[CC 1990 §20-51; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, or persons having control of any land within the corporate limits of the City to subdivide or lay out such land into lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, public ways and grounds, unless by plat in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri and the provisions of these regulations.
[CC 1990 §20-52; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
In obtaining final approval of a proposed subdivision by the City Planning Commission and the Board of Aldermen, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plan, a performance bond and a final plat in accordance with these regulations.
The subdivider shall first prepare and file with the City Planning Commission four (4) copies of a preliminary plan conforming to the requirements set forth in these regulations. Said plans shall be accompanied by a fee of one dollar ($1.00) for each lot in the subdivision providing said subdivision does not consist of less than ten (10) lots in which case a minimum filing fee of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be required.
The Planning Commission shall forthwith refer two (2) copies to the Director of Public Works.
A hearing on the proposal will be held before the City Planning Commission at its first (1st) regular meeting following the filing. No hearing shall be held by the Commission until notice thereof, which shall include the time and place, shall be given to interested parties by the City Clerk in behalf of the Commission by publication of notice of said hearing in a weekly newspaper for at least one (1) insertion, a week prior to the date of said hearing and by mailing a notice to the person who filed the preliminary plan to the address set forth in the filing papers.
The Director of Public Works shall carefully examine said plan as to its compliance with the laws and regulations of the City, the existing street system, and good engineering practices, and shall within fifteen (15) days submit his/her findings in duplicate to the City Planning Commission together with one (1) copy of the plan received.
The City Planning Commission shall, upon receiving the Director of Public Works' report, as soon as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the preliminary plan from the subdivider, consider said report and pass upon the plan. It shall then set forth its recommendations in writing, whether of approval, modification or disapproval. In case of modification or disapproval, it shall give its reasons therefor. The City Planning Commission shall forthwith return one (1) copy of the approved preliminary plan to the subdivider.
Upon approval of the preliminary plan by the City Planning Commission, the subdivider may proceed with the preparation of the final plat and detailed construction drawings and specifications for the improvements required under these regulations.
The approval of the preliminary plan by the City Planning Commission is revocable and does not constitute final approval or acceptance of the subdivision by the Board of Aldermen or authorization to proceed on construction or improvements within the subdivision, but shall constitute approval of layout and general engineering proposals and plans.
Before submitting the final plat to the City Planning Commission for approval, the subdivider shall furnish all plans and information as listed in "Final Plat Requirements" necessary for the detailed engineering consideration of the improvements required and obtain the approval of the Director of Public Works which shall be endorsed thereon.
For final plat approval the subdivider shall submit to the City Planning Commission
Twelve (12) copies of the final plat.
A performance bond in the amount approved by the Director of Public Works or attorney.
One (1) copy of the certified approved plans, cross sections and specifications.
A certificate from the Director of Public Works that the final plat is substantially in accord with the preliminary plan as approved by the City Planning Commission.
When the final plat has been passed upon by the City Planning Commission, twelve (12) copies of the final plat and performance bond shall forthwith be transmitted to the Board of Aldermen, together with a certificate showing the action of the City Planning Commission.
When the final plat has been approved by the Board of Aldermen, the performance bond accepted and all twelve (12) copies duly certified, six (6) copies shall be delivered to the City Planning Commission, one (1) copy to the Director of Public Works and one (1) to the Clerk for their respective files, and one (1) to the subdivider for filing with the Recorder of Deeds for Maries/Osage County. If said plat is disapproved by the Board of Aldermen, such disapproval shall point out in writing wherein said proposed plat is objectionable.
The passage of the resolution accepting the plat shall constitute final approval of the platting of the area shown on the final plat, but the owner shall cause such plat to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Maries/Osage County, Missouri, and shall file satisfactory evidence of such recording in the office of the City Clerk before the City shall recognize the plat as being in full force and effect.
Upon receipt of the duly certified copies of the final plat by the City Planning Commission, the secretary of the City Planning Commission will transmit copies of the plat upon which have been placed the official house numbers as determined by the Director of Public Works, to the subdivider, the water supplier and the telephone company.
Receipt of the duly certified final plat by the subdivider is authorization that he/she may proceed with the installation and construction of the required improvements.
The Board of Aldermen will return the performance bond to the subdivider upon certification by the Director of Public Works of satisfactory completion of the installation and construction of the required improvements and acceptance of the required improvements by the Board of Aldermen. Prior to certification by the Director of Public Works, the subdivider shall file with the Director of Public Works plans, profiles and cross sections of the required improvements as they have been built.