[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Crystal Lake 1-19-1993 as amended 4-26-2005 by Ord. No. 5930 (Art. III, Ch. II, Section J, of the 1993 Code); amended in its entirety 2-20-2018 by Ord. No. 7441, effective 5-1-2018. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Building Code — See Ch. 187.
Electrical Code — See Ch. 230.
Fire Code — See Ch. 251.
Mechanical Code — See Ch. 336.
Plumbing Code — See Ch. 392.
Residential Code — See Ch. 422.
Zoning — See Ch. 650.
There shall be established a permit fee schedule as follows.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any construction, retrofit or renovation to an existing structure that includes installing a new foundation.
Any construction, retrofit or renovation to an existing structure other than repair or addition that requires a permit. Also, a change in a building, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system that involves any extension, addition or change to the arrangement, type or purpose of the original installation that requires a permit.
See the definition for "dwelling unit" in Chapter 650, Unified Development Ordinance.
See definition for "square footage."
A wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications:
Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than six cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of no more than six cubic feet; and
All other wireless equipment attached directly to a utility pole associated with the facility is cumulatively no more than 25 cubic feet in volume. The following types of associated ancillary equipment are not included in the calculation of equipment volume: electric meter, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation box, ground-based enclosures, grounding equipment, power transfer switch, cut-off switch, and vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services.
The square footage, where used as the basis of a building permit fee, shall be computed from the outside perimeters of such buildings, structures, or space. All floor levels are to be added in computing the total square footage.
The reasonable value of all services, labor, materials, and use of scaffolding and other appliances or devices entering into and necessary to the prosecution and completion of the work ready for occupancy.
New construction.
The permit fee for new building construction shall be calculated using the following formula:
Permit Fee = GA x SFCC x PFM
GA is the gross area of new building
SFCC is the square foot construction cost as calculated using the Building Valuation Data update published by the International Code Council (ICC) and adopted by City Council resolution
PFM is the Permit Fee Multiplier found in § 241-3A(2)
The permit fee multiplier is as follows:
Type of Construction
Residential, including duplex and townhouse construction
Commercial, industrial, office, church, institutional and multifamily
The permit fee multiplier may be administratively adjusted based on market conditions; including CPI, ICC building valuation data, and other factors, to better correlate with area permit fees, provided that such adjustment shall be made not more than once annually prior to May 1 of any year and that the adjusted multiplier shall be posted on the City's website and available for inspection at the office of the City Manager.
For the purposes of calculating permit fees, building additions that include installing a new foundation will be calculated using the new construction fee formula. Building alterations that do not include installing a new foundation, such as adding a second story onto a building, will be treated as an alteration for the purposes of calculating fees.
The calculation of the new building construction includes fees for building reviews and fees for electrical, plumbing, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Additional fees for these services shall not be included.
Alteration permit. The permit fee for alteration permits shall be:
Up to $5,000
$5,001 to $10,000
Over $10,000
$50 + $4 per $1,000, or portion thereof, over $10,000
Flat fees for miscellaneous projects.
The following table shall be used to calculate fees for miscellaneous projects contained in this section:
Fee Effective
May 1, 2018
Fee Effective
May 1, 2019
Fee Effective
May 1, 2020
Fee Effective
May 1, 2021
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
The following permit types are Tier 1 permits; this fee includes a minimum of one inspection:
Residential furnace and air conditioning together.
Residential furnace separate.
Residential air conditioning separate.
Water heater.
Irrigation systems.
Other permits requiring one inspection.
The following permit types are Tier 2 permits; this fee includes a minimum of two inspections and a review as necessary:
Fire pits separate.
Electrical service upgrade or repair.
Water service repair.
Sewer service repair.
Other permits requiring a minimum of two inspections.
The following permit types are Tier 3 permits; this fee includes a detailed plan review, and a minimum of two inspections:
Permanent above ground swimming pools.
Storable swimming pools.
Hot tubs.
Other permits requiring a detailed plan review and a minimum of two inspections.
