Physical improvements to the property being subdivided shall be provided, constructed, and installed as shown on the record plan, in accordance with the requirements of the Borough. Upon completion, as-built plans shall be submitted for the Borough records.
As a condition to review of a final plan by the Borough Planning Commission, the subdivider shall agree with the Borough as to installations of all improvements shown on the plan and required by these regulations and shall execute and file subdivision improvements agreement as prepared by the Borough Solicitor.
All improvements installed by the subdivider shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable design specifications of the Borough or, where none apply, as prepared by the Borough Engineer. Where required, the specifications of the applicable state agency shall be used.
Supervision of the installation of improvements required by § 410-27 following shall in all cases be the responsibility of the Borough or of the appropriate state regulatory agency.
The following improvements, as shown on the record plan, shall be provided by the subdivider:
Street grading. All streets shall be graded at full right-of-way width. All portions of street right-of-way not included within street cartway shall be graded at a slope not to exceed two feet horizontal and one foot vertical (six inches per foot). In areas where sidewalks are required, street grading within the sidewalk areas shall conform to grades for sidewalks and slopes shall begin beyond the inside edge of sidewalks.
Planting strips within street right-of-way shall be graded, properly prepared and seeded or sodded with lawn grass.
Where wet conditions are encountered, the Borough Council may require underdrains.
Cartway paving. All streets intended to be dedicated to public use shall be paved to full cartway width (as shown on the final plan), in accordance with Borough requirements. Refer to Appendix IV.
Curbs. Curbs shall be installed along both sides of all streets. Curbs shall be either the vertical type or a combination curb and gutter. The transition from one type of curb to another shall be made only at a street intersection.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks with a width of five feet shall be installed as required by the Borough on both sides of all streets, except that, where required, sidewalks shall be installed on only one side of marginal access streets, and no sidewalks shall be required along service streets. Wherever sidewalks are required, curbs shall also be required, and in accordance with the specifications of § 410-27C.
Storm sewers. Storm sewers and related facilities shall be installed consistent with acceptable design principles and the recommendations contained in Chapter 398, Stormwater Management.
Sanitary sewage disposal.
The subdivider shall provide a complete public sanitary sewage disposal system. The design and installation of the public system shall be subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer.
The plan for sewage disposal shall be consistent with all pertinent design requirements specified by the Borough, the City of Reading, and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Water supply.
The subdivision shall be provided with a complete public water distribution system. The design and installation of such public system shall be subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer and the City of Reading Water Bureau.
The plan for water supply shall be consistent with all pertinent design requirements specified by PA American Water Company and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed within 400 feet of all existing and proposed structures, measured by way of accessible streets, and be approved by the Fire Marshal.
Markers shall be placed, if nonexistent, at the intersections of all lines forming angles and at changes in direction in the line of boundary (perimeter) of the property being subdivided. In addition, at least two permanent stone or concrete monuments shall be accurately placed on consecutive boundary (perimeter) corners and their respective elevations established.
All monuments shall be placed by a registered professional engineer or surveyor so that the center of the monument shall coincide exactly with the point of intersection of the lines being monumented.
Monuments shall be set with their top level with the finished grade of surrounding ground, except:
Monuments which are placed within lines of existing or proposed sidewalks shall be so located (preferably beneath sidewalks) that their tops will not be affected by lateral movement of the sidewalk; and
Where monuments are located beneath a sidewalk, proper access shall be provided for their use.
All streets shall be monumented with a stone or concrete monument (on the right-of-way line) at the following locations or on the five-foot range line.
At least one monument at each street intersection;
At changes in direction of street lines, excluding arcs at intersections;
At each end of each curved street line, excluding curb arcs at intersections;
An intermediate monument wherever topographical or other conditions make it impossible to sight between two otherwise required monuments;
At such other places along the line of streets as may be determined by the Borough Engineer to be necessary so that any street may be readily defined in the future.
Street signs. Street name signs shall be installed at all street intersections. The design and placement of such signs shall meet PA DOT standards and be subject to Borough approval.
Streetlights are to be installed in all subdivisions with a minimum of 0.3 footcandle.
Streetlights shall be provided in all parking lots at a minimum of 0.5 footcandle.
Markers. Metal markers shall be accurately placed at all lot corners prior to development or sale of lots.
Traffic control devices. The traffic control devices shown on the approved plan, including such items as stop signs and signs restricting parking, shall be installed.
Rock removal. Provision shall be made for rock removal in the subdivision improvements agreement and guaranty.
When required by the Borough Council pursuant to § 410-21B(4), acceleration and deceleration lanes shall be provided.
Backfilling. Utility excavations in areas of streets, access drives, parking areas and loading areas shall be backfilled in accordance with the following standards:
Backfilling shall be done as promptly as possible.
The trench shall be filled with stone acceptable to the Borough to a height of at least one foot above the top of the conduit, pipe or pipe bell.
The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled with 2-RC and promptly compacted. The backfill material shall be mechanically tamped in approximately twelve-inch layers, to a minimum of 95% using the Modified Proctor method.
Where openings are made behind the curbline, work shall be done as required in these specifications and the opening covered with good topsoil to a depth of six inches and seeded or sodded to the satisfaction of the Borough.
Whenever the trenches have not been properly filled or if settlement occurs, they shall be refilled, compacted, smoothed off and finally made to conform to the surface of the ground.
Frozen material shall not be used for backfill, nor shall any backfilling be done when material already in the trench is frozen.
Reasonable effort should be made by the subdivider to preserve existing shade trees, which will be shown on the plan as remaining trees. In addition, deciduous hardwood trees with a minimum caliper of 1 1/2 inches should be provided. Such trees should be planted between the sidewalk and the building reserve (setback) line at least five feet from the sidewalk or between the curb and sidewalk, provided the planting strip is a minimum of 10 feet wide.
The Borough of Kenhorst will accept for public use only those improvements which have been constructed in accordance with specifications and requirements of applicable sections hereof. Proof of compliance with the specifications and requirements of the Borough may be provided by requesting the Engineer to inspect the work and supervise the work during construction and installation of same or by providing test data acquired under the supervision of the Engineer.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
At the Borough's discretion, the Borough may hereafter choose to accept any improvement for public use constructed in accordance with these specifications upon receipt of a petition containing a general release in favor of the Borough, duly executed by all of the abutting freeholders, and requesting the Borough to accept such improvements for public use, providing that all other conditions imposed by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code[1] concerning the taking over of said improvements are complied with.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Topsoil piles, debris, rubbish, construction materials and other materials resulting from grading or construction activities on a lot in or a portion of a commercial or industrial subdivision or land development shall be removed from that lot, and any other lot or portion of a land development on which it was deposited prior to issuance of a use and occupancy permit for said construction. All areas disturbed for storage of materials shall be graded and seeded with grass prior to issuance of such permit.