[CC 1984 §29-2]
Water and sewerage services combined shall be deemed to be furnished to both the occupant and owner of the premises receiving the service and the City shall sue the occupant or owner, or both, of any such real estate in a civil action to recover any unpaid sums due for any such services, plus a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court.
[Code 1974 §635.230; CC 1984 §29-3; Ord. No. 3-64 §1, 11-10-2011; Ord. No. 3-79, 3-22-2021]
The costs of all labor and materials expended by the City for the installation of electric, water, and sewer connections for multi-family, commercial, or industrial use shall be paid in full prior to the connection of utilities. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to adopt such billing procedures as necessary to ensure that funds due and payable to the City are collected before utilities are connected.
The collection fee for single-family or two-family buildings shall be as follows:
Two hundred (200) amp single phase service with a three-quarter (3/4) inch water service and a four (4) inch sewer service shall be eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00).
Two hundred (200) amp single phase service with a one (1) inch water service and a four (4) inch sewer service shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).
Four hundred (400) amp single phase service with a three-quarter (3/4) inch water service and a four (4) inch sewer service shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).
Four hundred (400) amp single phase service with a one (1) inch water service and a four (4) inch sewer service shall be twenty-two hundred dollars ($2,200.00).
Four hundred (400) amp dual single phase service with two (2) three-quarter (3/4) inch water services and two (2) four (4) inch sewer services shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000.00).
Four hundred (400) amp dual single phase service with two (2) one (1) inch water services and two (2) four (4) inch sewer services shall be thirty-four hundred dollars ($3,400.00).
For utility connections for all buildings other than single-family or two-family buildings the City will estimate the fees from the information provided in the building permit application using current material costs. If the estimated fees exceed the actual cost of connection the City will refund the excess payment to the applicant. If the estimated fee is less than the actual cost of connection the City will bill the applicant for the additional costs which must be paid prior to establishing a utility account for the building.
Fees charged for connection to the electric, water or sewer system may be reduced by the cost of materials previously installed by the land developer or builder for the purpose of serving the building. Fee reductions are only allowable for materials that meet current product specifications approved by the City.
[CC 1984 §29-4; Ord. No. 3-29 §1, 4-21-1980]
The City shall not accept nor connect to any private sewer or water system until and unless the following procedures and requirements are met:
The owner shall permit the City to inspect the water systems by any recognized method of testing. Should inspection reveal a deficiency or a defect in the systems, the owner shall be notified in writing by the City describing the deficiency or defect found thereby.
Should the owner fail to agree with the findings of the City, the City shall employ an independent engineering consultant who shall make a written recommendation as to the alleged defects and the course of action needed to correct the defects. The costs of the inspection and recommendation shall be paid in full by the City. The full costs of the correction of the deficiency or defects shall be borne entirely by the owner. When the deficiencies or defects are corrected, the owner shall notify the City in writing as to the corrections. The City shall then reinspect and verify the corrections whereupon the private sewer or water system shall be accepted.
The owner shall convey to the City all necessary easements free and clear of all liens, describing the sewer and water lines as centerlines of the easements. Whenever possible, easements shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet in width.
[CC 1984 §29-5]
Upon presentation of proper credentials, City utility personnel are hereby authorized to enter upon any premises in the City for the purpose of performing their duties or making any inspections necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of State law and this Code pertaining to utilities. No entry shall be made except upon authorization of the occupant of the premises or by due process of law.
[CC 1984 §29-6; Ord. No. 3-33 §1(1) — (3), 11-19-1990]
Utilities that are contemplated by this Section shall include electric, sewer and water.
All accounts for the use of City utilities shall be due and payable by the consumer, either in person or by mail at the City Light and Water Department office, no later than the date indicated as the "due date" on the statement for services rendered.
All consumers who shall fail to pay the amounts due and payable, when due, shall pay in addition to the principal amount due and owing a sum of one and one-half percent (1½%) per month of the unpaid balance, or any portion of a month thereof.
[Ord. No. 3-38 §1, 11-18-1996]
No person shall build or construct or maintain a fixture over an existing underground City utility easement, of record or not of record, and further prohibits the building of structures so close in proximity to an existing easement to prevent the routine maintenance, replacement or removal.