Building alteration plan review. Building alteration plan review fees shall be as follows, per dwelling unit, or units, except that each separate office, store, or business within a building shall be considered a separate unit:
Commercial (including industrial, office, church, institutional and multifamily):
Square Footage
0 to 1,000
1,001 to 3,000
$100 plus $0.0400 per square foot
3,001 to 20,000
$150 plus $0.0400 per square foot
20,001 to 50,000
$200 plus $0.0400 per square foot
50,001 to 100,000
$250 plus $0.0400 per square foot
Over 100,000
$300 plus $0.0400 per square foot
Residential (detached single-family home, townhouse, and duplex):
Square Footage
0 to 400
401 to 1,000
1,001 to 5,000
Over 5,000
Electrical alteration plan review. Electrical alteration plan review fees shall be as follows, per dwelling unit, or units, except that each separate office, store, or business within a building shall be considered a separate unit:
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
Commercial (including industrial, office, church, institutional and multifamily):
Square Footage
0 to 1,000
1,001 to 3,000
3,001 to 20,000
20,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
Over 100,000
Residential (detached single-family home, townhouse and duplex):
Square Footage
0 to 400
401 to 1,000
1,001 to 5,000
Over 5,000
Automatic fire alarm system (per $1,000 of valuation): $15.
Plumbing alteration plan review. Plumbing alteration plan review fees shall be as follows, per dwelling unit or units, except that each separate office, store, or business within a building shall be considered a separate unit:
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
Commercial (including industrial, office, church, institutional and multifamily):
Square Footage
0 to 1,000
1,001 to 3,000
3,001 to 20,000
20,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
Over 100,000
Residential (detached single-family home, townhouse and duplex):
Square Footage
0 to 400
401 to 1,000
1,001 to 5,000
Over 5,000
Water and sewer tap inspection fees:
Water tap inspection
Sewer tap inspection
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) alteration plan review. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning alteration plan review fees shall be as follows, per dwelling unit or units, except that each separate office, store, or business within a building shall be considered a separate unit:
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
Commercial, industrial, office, church, institutional and multifamily:
Square Footage
0 to 1,000
1,001 to 3,000
3,001 to 20,000
20,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
Over 100,000
Residential (detached single-family home, townhouse and duplex):
Square Footage
0 to 400
401 to 1,000
1,001 to 5,000
Over 5,000
Parking lot review and inspection fee: $150.
Elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks and hoisting equipment. Elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, moving walk and hoisting equipment fees shall be as follows:
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
New permit inspections for elevators, escalators, platform lifts, dumbwaiters, and dock lifts
Reinspection for existing elevators, escalators, platform lifts, dumbwaiters, and dock lifts
Elevator plan review
Certificates of occupancy.
Schedule of fees.
Fee Effective May 1, 2018
Fee Effective May 1, 2019
Fee Effective May 1, 2020
Fee Effective May 1, 2021
Certificate of occupancy
Temporary occupancy with a hold-harmless agreement signed by the owner and Building Commissioner, or his/her designee, for any unfinished items of a minor or nonhazardous nature when approved only by the Community Development Department official: $35.
In-ground swimming pool review and inspection: $150.
Building demolition, flat fee per building: $150.
Moving of buildings, with bond and insurance as required by ordinance: $150.
Starting work without a permit. A charge of 100% of the permit fee will be added if work is started without a permit.
Performance/completion deposit requirement.
Every applicant shall post with the City, at the time of issuance or approval of a temporary occupancy certificate, a performance/completion deposit in the following amounts:
All building permits when a temporary occupancy certificate is granted:
Any new
Addition valued over $10,000
0 - 2,500 square feet
2,501 square feet - 15,000 square feet
15,001 square feet - 75,000 square feet
75,001 square feet - 250,000 square feet
250,001 square feet and over
The City shall have the right, at all times at its option, to draw on the performance/completion deposit for costs, including, without limitation, legal fees and administrative expenses incurred or to be incurred by the City in exercising any of its rights under the City Code of Crystal Lake in the event:
The applicant undertakes any work in violation of any provision of the City Code or any permit issued or plan approved pursuant to the City Code; or
The applicant fails or refuses to complete the work or conditions authorized by any temporary occupancy certificate in accordance with all plans and conditions approved in connection with a temporary occupancy certificate. Once it reaches the expiration, 25% of the initial deposit will be deducted monthly until the work is completed or the deposit is exhausted. Once the deposit has been depleted, the applicant will be subject to citations and fines outlined in § 248-2. The City's determination of such costs shall be based either on costs actually incurred by the City or reasonable estimates of costs to be incurred.
