[Adopted as amended 3-16-2004 by Ord. No. 5753 (Art. III, Ch. III, Section B, of the 1993 Code); amended in its entirety 4-15-2014 by Ord. No. 7020[1]]
Editor’s Note: Ord. No. 7353, adopted 2-21-2017, provided that the requirement for recalculating water and sewer connection fees established by this Ord. No. 7020 is eliminated for properties for which a third year calculation was due but not yet completed prior to April 15, 2014. In addition, the City shall release any liens for payment of sewer and water connection fees, to the extent that such liens were recorded for failure to pay connection fees which were based upon a third year recalculation which was due but not completed prior to April 15, 2014.
[Amended 4-21-2015 by Ord. No. 7120; 4-19-2016 by Ord. No. 7218; 4-18-2017 by Ord. No. 7363; 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 7524A; 4-20-2021 by Ord. No. 7702; 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 7801; 8-2-2022 by Ord. No. 7841; 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 7920; 9-19-2023 by Ord. No. 7957; 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 8021]
The consumer or user on all property or premises upon which any building or structure has been or may hereafter be erected having connection with any mains or pipes which exist or may hereafter be constructed and used in connection with the water and sewage or water or sewage systems of the City of Crystal Lake shall pay the following rates according to the following schedule:
Water rate. Beginning September 1, 2024, the following rates shall apply:
Monthly service charge: $8.68.
Each 1,000 gallons: $5.91.
Sewer rate. Beginning September 1, 2024, the following rates shall apply:
Monthly service charge: $10.36.
Each 1,000 gallons: $5.92.
The rates and charges herein established shall be collected from owners, occupants, consumers and users of the premises for all such use from and after each scheduled rate adjustment. The minimum rate for water and sewer monthly billing shall be equal to the combined water and sewer monthly service charge for the rate period covered. The fee paid for sewer use shall be determined by the water meter reading. No discounts shall be allowed for any difference between the water meter reading and actual sewer use.
Senior citizens may qualify for a water and sewer rate discount of 20% for the first 5,000 gallons billed each month by requesting the discount and registering with the Finance Department. To receive the discount, a senior citizen must be 65 years of age, and must reside at the address and the account must be in his/her name.
Water users outside corporate limits of the City of Crystal Lake shall pay 1 1/3 times the fee charged for the same services within the City (except those users covered by contractual agreements whose fees should be determined in accordance with such contracts).
Bulk water sales made by metered connections to secondary community water supplies or via metered hydrant for on-site use or via metered hydrant to a tanker for transport to an end user (except those users covered by contractual agreements) shall be billed monthly and pay the following rates according to the following schedule:
Bulk water rate (except those users covered by contractual agreements). Beginning September 1, 2024, and continuing until further adjusted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Crystal Lake:
Monthly service charge: $46.41.
Each 1,000 gallons: $18.07.
Water used during construction of new buildings. Beginning September 1, 2024, and continuing until further adjusted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Crystal Lake:
One- and two-family residences: $112.79.
Multifamily, commercial, industrial:
Under 2,000 square feet, minimum fee: $112.79.
Each additional square foot over 2,000 to 10,000: $0.066.
Each additional square foot over 10,000 to 50,000: $0.022.
Each additional square foot over 50,000: $0.012.
Temporary hydrant connection. In those instances in which temporary hydrant connections are intended, the following regulations shall apply:
User fees.
The user shall pay to the City:
A monthly service charge of $46.41 regardless of the length of rental during the course of a month.
$18.07 per 1,000 gallons of water used. The fee is charged in 1,000 gallon increments and shall be billed at the time the meter is returned.
A daily hydrant meter/RPZ unit rental fee of $9.20.
Upon the return of the meter, a meter reading shall be taken and the user shall be billed these fees. The minimum billing shall be for 1,000 gallons with a minimum rental fee of one week in addition to the service fee of $46.41.
Deposit. As a condition precedent to the issuance of the hydrant meter/RPZ unit for such temporary connection, the applicant shall deposit with the City the sum of $1,500 for a three-fourth-inch hydrant meter/RPZ unit rental or $3,500 for a two-inch hydrant meter/RPZ unit rental to secure the payment of fees related to such connection. This deposit will be used to offset the hydrant meter rental charges as outlined in Subsection H(1) and any damage. Deposits shall be refunded upon return and inspection of all equipment in good operating condition, which shall include the successful testing of the RPZ.
