[CC 1990 §20-30; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
Whenever the Commission adopts the plan for the City of Belle or any part thereof, no street, public way, or other public utility, whether publicly or privately owned, and location, extent and character thereof having been included in the recommendations and proposals of the plan or portions thereof, shall be constructed or authorized in the said City until the location, extent and character thereof has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission.
In case of disapproval, the Commission shall communicate reasons to the Board of Aldermen, and such Board by vote of not less than two-thirds (⅔) of its entire membership may overrule the disapproval and, upon the overruling, the Board may proceed, except that if the public facility or utility is one the authorization of financing of which does not fall within the province of the Board, then the submission to the Planning Commission shall be by the municipal board having jurisdiction, and the Planning Commission's disapproval may be overruled by that board by a vote of not less than two-thirds (⅔) of its entire membership.
The acceptance, widening, removal, extension, relocation, narrowing, vacation, abandonment, change of use, acquisition of land for, sale or lease of any street or other public facility is subject to similar submission and approval, and the failure to approve may be similarly overruled. The failure of the Commission to act within sixty (60) days after the date of official submission to it shall be deemed approval.
Anyone submitting a request to the Planning and Zoning Commission that requires a publishing charge shall pay to the City the actual amount incurred in such publishing.
Upon adoption of a major street plan and subdivision regulations, the said City of Belle shall not accept, lay out, open, improve, grade, pave or light any street, lay or authorize the laying of water mains, sewers, connections or other utilities in any street within such City unless the street has received the legal status of a public street prior to the adoption of a City plan; or unless the street corresponds in its location and lines with a street shown on a subdivision plat approved by the City Board of Aldermen or City Planning Commission or on a street plan made and adopted by the Commission.
The Board of Aldermen may locate and construct or may accept any other street if the ordinance or other measure for the location and construction or for the acceptance is first submitted to the Commission for is approval and is approved by the Commission or, if disapproved by the Commission, is passed by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (⅔) of the entire membership of the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1990 §20-31; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
Within thirty (30) days after the submission of a plat to the Commission, the Commission shall approve or disapprove the plat; otherwise the plat is deemed approved by the Commission, except that the Commission, with the consent of the applicant for the approval, may extend the thirty (30) day period. The grounds of disapproval of any plat by the Commission shall be made a matter of record.
The approval of a plat by the Commission does not constitute or effect an acceptance by the City of Belle or the dedication to public use of any street or other ground shown upon the plat.
[CC 1990 §20-32; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
When the City Planning Commission adopts a City plan which includes at least a major street plan, or progresses in its City planning to the making and adoption of a major street plan, and files a certified copy of the major street plan in the office of the County Recorder of Maries/Osage County, Missouri, no plat of a subdivision or land lying within Belle shall be filed or recorded until it has been submitted to and a report and recommendation thereon made by the Commission to the Board of Aldermen, and such Board has approved the plat as provided by law.
[CC 1990 §20-33; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
If an application for the amendment, supplement, or change to the basic zoning of any property is denied, no subsequent application requesting the same classification or conditional use permit of or with references to the same property or part thereof shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Commission within six (6) months from the date of the receipt and filing by the Board of Aldermen of the Planning Commission report on the application.