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
The City shall return any unused portion of the performance/completion deposit to the applicant without interest, as follows:
For all temporary occupancy certificates: after completion of all work and conditions within the approved time frame.
A deposit posted pursuant to this subsection shall be forfeited to the City in full if the permittee does not complete the conditions or requirements of a temporary occupancy certificate on or before the date specified within the temporary occupancy certificate.
Signs. The fee to be charged for permits issued for the erection, construction, or alteration of any sign or other advertising structure shall be as follows:
Alteration of existing sign
Fixed canopy and fixed awning signs
$20, plus $0.10 per square foot of plan area, horizontally projected
Illuminated signs and illuminated awning signs
$30, plus $0.10 per square foot of gross surface area of each face thereof
Nonilluminated signs (unless temporary or limited duration)
$25, plus $0.10 per square foot of gross surface area of each face thereof
Retractable canopies and awnings
Limited duration signs
New or altered illuminated sign, electrical inspection
$25 per sign
Small wireless facilities. Permit application fees for small wireless facilities shall be as follows:
Small wireless facility with new pole
1 small wireless facility on an existing utility pole
2 or more small wireless facilities on an existing utility pole
$350 per small wireless facility
Permit extension.
Fee for permit extensions.
First 6-month extension
25% of original permit fee
Second 6-month extension
50% of original permit fee
Third 6-month extension and every extension thereafter
100% of original permit fee
The Building Commissioner or his/her designee may waive the permit extension fee.
Annual fee adjustments.
Fees in § 241-3 shall be adjusted on May 1 of each calendar year using the December to December Consumer Price Index percentage change for the Chicago-Gary-Kenosha area (the "CPI") as determined by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, unless otherwise provided for in § 241-3. All adjustments will be rounded up to the nearest cent. If any CPI percentage change is less than zero, then the fees shall remain the same.
The following fees are exempted from § 241-3S(1):
Subsection A, new building construction permit fee.
Subsection O, performance/completion deposit requirement.
Subsection Q, small wireless facilities.
Subsection R, permit extensions.
The following fees will be subject to § 241-3S(1) only after May 1, 2021:
Subsection C, flat fees for miscellaneous projects.
Subsection J(1), certificates of occupancy.
Any per-square-foot fees in the following section shall be rounded up to the next one-thousandth of a cent and not the nearest cent:
Subsection D, building alteration plan review.
Subsection P, signs.
For the purposes of calculating future fee adjustments, the baseline year for all fees in § 241-3 is 2018.
If the CPI is discontinued or replaced, such other governmental cost-of-living index or computation which replaces the CPI shall be used in order to obtain substantially the same result as would be obtained if the CPI had not been discontinued or replaced.
The following fees shall apply for the following planning services. The application fee for temporary use permit applications filed after the applicant has implemented the temporary use shall be twice the fees stated in this section. Additionally, this does not prevent the City from taking further actions authorized by the Code of Ordinances of the City.
Administrative variation
$5,000 (per cul-de-sac)
PUD amendment
PUD, conceptual review
PUD, preliminary
<2 acres = $755
>2 acres = $755 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
PUD, final
<2 acres = $505
>2 acres = $505 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
PUD, watershed
<2 acres = $355
>2 acres = $505 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Rezoning (to nonresidential)
<2 acres = $505
>2 acres = $505 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Rezoning (to residential)
<2 acres = $305
>2 acres = $305 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Right-of-way vacation
Special meetings
Sign variation
Special event
Special use permit
<2 acres = $355
>2 acres = $505 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Special use permit, home day care
Subdivisions, administrative
Subdivisions, minor
<2 acres = $300
>2 acres = $300 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Subdivisions, major (preliminary plat)
<2 acres = $300
>2 acres = $300 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Subdivisions, major (final plat)
<2 acres = $600
>2 acres = $600 + $50/additional acre or portion thereof
Temporary use permit, administrative or City Council approval
Text amendment
Variation, simplified residential
Variation, nonresidential
<2 acres = $305
>2 acres = $505
Zoning verification
Subject to material price increase.