Hydrant meter/RPZ unit rentals may be rented throughout the year dependent on availability, and all units shall be returned by December 31 of each year, unless alternate arrangements have been made with the Public Works Department. Units not returned by December 31 shall result in the forfeiture of the deposit. Customers who have forfeited their deposits shall be prohibited from using the hydrant meter/RPZ unit and to draw any water from the City's fire hydrants until such time as the account has been paid in full for the water used and a new meter/RPZ unit deposit has been paid. A re-certified unit will then be provided to the customer.
The user of any temporary hydrant meter/RPZ unit is responsible for the replacement cost in the event the unit is lost, stolen, or damaged in any way.
Surcharge for industrial users. When the average concentrations of BOD and/or suspended solids exceeds 300 mg/l or 350 mg/l, respectively, a surcharge shall be $0.73 per pound of BOD, and $0.36 per pound of suspended solids. All measurements, tests, and analysis of the characteristics of water and wastes to determine the industrial user surcharge factors shall be conducted in conformance with § 515-13. All commercial and institutional users shall be reclassified "industrial" as per the Office of Management and Budget's "Standard Industrial Classification Manual," 1972 Edition, under the category "Division D Manufacturing," when any of their wastes exceed the concentration of § 515-13 of this article.
New account deposit.
Upon the establishment of a new water/sewer account, a deposit shall be made to such account prior to any water/sewer service being received at the property associated with the new account. Upon application for service, all new customers must indicate whether the service is being requested for property that is owned or rented.
The new customer deposit shall be $50 for water/sewer service.
New account deposits shall be credited to water/sewer service customers in "good standing" for a period of 24 consecutive months with a minimum of 22 timely payments and no payments or drafts having been returned for insufficient funds. Such credits shall be applied to the customer's next bill following the 24th consecutive month of timely payments. No deposits to current accounts shall be refunded directly to the customer until account closure.
The Finance Director is authorized to waive the deposit requirement in the event that the City has received an executed application for participation in the City's Direct Debit program from the new account applicant prior to the first billing cycle. Such waiver shall remain in effect during such time as the customer is enrolled in the Direct Debit Program and the account remains in good standing. An account in good standing is one that has no had direct debit payments returned to the City for insufficient funds on two consecutive billing periods. Should the account not remain in good standing at any point during the first 24 months following the establishment of the new account, the new account deposit will be added to the customer's account, regardless of enrollment in the Direct Debit Program. The Finance Director is authorized to process a refund of deposits held by the City on behalf of water and sewer customers who participate in the Direct Debit Program. Refunds shall be processed in the form of an account billing credit.
The deposit requirement shall be waived for any existing customer relocation to a new location and establishing a new account, or adding an account for an additional property within the City service area, provided that during the preceding 24 consecutive months such customer's existing account has been kept in good standing.
Terms of payment.
Liability for payment of fees for water/sewer service. The user of the City's water/sewer service and the occupant and owner of the property, or the owner's agent, if different from the user, shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any user fees, penalties, or special assessments billed for water/sewer service.
Owner notified if tenant delinquent. After the account has been delinquent for 60 days, if the owner has provided the City with the owner's name and address, the City shall deliver notice of the tenant's or occupant's delinquency to the owner. Depositing the required notice in the mail, addressed to the owner at the address listed in the City's records, postage prepaid, shall constitute delivery.
Manner of correcting inaccurate bills. In any instance where a customer's bill has been incorrectly calculated or stated for any reason except unlawful use of utility services, the City shall correct the billing for any period of time not exceeding 12 months during which incorrect bills were rendered for under-billed accounts and 12 months for credits due to an error which caused the account to be overbilled.
Deferred payment plan. Where a customer has been under-billed, the City may enter into a written deferred payment agreement with the customer, whereby the amount due to the billing error may be paid in equal installments over a period not to exceed 12 months from the date on which the agreement is signed.