Any relocation of existing utility lines may be moved if approved by the City and at the expense of the person or persons who wish the relocation of existing underground utilities.
[Ord. No. 3-36 §§1 — 2, 5-20-1996]
Each request for service shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and a Committee of the Farmington City Council. The information requested prior to consideration for services will be as follows:
A detailed narrative describing the scope of the project and exactly what benefits will be gained by the City of Farmington.
A preliminary set of plans and specifications.
Detailed information regarding the utility easements and right-of-ways necessary to expand utility services.
An agreement by an applicant that there shall be incorporated in the agreement provided below that all improvements shall be approved by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and all the City standards including, but not limited to, the Farmington subdivision ordinances and utility requirements which are in effect at that time.
Should the City Council make a conditional approval, final approval shall be granted only on the following conditions:
A stamped set of plans and specifications prepared by a professional engineer and approved by the City and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
All utility and right-of-way easements necessary to expand the utility services including, but not limited to, easements for that portion of water and/or sewer lines located on applicant's property shall be deeded or dedicated to City.
The parties herein execute an agreement wherein, should applicants make any improvements, the improvements shall be in compliance with the City ordinances, then in effect, and all other relevant City ordinances pertaining to development.
The water and/or sewer system, once accepted by the City, shall become property of the City of Farmington; all future extensions and/or connections to said water and/or sewer system must be approved by the City.
City may impose a reasonable assessment for allowing extension and/or connection to any established utility service.
Said applicant shall agree in the above said contract, upon request of City and at the expense of the applicant, provide that any meters deemed necessary by City shall be installed.
In addition to the above agreements, an applicant shall agree by written contract, wherein an applicant shall execute an agreement, which shall be a covenant contained therein that runs with the land, which covenant shall contain an agreement of applicant and/or its heirs or successors, that the applicant shall submit to City an executed petition for voluntary annexation and shall contain additional provisions that if any party breaches the contract, provided herein, the parties shall be discontinued from all City services from the City.
All applicants shall, at the time of submitting those documents for final approval, be parties of an executed application for annexation.
Any applicant shall not, under any circumstance, allow a third (3rd) party to hook on and extend and/or connect to that part of said services which are contained on applicant's property. Any violation of this contract provision shall be deemed a breach of contract and an applicant's said City water and/or sewer services shall be discontinued as provided in this agreement.
City shall impose on an applicant said City water and/or sewerage services for the above described property, a rate which is presently in effect, for non-resident users, with said rate being adjusted, from time to time, to reflect the future adjustments of general rates approved by the City Council, if any. The City shall not be obligated to provide water in a volume greater than that now available at that point which an applicant shall extend and/or connect with the water and/or sewer lines of the City.
Those applicants who have made improvements either residential or commercial after the enactments of the City Codes, and said real estate does not meet the requirements of said Codes and ordinances, shall not be eligible for access to City services unless said improvements have been modified to comply with all City Codes pertaining to the said improvements.
All additional details related to the extension and/or connection of City services shall be included in an executed contract between the City of Farmington and the applicant.
In the event of an emergency, the City reserves the right to limit the quantity of water supplied to an applicant and further reserves the right to adopt and enforce rules and regulations to prevent wastage.
[Ord. No. 3-78, 8-13-2020]
All utility meters installed by the City for the measurement of electric current and water consumption shall be Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters capable of two-way communication and data management of metered usage by use of a Remote Telemetry Module installed in proximity to the meter.
Utility customers who request a meter other than an Automatic Meter Reading or Advanced Metering Infrastructure meter shall be assessed an additional customer charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month per meter for each meter.
Utility customers who request removal of an Automatic Meter Reading or Advanced Metering Infrastructure meter and replacement with a meter not capable of two-way communication shall be assessed a one-time installation fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) and the additional monthly customer charge in Subsection (B).
[Ord. No. 3-90, 11-27-2023]
Electric meter bases shall be installed at a height between fifty-four (54) inches and sixty-six (66) inches measured from the ground level to the center of the meter socket.
Electric meters shall not be obstructed by vegetation, debris, fencing, or landscaping that will create an unsafe condition or impede the visibility and access of the electric meter.