Fee based on size of meter.
Fee amounts.
Size of Meter
Actual cost plus $50
Actual cost plus $50
1 1/2
Actual cost plus $50
Larger size meter
Subject to manufacturers' list price plus $50
All water meters shall be installed by the contractor for new installation.
Water used during construction of new buildings.
Effective April 1, 2006:
One- and two-family residences
Multifamily, commercial, industrial
Under 2,000 square feet
$38.03 minimum fee
Each additional square foot over 2,000 to 10,000
Each additional square foot over 10,001 to 50,000
Each additional square foot over 50,000
Sampling charge. The City will assess the regulated dischargers a fee for sampling with City equipment and manpower as follows:
Routine grab samples: $15 per sample collected.
Automatic composite or flow proportional automatic sampling: $40 for one set of twenty-four-hour composite samples.
Special or extraordinary samples: charged on the basis of time and material.
Laboratory analysis charge. The City will assess the regulated dischargers a laboratory analysis fee to recover the City's expenses for analyzing in-house the regulated wastewater discharge samples for specific pollutants. The scheduled fees pertain to only analysis conducted in-house by the City's laboratory. Any samples sent off site to a private laboratory will be billed at the City's cost. In-house fees are as follows:
Conventional pollutants.
Carbonaceous biological oxygen demand (CBOD)
$20 per analysis
Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
$20 per analysis
Suspended solids
$18 per analysis
Total solids
$15 per analysis
Volatile solids
$15 per analysis
$5 per analysis
Ammonia nitrogen
$20 per analysis
Fecal coliform
$18 per analysis
Dissolved solids
$20 per analysis
Metals by atomic absorption.
Type of Metal
Sample prep fee
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
$11 per analysis
Wet chemistry.
$20 per analysis
$20 per analysis
$20 per analysis
$20 per analysis
Volatile acid
$20 per analysis
Semiannual categorical compliance sampling. In addition to the sampling charge above, all semiannual categorical compliance analyses shall be completed by an outside, certified laboratory and will be charged to the industrial user at the City's cost.
Connection to storm sewer permitted is only when approved by the City Engineer and permit fees paid as follows:
One- and two-family: $40.
Multifamily: $300.
Commercial and industrial: $600.
Street break, new or repair: $125.
Curb or sidewalk break, new or repair: $10 per each break.
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
Development impact fees are set forth in Chapter 650, Section A-1400, of the Crystal Lake Unified Development Ordinance.
The fee for the sprinkler review is based on the number of sprinkler heads in the system.
Number of Heads
1 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 300
301 - 400
401 - 750
Over 750
$285, plus $0.10 per head over 750
For hydraulically designed systems, multiply the above fee by two. Stand pipes using the same supply as the automatic sprinklers are included in the fee.
Stand pipe review (per standpipe): $60.
Carbon dioxide suppression system.
Pre-engineered system, per system: $50.
Engineering system:
Up to 175 pounds of agent: $50.
Over 175 pounds of agent: $50, plus $0.20 per pound.
Halon suppression system.
Up to 35 pounds of agent: $60.
Over 35 pounds: $75, plus $1 per pound.
If overtime is necessary in order to perform inspections or plan reviews, in addition to other fees prescribed in the section, a fee of $100 shall be charged for the first hour or part thereof. Any time beyond the first hour shall be charged in quarter-hour increments at a rate of $25 per quarter hour. All overtime fees shall be paid by the owner or permittee.
All fees, actual costs or actual expenses related to the City retaining a professional service consultant or technician to conduct any plan review, inspections, economic impact analysis, environmental analysis, legal fees, or other due diligence development costs on behalf of the City shall be paid for by the owner or permittee, in addition to other fees or costs required by the City. The petitioner shall execute a consultant fee reimbursement acknowledgement form.