Termination of service. The City shall have and hereby reserves the right, power and authority to suspend or terminate water/sewer service as provided for in § 515-16 to any customer at any time without incurring any liability or cause of action for damages of any kind.
Resumption of service. If service is discontinued because the customer's bills for service are in arrears, or for violation of any provisions of this article after notice, such service shall not be restored until all charges, costs and damages, if any, shall have been paid to the Finance Department; or the violation has been corrected; and any charges for reinstatement of service pursuant to this chapter have been paid to the Finance Department.
Voluntary water shutoff. The City provides a water shutoff service to residents who are on vacation or away for an extended period. The fee for voluntary water shutoff shall be $100. The fee shall cover the cost of water shutoff at the valve box in the City's right-of-way (the valve the City has installed to access water service) and then turned back on upon request. The fee shall not be applicable to any school districts or any unit of local government.
Responsibility for meter with customer. If water service is terminated pursuant to this section, the customer shall remain liable for protecting the water meter from damage from freezing or other causes. If the meter is damaged, the customer shall be required to return the damaged meter to the City, purchase a new meter, and have the new meter installed in accordance with City Code requirements, all at his/her own expense.
Collection. The City may take all legal action necessary to collect fees from delinquent accounts including, without limitation, termination of service, recording a lien against the property, foreclosing on such lien, hiring a collection agency, refusing to grant any other utility service, or to issue any City permit or license to the delinquent customer until the delinquent account has been paid in full, including any penalties, costs incurred to record liens or releases of lien, or costs of collection.
Blanket policy. The City shall also have the right to disconnect or refuse service to any customer with one or more installations if the bills are not paid at any one installation.
Charges and discounts prorated. The charges and discounts established in this article shall be prorated by the Finance Department for customers receiving service for less than a full billing period.
Periodic review of charges. The adequacy of the water and sewer charge shall be reviewed by the City Manager at least annually as part of the annual budget process. The water and sewer service charge shall be revised periodically to reflect change in local operation, maintenance and repair costs, including capital replacement costs.
Disposition of revenues. All revenues and moneys derived from the operation of the water and sewer system shall be deposited in the Water and Sewer Fund. The Director of Finance shall receive all such revenues from the water and sewer system and all other funds and moneys incidental to the operation of such system as the same may be delivered to him/her and deposit the same in the account of the fund designated as the Water and Sewer Fund of the City of Crystal Lake.
Accounts. The Director of Finance shall establish a proper system of accounts and shall keep proper books, records and accounts in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relative to the water and sewer system, and at regular annual intervals he/she shall cause to be made an audit by an independent auditing concern of the books to show the receipts and disbursements of the sewerage system.
Penalty. All sewer and water users not paying the water and sewer bills on or before the delinquent period as shown in said bill shall pay a penalty of 20% of the balance of the account.
Adjustment of water and sewer utility bills. A water and sewer utility customer may present a request to the Finance Director to adjust the amount due for such water or sewer service, in the event of a billing dispute. The customer making such request shall provide the Finance Director with documentation or other evidence in support of such request for adjustment. The Finance Director shall be authorized to determine the sufficiency of such evidence or documentation in support of the billing dispute and make such adjustments to the disputed billing, and any penalty imposed pursuant to § 515-15, as the Finance Director believes is equitable and supported by the information submitted by the customer.
Informal resolution.
If a customer or user calls, visits or writes the City Finance Department, complaining of an overcharge or other problems with the account, an authorized representative of the Finance Department can do one or more of the following:
Stay termination of service until the Finance Director renders a decision or all appeals are exhausted, whichever is later; provided, however, that the Finance Director shall render a decision within 10 days from the date the customer or user called in his/her complaint or made his/her complaint in person, or from the date of receipt of a customer's or user's written complaint.
Conduct an investigation, including, but not limited to, a meter check in the subject premises, check utility billings for possible errors in computation of bill and check for leaks or illegal connections.
Establish a written credit plan, as permitted by this policy, in cases of claimed financial difficulties.
If the authorized representative finds merit to the dispute, an adjustment of the bill can be made with the customer or user with the approval of the City Finance Director.
