[Ord. No. 315 §1, 2-12-1977]
All extensions of water or sewer lines in the City of Kearney, Missouri, shall be approved by the Superintendent of Water and Sewers. Plans for such extension shall be first submitted to the City prior to being sent to the Department of Natural Resources. A construction permit shall be issued after all required approvals are obtained. Upon completion of the construction, the "as built" plans must be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources before such lines may be operated.
[Ord. No. 315 §2, 2-12-1977]
Any contractor or installer of water lines shall give the Superintendent seven (7) working days' notice before the beginning of such installation. All material and labor costs will be the responsibility of the installer. Such installer shall be responsible for workmanship and material for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of such line by the City.
[Ord. No. 315 §3, 2-12-1977; Ord. No. 921-2002 §1, 10-14-2002]
All water mains shall be Class 200 psi or greater with a pipe diameter of eight (8) inches, provided that the City engineer may require the use of larger than eight (8) inch lines as may be required for fire fighting capacity or otherwise is in the best interest of the City.
All water mains and service lines shall be laid with a minimum cover of forty-two (42) inches from the top of the pipe to finished ground surface grade.
All fire hydrants shall conform to the American Water Works Association Standard C502. Fire hydrants shall have two (2) two and one-half (2½) inch nozzles and one (1) four and one-half (4½) inch pumper nozzle with national standard fire hose coupling screw threads. Nozzle caps shall be provided for all outlets with suitable gaskets to provide a tight seal with the nozzles. Caps shall be securely chained to the barrel of the fire hydrant. Cap nuts shall have the same dimensions as the operating nut of the fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be one that is specified by the Water Department.
In water systems serving residential subdivisions, fire hydrants shall be installed at such locations that there will be at least one (1) fire hydrant within three hundred (300) feet of the nearest wall of any structure. Fire hydrants along streets which residences of such subdivisions front shall be spaced not more than five hundred (500) feet apart.
In commercial, industrial, and apartment house areas, fire hydrants shall be provided so that in no case shall more than three hundred (300) feet of fire hose be required to reach any point at the base of any exterior building wall from the nearest fire hydrant or from each to the fire hydrants required to provide the stipulated fire flow.
The water distribution system and any extension shall have adequate capacity to:
Supply the peak hour demands of all water consumers' needs while maintaining pressure of not less than thirty (30) pounds per square inch at all points of delivery, without reducing the service to any customer below these requirements.
Supply residential fire protection by delivering not less than one thousand (1,000) gallons per minute for fire protection on the day of maximum daily water demand with a residual pressure of not less than twenty (20) pounds per square inch.
Supply non-residential fire protection by delivering water in such quantity as to adequately protect life and adjoining properties, as determined by the Kearney Fire and Rescue Protection District and the City Engineer and requirements of the Ordinances of the City of Kearney, Missouri.
Criteria For Estimating Water Demand.
The latest calibrated version of the water model adopted by the City of Kearney or that of the water utility providing the water service shall be used for evaluating the effect and determining minimum pipe size of new development on the existing water distribution system.
The following criteria shall be used to estimate the average day demand, maximum day demand and peak hour demand incident to the determination of future water main sizes:
Residential population equals number of dwelling units times 3.25 people per dwelling unit.
Average daily water demand of residential population in gallons per day equals residential populations times one hundred (100) gallons per person.
Average daily domestic water demand of non-residential users in gallons per day equals number of employees times one hundred (100) gallons per day. Additional water demand allowance may be required for commercial and industrial establishments that have known water demands that exceed one hundred (100) gallons per day per employee.
Average daily school water demand in gallons per day equals number of staff and students times twenty (20) gallons per person.
Average daily water demand in gallons per day equals average daily water demand of residential population plus average daily domestic water demand of non-residential users plus average daily school water demand.
Maximum daily water demand in gallons per day equals average daily water demand times 2.1.
Peak hour demand in gallons per day equals maximum daily water demand times 2.0.
It shall be unlawful, within the City of Kearney, to install any water distribution system, or a part thereof, that does not comply with the design criteria and standards contained in this Section and its Subsections, or to deliver water to residential or non-residential homes, customers or businesses that is not delivered in compliance with, or in excess of, the standards and criteria set by this Section and its Subsections. Each day any violation shall continue shall constitute a separate ordinance violation.
The violation of any such provision contained herein shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), or such imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Furthermore, the violation of any such provision contained herein shall be deemed a nuisance, and as such, shall be actionable under Chapter 215, Article I "Nuisances — Generally", and all of the provisions under said Article are applicable to the nuisance and its abatement.
[Ord. No. 315 §4, 2-12-1977]
No water service shall be allowed in any water line extension until said lines have been disinfected in accordance with "Standard Procedure for Disinfecting Water Mains — Bulletin C601-54 of the American Waterworks Association" and "Material Required for Disinfecting Water Mains — Bulletin 356-2M of the American Waterworks Association", copies of which are available on request at City Hall.
[Ord. No. 315 §5, 2-12-1977]
All extensions of sewage lines shall be with no less than eight (8) inch pipe unless the Planning Commission of the City shall require larger lines in the best interest of the City. The entire cost of constructing any extension of the sewage lines of the City shall be that of the developer and shall upon acceptance by the City and connection to the City sewage system become property of the City. The developer shall be responsible for defective workmanship and materials on said lines for a period of one (1) year after acceptance by the City.