Residential, office, business, manufacturing, churches, schools or PUD:
The minimum fee shall be computed as 1.25% of the cost estimate for public and/or private property site improvements as approved by the City Engineer.
Reimbursement to the City shall be made by the developer for direct costs incurred by the City in connection with the retention of outside consultants to conduct plan reviews, inspections or to provide other services including, but not limited to:
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
Traffic analysis when requested by the City.
Surveying as performed by a licensed land surveyor.
Soils, materials testing or other geotechnical testing or consultation.
Closed-circuit television inspection of sewers, either sanitary or storm.
Overtime fees as stated in §§ 241-11 and 241-12 incurred by City staff or consultant inspectors when a developer's contractor(s) chooses to work overtime, Saturdays or holidays.
Review of plans.
Stormwater management reviews or inspections.
For office, business, manufacturing, churches, schools or PUD, the value of the public improvements for computation of the fee in Subsection A above shall include waterlines, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, sidewalks, streetlighting, curb and gutter, pavement (including base courses) and stormwater management features, whether publicly dedicated or private. Estimates for the above shall be provided by the permittee subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.
For office, business, manufacturing, churches, schools or PUD, the value of the private improvements for computation of the fee in Subsection A above shall include waterlines, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, sidewalks, parking lot site lighting, curb and gutter and pavement (including base courses) and stormwater management features, whether publicly dedicated or private. Estimates for the above shall be provided by the permittee subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.
For all development plans submitted to the Crystal Lake Planning and Zoning Commission under the provisions of Chapter 650, Unified Development Ordinance, or 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1-1 et seq., as amended:
Type of Plat
Subdivision preliminary plat
1 to 2 acres
Over 2 acres
Subdivision final plat
1 to 2 acres
Over 2 acres
Reinspection fee. Whenever the Community Development or Fire Rescue Department shall make an inspection after a second failed inspection pursuant to the issuance of a notice under the ordinances of the City of Crystal Lake, a fee of $150 shall be paid for that inspection and each subsequent inspection. Said fee shall be paid at the time the inspection is requested. The Building Commissioner, or his/her designee, may waive this fee.
Same-day inspection fee: Inspection requests made without a minimum of 24 hours' notice shall incur a fee of $150. Said fee shall be paid at the time the inspection is requested. The Building Commissioner, or his/her designee, may waive this fee.
[Amended 9-15-2020 by Ord. No. 7653]
The following fees shall be charged in connection with stormwater review and inspection when, except as otherwise provided herein, such review and inspection is not conducted by a professional service consultant:
General Permit #1: $150.
General Permit #2: $400.
Minor development: $400.
Intermediate development: $550.
Major development: $850 + $50 per additional acre.
Fees for recording of the Grant of Stormwater Management Easement for Infiltration Trench Agreement: $55. This fee shall be charged regardless of whether a professional service consultant is retained.
When a key box is required on a structure as identified in the City of Crystal Lake Fire Code for use exclusively by the Fire Rescue Department, a one-time fee of $20 shall be paid for the application and maintenance of the box by the Fire Rescue Department. Said fee shall be paid at the time of application.
Monitoring fee.
Fire alarm system (FAS): $80.
Security alarm system (SAS): $80.
Both FAS and SAS: $105 ($80 FAS plus $25 SAS).
Installation, programming, and connection fee.
October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011: $0.
After September 30, 2011: $200.
Nonstandard installation: $125 plus vendor hourly rate.
Replacement of damaged radio: $800.
Remove subscriber location radio: $50.
Disconnect/Reinstall radio: $170.
Purpose. From time to time the City deems it to be in the best interest of the City and its residents to finance certain public improvements or service through a special service area. When such a determination has been made, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a method by which those property owners that are not included within the original special service area but seek the use or benefit of the facilities or services financed through such special service area pay an equitable share of the establishment or maintenance of such facilities or services (a "special service").
