[Ord. No. 254 Art. I, 4-26-1994]
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this Chapter shall be as follows:
The piping which distributes potable water throughout the structure.
The piping from the water meter to the customer's building plumbing.
The City for Forsyth, Missouri.
Any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation hired to install water mains.
Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, political corporation or subdivision of either the State or Federal Government, to whom water services are made available from the owner's facilities.
An individual registered as a professional engineer in the State of Missouri.
The State agency having jurisdiction over community water systems, including regulations issued by the Agency.
Water which has been determined to meet all Missouri Department of Natural Resources regulations for human consumption.
A system for the provision of the public of piped water for human consumption, owned and operated by the City.
Is mandatory. SHOULD OR MAY — Is permissive.
The authorized representative of the City, whose responsibility is the operation and maintenance of the public sewer system.
That portion of the public water system which transmits potable water from the water source to the customers for building service and fire protection.
[Ord. No. 254 Art. II, 4-26-1994]
The specification for the construction and maintenance of water service mains of the water system of the City of Forsyth, Missouri, shall be as set forth in Exhibit A to this Chapter which exhibit is incorporated herein fully by reference thereto as if set forth verbatim.
Water service mains of the City of Forsyth, Missouri, will be so constructed as to fully comply with the terms, conditions and specifications of said Exhibit A.
Water service mains shall be designed by an engineer and submitted for approval to the City and the Mo. D.N.R. The design engineer shall certify the water service mains were constructed and tested in accordance with the approved plans and Exhibit A.
Following approval by the Superintendent and certification by the engineer, the City will accept the sewer lines for operation and maintenance.
[Ord. No. 254 Art. III, 4-26-1994]
The customer within the corporate City limits who requests water service which requires extension of the water service mains of the City shall request and may be granted the right to make such extension by the City. A building service line shall not cross another property other than a public right-of-way for connection to the water main of the City. A building service line shall not in the future be converted to a water service main of the City.
The customer shall obtain the services of an engineer, who shall prepare design plans for the required extensions. The plans shall be submitted to the City and Mo. D.N.R. for approval prior to beginning any work.
The customer shall obtain the services of a contractor who shall install the lines, etc., in accordance with the approved plans and Exhibit A. The contractor shall give the City at least forty-eight (48) hours notice of intent to commence before work is begun.
The engineer shall prepare the plans in accordance with the following minimum conditions:
"Design Guide for Community Public Water Supplies" issued by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Public Drinking Water Program, latest edition.
Minimum main size shall be six (6) inches and shall extend to the last building lot or the customer's property line.
Main line valves shall be spaced at five hundred (500) feet intervals in commercial districts and one (1) block or eight hundred (800) feet intervals in other districts.
Hydrants should be spaced at a maximum of three hundred (300) feet intervals in commercial districts and six hundred (600) feet intervals in other districts.
Mains shall be looped where feasible, as determined by the City.
Dead end mains shall have a hydrant placed at the end.
The water main design should include delivery of two thousand five hundred (2,500) gpm for commercial districts and one thousand (1,000) gpm for all other districts, for fire protection, with minimum pressure at any location within the distribution system.
The design shall include building service connections including saddle and corporation stop at the main, and sufficient service line to the meter location at the customer's property line.
Any building plumbing serving a business or a multi-family resident shall be installed so that water serving each separate office, business of living space may be metered and billed separately, or with approval of the City, a single master meter may be installed.
The design shall include a review of the City's ability to provide the projected peak flows during the peak day usage from the past three (3) years of City experience.
The customer shall be responsible for all cost of engineering, construction and any associated cost resulting from the extension of the water service mains.
The City will provide written approval for the extension. The City reserves the right to not approve any extension. The City reserves the right to require a main larger than six (6) inches be installed. If the City exercises this option, the City will pay the difference in the cost of pipe, valves and fittings between the size to be installed and the minimum six (6) inches, with the customer paying for all cost of installation of the larger pipe, valves and fittings.
The City will review its ability to provide the water demanded by the extension. The City may require the customer to help defray any cost the City incurs to their water sources or storage to approve the customer's extension request.
[Ord. No. 254 Art. IV, 4-26-1994]
Any person violating the terms of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined an amount not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). In addition, the connection to the City distribution system may be terminated until all provisions of this Chapter have been completed.