[CC §7.95; Ord. No. 349 §2, 12-5-1988]
It shall be unlawful for the City Manager or any other employee or officer of the City to reveal, divulge, give out or impart to any other person or persons any information relative to or the contents of any business's license tax return filed under this Chapter or to permit any other person to see, inspect, examine or copy the same. This provision shall not prohibit the City Manager or any City employee, official, or auditor from proceeding in the Administrative tribunal in any proceeding brought to collect any business license tax due or to question or determine the validity or correctness of the contents of any return under this Chapter, or to punish any person for making false or fraudulent returns.
[CC §7.96; Ord. No. 349 §2, 12-5-1988; Ord. No. 832 §7, 6-6-2005]
Any person, firm, corporation or association violating any of the provisions of Chapters 605 and 610, not accompanied by a penalty provision, in addition to the revocation of his or her license, shall be liable for a fine or penalty of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each such offense, or imprisonment for ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each offense being each day that said person, firm or corporation shall be in violation of any provision of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 1014 §1, 7-15-2013]
In addition to any other penalties that may be assessed, any person who is required to obtain a license and has failed to do so, or any person who has not renewed their expired license under the provisions of Chapters 605 and 610, shall be assessed late penalties on each license due as follows:
Existing businesses.
An initial penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be assessed on the first (1st) day of March for all unrenewed licenses.
In addition to the initial twenty-five dollar ($25.00) penalty for unrenewed licenses, an additional fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per month or any portion of the month shall be assessed beginning with the first (1st) business day of March and continuing each month thereafter until such time the license fee and all applicable penalty/late fees have been paid in full. This penalty shall be paid into the City's General Fund.
New businesses.
An initial penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be assessed on the first (1st) day a new business is in operation without first having obtained their business license.
In addition to the initial one hundred dollar ($100.00) penalty for a new business operating without license, an additional fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month or any portion of the month shall be assessed beginning with the first (1st) day the new business is in operation without first having obtained their business license. This penalty shall be paid into the City's General Fund.