[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Westfield 10-8-2013 by Ord. No. 13:13.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 376.
Snowmobiles — See Ch. 434.
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 480.
Editor's Note: The provisions of this ordinance were originally adopted as Ch. 435, but were renumbered so as to maintain the alphabetical order of the Code.
The Village of Westfield, Marquette County, Wisconsin, adopts the following chapter for the operation of all-terrain vehicles and utility vehicles upon the roadways listed in § 478-3.
Following due consideration of the recreational value to connect trail opportunities and weighted against possible dangers, public health, liability aspects, terrain involved, traffic density and history of automobile traffic, this chapter has been created.
This route is created pursuant to Village authority as authorized by § 23.33(8)(b), Wis. Stats.
The applicable provisions of § 23.33, Wis. Stats., regulating ATV/UTV operation pursuant to routes are adopted.
[Amended 8-10-2021 by Ord. No. 21:08]
Routes designated:
ATV/UTV vehicles may be operated within Village limits, on all streets under the jurisdiction of the Village of Westfield.
This designation excludes all county, state, and federal highways.
Operation of ATV/UTV vehicles shall be suspended on any street where construction or emergency conditions exist.
The Village of Westfield reserves the right to close or modify routes at any time.
No person shall operate an ATV/UTV in excess of the posted limit within the Village of Westfield.
May operate year round, but not from 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
Must operate single file, within the Village of Westfield.
May only operate an ATV/UTV on Village sidewalks in order to remove snow, and are required to have an orange/yellow flashing or rotating light.
No person shall operate an ATV/UTV on any private property not owned or occupied by him within the Village of Westfield, without the express consent or permission of the owner.
No person shall leave an ATV/UTV owned or operated by him to remain unattended on any public highway or public property while the motor is running or with the starting key left in the ignition.
All routes must be signed in accordance with §§ NR 64.12 and 64.12(7)c.
All ATV/UTV must have functioning muffler and operating headlight and taillight. Any ATV/UTV operating during hours of darkness shall display lighted headlight and taillight.
Operation on paved areas only.
Village of Westfield Code of Ordinance general penalties as found in § 1-3, and Wisconsin state all-terrain vehicle penalties as found in § 23.33(13)(a), Wis. Stats., are adopted by reference.
This chapter shall be enforced by any law enforcement officer authorized to enforce the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
The provision of this chapter shall be deemed severable, and it is expressly declared that the county and Village would have passed the other provisions of this chapter irrespective of whether or not one or more provisions may be declared invalid. If any provision of this chapter or the application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this chapter and the application of such provisions to other person's circumstances shall not be deemed affected.
This chapter becomes effective on October 18, 2013.
This chapter will be reviewed in one year for further discussion to determine if this chapter will be allowed to continue.