[Ord. No. 354 §1, 5-7-1979; Ord. No. 1517-2023, 3-6-2023]
Bills for water and sewerage services shall be rendered monthly as such services occur. The City Clerk or other officer or representative of the City designated to prepare and render bills for water and sewerage services as separate bills for sewer and water, respectively, shall calculate monthly to each customer separate bills for both such water and sewerage services. All bills shall be due and payable at the office of the City Clerk during the regular hours of business from and after the date of the rendition thereof.
[Ord. No. 354 §§2 — 3, 5-7-1979; Ord. No. 1019-2005 §1, 5-2-2005; Ord. No. 1517-2023, 3-6-2023]
If any bill for water or sewerage service shall remain due and unpaid after the tenth (10th) of the month next following the date of rendition thereof, such bill shall become delinquent and an additional charge of ten percent (10%) thereof shall be added thereto, and an additional ten percent (10%) shall be added for each additional thirty (30) days thereafter.
If any bill for water or sewer service shall be unpaid for as long as thirty (30) days after delinquency, water service to such customer may be discontinued and shall not be reconnected until all past due bills are paid in full, together with a reconnection charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to notify the Water and Sewer Superintendent, and he/she shall proceed to cause water service to such customer to be disconnected. When a reconnection is made after regular business hours at the request of the customer, an additional twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be assessed as an overtime charge.
[Ord. No. 354 §4, 5-7-1979; Ord. No. 1517-2023, 3-6-2023]
In case of failure to obtain the metered measurement of water delivered to any customer for any reason, the City Clerk may deliver both the monthly water and sewerage service bill based on the most recent period of metered consumption. An overage or underage shall be adjusted at the time of the next metered bill.
[Ord. No. 354 §5, 5-7-1979; Ord. No. 1019-2005 §2, 5-2-2005]
The City Clerk is authorized and directed to require each consumer, before taking water under the general meter rate, to make a cash deposit against which the Water Department may charge any unpaid water service, meter, hydrant or valve resealing, restoration of services or meter repair bills. The cash deposit shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for all customers. No interest shall be paid on such cash deposit. When a contract for water service is cancelled, the City Clerk shall charge the deposit with any unpaid water service, meter, hydrant or valve sealing and shall refund the remainder of the deposit to the depositor.
[Ord. No. 1019-2005 §3, 5-2-2005]
In addition to name, address and home phone number of the customer, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to require other such personal information as may be deemed necessary to insure the proper collection of accounts including, but not limited to, Social Security number, date of birth, employer contact information, driver's license number and photo identification. Refusal of such information shall be cause to deny water service.
[Ord. No. 354 §6, 5-7-1979]
The cost of water service connection from the consumer's premises to the City water mains shall be borne by the owner of the premises, with the main taps or other means of connection at the main being made by the Water Department in accordance with the charges for such work which shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 354 §7, 5-7-1979]
Any employee of the Water Department in the proper exercise of his/her duties shall have access to any premises served with water and such access shall be limited to the right to read, remove and replace meters, to inspect, make or correct meter installations and to make such inspections or tests as are necessary to determine if Water Department rules and regulations are being violated, if water is being wasted or is being used improperly or without permits or license.
[Ord. No. 354 §8, 5-7-1979]
The City may discontinue service to any water consumer for any one (1) of the following reasons:
Failure to obtain permission from the City to repair or install water service unless an emergency leak develops and City personnel cannot be contacted.
For any waste or for unnecessary or unlicensed use of water.
For unapproved cross-connection of a customer's water facilities with any other source of water supply.
For vacation of the property served without notice to the City.
For failure after notice to provide free and non-hazardous access to the meter for reading, removal, inspection or replacement.
For failure to maintain an approved meter setting as directed by the City.
For failure to provide a replacement for a privately owned water meter condemned by the City as unfit for further service or a City water meter stolen or destroyed while in service on the customer's premise.
For violation of any of the Water and Sewer Department's rules and regulations.
[Ord. No. 354 §9, 5-7-1979]
It shall be unlawful for any person to expose or make any attachments to water meters, hydrants or appurtenances, except with the knowledge and consent of the City, and no person shall cause access to a fire hydrant to be obstructed by debris, vehicles, building, material or other means.
[Ord. No. 354 §10, 5-7-1979]
Any person who shall violate any provisions or fail to comply with any requirements of this Article shall on conviction thereof, where no specific penalty is provided, be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) and no more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each ordinance violation and each day of the continuance of such ordinance violation shall constitute a separate ordinance violation.