If the authorized representative finds that the dispute as to an overcharge or other problem with the account has no merit, he/she shall communicate this decision to the customer or user by certified mail, return receipt requested, by personal delivery, or by posting on the premises to be disconnected. The notice of the decision shall specify that if the account is not paid or the customer or user does not appeal the decision, on or before five days from the date of receipt of said notice, the utility service shall be discontinued. The Finance Director is authorized to develop and recommend rules and procedures for the implementation and administration of this section.
Informal hearing.
Any customer or user may request a hearing before the Director of Public Works and the Director of Finance, or their respective designees, in the following circumstances:
Within seven days from the date of receipt of any notice of termination of service. If the customer or user is charged with a violation of the water or sewer rules other than a dispute on the charges or other problems with the account, the customer or user may only request a hearing as provided herein. The informal resolution procedure described above is not available to any customer or user which is charged with other violations of the utility's rules and regulations.
Within five days after receipt of the notice of decision by the authorized representative under the informal resolution procedure mentioned above.
The hearing date shall be scheduled during regular City business hours and for a date convenient to the parties but no later than 10 days from the date of the request. The hearing date and time shall be confirmed by the City utility in writing to the person requesting the hearing by first class U.S. mail. At such hearing, the customer or user shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to appear at the hearing in person, to present evidence in his/her own behalf and to examine any evidence which the City utility might introduce. The City utility is authorized to conduct its own investigation of the customer's or user's complaint and to present any evidence to that effect at the hearing. Within five days after the conclusion of any hearing, the authorized person conducting the hearing will render a decision on the basis of the evidence presented. Such decision shall be communicated to the customer or user by certified mail, return receipt requested, by personal delivery, or by posting on the premises to be disconnected. In case the decision is against the customer or user, the notice of the decision shall specify that if the account is not paid, or the violation is not abated, on or before five days from date of receipt of notice, the utility service shall be discontinued. The Finance Director is authorized to develop and recommend rules and procedures for the implementation and administration of this section.
Adjustment for prevention of freezing water service lines. In cases where cold weather has caused frost levels to extend below the buried depth of water service lines, the Finance Director shall be authorized to adjust water and sewer utility bills for those customers to whom the City has sent written notification advising such customers:
To run their water lines continuously in order to prevent freezing of water service lines; and
That the City will consider adjustments to water and sewer utility bills during such period as the Director of Public Works may determine that such action is advisable.
Payment plan. A customer may contact the Finance Director or his/her designee and request to be put on a payment plan. The Finance Director may, in his/her sole discretion, approve a payment plan with a term of not more than six months and may suspend further accumulation of penalties. If the customer fails to make any payment when due under the payment plan, then the entire outstanding balance will become immediately due, and if applicable, will notify the owner of the property. If the entire balance is not paid within 15 days of the due date under the payment plan, the City shall initiate notice and termination procedures provided in this article.
Delinquency notice; service disconnection.
If the rates and charges for water and sewer service, including all penalties, are not paid by the due date of the current bill, a past-due notice shall be sent by first class U.S. mail.
The City may discontinue such service after 60 days after a past-due amount has not been satisfied, or if the customer has been found in violation of any of the rules and regulations of any utility provided for in this City Code. If the user or consumer is not the owner of the premises served, notice shall also be given to the owner of the premises if his/her name and address has previously been registered with the City Finance Department by such owner for the purpose of receiving such notices.
Notice of intent to disconnect shall be given to the customer or an adult living at the premises and owner by telephone, personal delivery or first class U.S. mail. A charge of $25 shall be assessed to the utility bill for each notice of intent to disconnect. The notice shall state the balance due, or the rule or regulation which is alleged to have been violated, whichever is applicable; the phone number to contact for an informal resolution of the customer's complaints in cases of disputes concerning the amount due or other problems with the account; the address and office hours of the utility office in case the customer wants to informally resolve his/her complaint in person; and the fact that the customer is entitled to a hearing on his/her complaint before some authorized agent of the appropriate utility department when and if the complaint cannot be informally resolved.
Five days after the notice of service disconnection, an authorized agent of the City shall be dispatched to disconnect the service to the premises where such delinquency exists.
The City shall also have the right to disconnect or refuse service from any and all City water and sewer service to any customer or user with one or more installations if the bills for all City water and sewer services are not paid at any one installation, subject to the notice and procedural provisions required by this section.