Fees. Any property owner seeking to use or benefit from a special service financed through a special service area is required to either be part of such special service area or to pay a participation fee as a prerequisite to use of the special service. The participation fee shall be calculated as follows:
Base Fee + [(Base Fee x Interest) x Time] = Participation Fee
"Base Fee" is total divided by participants, unless another appropriate value is determined by the City Council;
"Interest" is the maximum rate of interest that may be charged for any bonds issued for the special services or 1.0%, whichever is greater;
"Participants" is the total number of original participants in the special service area;
"Term" is 120% of the maximum maturity period for bonds issued in connection with a special service area;
"Time" is the number of years that have elapsed from the bond issue date to the payment of the participation fee, but in no event shall the time exceed the term; and
"Total" is the total principal amount of bonds to be issued for the special services.
Applicability. Participation fees shall be charged throughout the duration of the term against any person or property prior to connection to or use of any special services financed through a special service area, where such person or property was not included in such special service area.
Allocation of participation fees. To the extent participation fees are collected while taxes are still being levied against the participants for payment of special service area bonds, such participation fees shall be used to equitably abate future tax payments on such bonds. If participation fees are collected after taxes are no longer being levied against participants to retire bonds, the participation fees shall be allocated to a participation fee fund for five years after all bonds for the special service area have been retired (the "holding period"). The participation fee fund shall be used for ongoing expenses related to the special service area and the special services. After the holding period, the monies in the participation fee fund shall be reallocated to the City's general fund or such other fund as the City Council determines is in the best interests of the residents.
Marina operation/marina rental fees.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 7921]
Minimum 1-Hour Rentals
1-Hour Fee
1-Hour Fee
Each Additional 1/2 Hour
Each Additional 1/2 Hour
Kayak (single or tandem)
Paddle pontoon
Minimum 2-Hour Rentals
2-Hour Fee
2-Hour Fee
Each Additional Hour
Each Additional Hour
12-foot row boat
14-foot row boat
Trolling motor
Beach and parking nonresident season pass.
Yearly Pass
Rate When Purchased
Between 1/1 - 7/12
Pro-Rated Rate When
Purchased Between 7/13 - 12/31
Family of 2
Family of 3
Family of 4
Each additional family member
Pavilion rental rates.
Pavilion A - Picnic Grove.
[Amended 12-4-2018 by Ord. No. 7520]
Number of People
1-100 (off)
1-100 (summer)
101-150 (off)
101-150 (summer)
151-200 (off)
151-200 (summer)
Picnic table relocation fee. A flat picnic table relocation fee of $25 may be charged as part of rental of Pavilion A (Picnic Grove) if patrons request the relocation of the majority of tables from underneath the structure or provide a layout requiring movement of tables for an event.
Pavilions B and C - Island and Volleyball Court.
Number of People
1-25 (off)
1-25 (summer)
Pavilion D (North Lake) and Lake House Patio.
Number of People
North Lake
1-50 (off)
North Lake
1-50 (summer)
Lake House Patio
1-60 (off)
Nonresident beach/playground entrance fees.
Nonresident fees.
[Amended 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 8022]
Beach Admission Fee
Adults (16 and older)
$12 ($6 after 4:00 p.m.)
Seniors (62 and older)
$7 ($4 after 4:00 p.m.)
Youth (4-15 years)
$7 ($4 after 4:00 p.m.)
Veterans and active duty service members
$7 ($4 after 4:00 p.m.)
Ages 3 and under
Guests of residents: $1 daily fee for all guests of City residents (up to five guests per family). Any guests above the maximum of five per family will be charged $5 each.
SCUBA Zone fees.
Diver Fee
Diver Fee Resident Discount/Nonprofit Rate
Instructor Discount
$15 nonresident/$10 resident (with 3 full price paying students)
Any permit, license, program, or service provided by the City of Crystal Lake may be denied if the person has outstanding fines, fees, or money due the City and has failed to pay the fine, fee, or money due. The denial of the permit, license, program or service shall not apply to emergency services relating to the public health, welfare, or safety. The person requesting the permit, license, program, or service may appeal a denial to the City Manager or designee.