[CC 1990 §20-98; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
The final plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale of one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet or less as approved by the Director of Public Works and in ink or tracing cloth.
[CC 1990 §20-99; Ord. No. 341, 5-9-2001]
The plat shall show:
The title under which the subdivision is to be recorded.
The name or names of the owners and subdividers.
The date, scale and north point, and a key map showing the general location of the proposed subdivision.
The legal description of the area being platted, including the block, section, United States survey or part thereof.
Accurate distances and bearings of all boundary lines of the subdivision including all sections, quarter sections, U.S. Survey and Congressional Township lines.
Centerlines of all proposed and adjoining streets with their right-of-way widths and names.
Lines of all lots with a simple method of numbering to identify all lots and blocks.
All building lines and all easements provided for public service together with their dimensions and limitations of the easements.
Any and all dimensions necessary for accurate location of the boundaries of the site to be developed and of all streets, lots, easements and dedicated areas. These dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot.
All radii, arcs, points of tangency, central angles and lengths of curves.
Certification by a registered land surveyor that the final plat as shown is a correct representation of the survey as made.
All survey monuments and benchmarks, together with their description.
Private restrictive covenants and their period of existence.
The accurate outline, dimensions and purposes of all property which is offered for dedication or is to be reserved for acquisition for public use, or is to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision.