Any person who is elected to his/her first (1st) term as City Marshal in a general election or in a special election in any Fourth Class City of this State shall, within six (6) months of such election, cause to be filed with the City Clerk of the City and Director of the Department of Public Safety proof that he/she has completed the training program formulated pursuant to Sections 590.170 and 590.175, RSMo., or some other comparable training program of not less than one hundred twenty (120) hours instruction approved by the Director of the Department of Public Safety. If the newly elected City Marshal is unable to complete the training program within six (6) months due to the proper course not being available from the Department of Public Safety, an extension may be granted until such a course is made available. The City is not responsible for and will not pay for the cost of the required training. This is the responsibility of the individual.
Whether any person elected to his/her first (1st) term as City Marshal attends such a training program prior to or after assuming the duties of his/her office shall be left to the discretion of the Board of Aldermen of the City from which he/she was elected. During the time that a Marshal-elect is enrolled in such a training program, he/she shall be hired as a City employee and receive as full compensation from the City from which he/she was elected, compensation at a rate equal to that of City Marshal.
[CC 1990 §§2-54 — 2-62; CC 1978 §§131.121, 131.123, 131.125, 131.301, 131.305, 131.307, 131.309, 131.311; Ord. No. 336 §7, 8-11-1999]
Turn Over Records To Successor. He/she shall deliver all books, records, papers, and other property pertaining to his/her office to his/her successor in office.
Assistants. The City Marshal may, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, appoint one (1) or more deputies, but he/she shall be responsible for their conduct. All deputies so appointed shall be subject to his/her orders and shall at all times perform all reasonable duties required of them, and they shall have the same power to make arrests that the Marshal possesses, and may do any lawful act for the preservation of the peace of the City.
Conservator Of The Peace. The Marshal shall be a conservator of the peace and shall have power to arrest with or without warrant any person found violating any ordinance of the City or in the commission of a felony or misdemeanor punishable by the law of the State of Missouri, and, if necessary, commit such person to prison and detain him/her there overnight or the Sabbath day, until he/she can be brought before the proper officer for trial or examination; but he/she shall not detain such person unreasonably and when arrest is made without warrant, he/she shall file or have filed a complaint against the person arrested.
May Call On Citizens To Assist. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal and he/she is hereby empowered to call to his/her assistance any and/or all male inhabitants of the City over the age of eighteen (18) years and under fifty (50) years to assist him/her in making needful arrests or in dispersing any mob or unlawful assembly and for the preservation of any public and private property and for the protection of any person or persons from violence.
The elected Marshal serves to abate nuisances by issuing notices upon proper documentation, such as photes throughout the City of Belle and uphold all ordinances as outlined in the Articles of Chapter 215, Health and Nuisances in the Belle City Code Book. The Marshal shall issue a summons to those who fail to abate any nuisance after notice deadline.
[Ord. No. 595, 9-8-2020]
The Police of the City may be appointed in such numbers, for such times and in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance. They shall have power to serve and execute all warrants, subpoenas, writs or other process and to make arrests in the same manner as the Marshal. They may exercise such powers in areas leased or owned by the municipality outside of the boundaries of such municipality. The Marshal and Policemen shall be conservators of the peace and shall be active and vigilant in the preservation of good order within the City.
Persons licensed and commissioned as Law Enforcement Officers within the City before July 1, 2002, may retain licensure with one hundred twenty (120) hours of basic training.
[Ord. No. 551, 9-18-2013; Ord. No. 596, 9-8-2020]
Any person in the office of Marshal shall be at least 21 (twenty-one) years of age at the time of his or her election.
Any person seeking the office of Marshal shall be a resident of the City of Belle at least six (6) months prior to his or her election and shall remain a resident of the City of Belle during his or her entire term of office.
Any person seeking the office of Marshal shall not be in arrears for any taxes or City services.
The term of office for Marshal shall be four (4) years.
Any person elected to the Office of Marshal, shall be considered a full-time employee of City of Belle.
As such, the elected Marshal shall be required to work no less than forty (40) hours per week performing police duties inside the City of Belle.
Those hours are to be accurately tracked and reported on a weekly basis to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
The elected Marshal shall attend all regular meetings of the Belle Board of Aldermen and report items of progress.
The elected Marshal shall attend and serve as Court Bailiff during all session of Belle Municipal Court.
The elected Marshal shall sign all documents and paperwork required.
The elected Marshal shall serve to abate rental property and nuisance violations as outlined in the Belle City Ordinances.
[Ord. No. 596, 9-8-2020]
Failure to perform required duties or violation of the City of Belle's Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual or Belle City Ordinances shall result in possible impeachment proceedings for contested cases under Sections 536.060 through 536.140, RSMo.