Reinstatement of service. Should sewer and water users failure to make payment result in a service shutoff, a reinstatement of service fee of $100 will be charged accordingly. If any active customer or user has had utility service disconnected due to a delinquent water and sewer bill(s) and the customer has not paid the account current for reinstatement within 30 days, the City shall issue a final bill for the account. In order to reinstate an account for which a final bill has been issued, the customer or user shall pay all outstanding utility bills, the appropriate reinstatement fee(s), and a new deposit(s) pursuant to this chapter.
Permit required; issuance. No service connection to the City's water system or sewer system shall be made before a permit is obtained as provided in this section.
Application for all such permits shall be made and filed with the Director of the Department of Community Development, on forms provided by the Director.
Permits for service connections shall be issued by the Director of the Department of Community Development only after payment of all fees and the charges for such connections, as set forth in this section.
Records. The Director of Community Development shall keep a complete record of all such permits issued hereunder and the exact location of such connections made. The Director of Community Development shall furnish to the City Council, as often as requested, a complete statement of all such permits issued since his/her last statement.
Application information. The Director of Community Development shall require the applicant to furnish, in connection with the application for service connections, the plans of the building to be served and such other information that he/she may require for the purpose of determining the amount of charges for such connections in accordance with the schedule of charges hereinafter set forth.
Permit expiration. The permit shall be issued for ninety-day period, and after 75 days the Director of Community Development shall send notification of permit expiration date.
Infrastructure availability charges for service connections. The charge for each water service connection and for each sewer service connection shall be as herein set forth. The charge for each water service connection shall be based upon the diameter of the water service pipe that would be required to serve the domestic water demand per the International Building Code and Illinois State Plumbing Code. The charge for each sewer service connection shall be based upon the diameter of the water service connection serving the same premises, regardless of the diameter of the sewer service connection tile or pipe.
[Amended 4-21-2015 by Ord. No. 7120; 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
Infrastructure Availability Charge
Water Service Size
Water Service Charge
Sewer Service Charge
Less than 1
1 1/4
1 1/2
More than 8
Determined by City Council
Determined by City Council
Service connection for fire suppression only. For an existing property that has been connected to the City's water system for at least 12 months, and is seeking a new water connection for fire suppression, the infrastructure availability charge for water service shall not apply. Instead, a service connection for fire suppression charge in the amount of $2,700 shall apply.
Redevelopment. Redevelopment, wherein an existing building is replaced with a new building, shall result in the calculation and payment of the water and/or sewer connection fee similar to new construction. The Director of Public Works shall have discretion of applying a credit for connection fees previously paid to the property.
The Director of Public Works shall have the authority to make adjustments to water and/or sewer connection fees for water and/or sewer connection circumstances not specifically addressed in this section.
In addition to the fees established in this section, participation fees, as provided by § 241-46 and recapture fees, as provided by § 515-5, may also be due as a prerequisite to the receipt of water and/or sewer service.
Lien claim; procedure.
Charges for water and sewer service shall be a lien upon the premises as provided by statute. Whenever a bill for water and/or sewer service remains unpaid 60 days after it has been rendered, the Finance Director may file with the Recorder of McHenry County a statement of lien claim. This statement shall contain the legal description of the premises served, the amount of the unpaid bill, the date when the bill became delinquent, and a notice that the City claims a lien for this amount, plus the recorder fees for filing the lien, as well as for all charges for water and/or sewer services provided subsequent to the period covered by the bill.
If the consumer of water or sewer services whose bill is unpaid is not the owner of the premises, and the City Clerk has notice of this, then notice shall be mailed to the owner of the premises, if his/her address is known to the Clerk, whenever such bill remains unpaid for a period of 60 days after it has been rendered.
Foreclosure of lien.
Property subject to a lien for unpaid water and/or sewer charges shall be sold for nonpayment of the same, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to pay the charges after deducting costs and attorney fees. Such foreclosure shall be by bill in equity in the name of the City.
The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to institute such proceedings in the name of the City, in any court having jurisdiction over such matters, against any property for which the water and/or sewer bill has remained unpaid 60 days after it has been rendered.