underground electric distribution system or telephone service through a section or sections of the subdivision where service will not be connected for at least two (2) years, then the utility may require a reasonable advancement for the construction from the applicant before construction is commenced in order to guarantee performance.
Where the subdivision is developed in a uniform manner so that the utility may restrict the construction of its underground electric distribution system or telephone service to a section or sections in which buildings or multiple-occupancy buildings are being constructed, the utility may not require an advance.
If an advance is required under these rules, then the advance, without interest, shall be returned to the applicant on a prorata basis as the permanent service connection is made to each building or multiple-occupancy building.
Any portion of an advance remaining unrefunded ten (10) years from the date the utility is first ready to render service with the extension will be retained by the utility and credited to the account for Contributions in Aid of Construction.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §5, 5-2-1983]
Each utility and applicant shall cooperate at all times in an effort to keep the cost of construction, installation, maintenance and operation of the underground electric distribution system as low as possible.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §6, 5-2-1983]
To the extent practicable, electric cables, communications cables and gas pipes may be installed in the same trench, care being taken to conform to any applicable code and utility specifications.
All construction, installations, maintenance and operation of underground distribution systems shall be in accordance with applicable codes, orders, rules or utility specifications.
The utility shall install underground service lines a minimum depth of twenty-four (24) inches.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §7, 5-2-1983]
Any street lighting lines installed in any subdivision, after the effective date of this Article, with underground distribution shall be installed underground at no cost to the applicant.
[Ord. No. 401-83 §8, 5-2-1983]
In circumstances when the application of these rules appears impracticable or unjust to either party or discriminatory to other customers, e.g., difficult rock conditions, the utility or applicant shall refer the matter to the City Council for special ruling or for the approval of special conditions which may be mutually agreed upon prior to commencing construction.