Rights and Privileges Preserved. Nothing in this Charter except as otherwise specifically provided shall affect or impair the rights or privileges of persons who are Village officers or employees at the time of its adoption.
Continuance of Office or Employment. Except as specifically provided by this Charter, if at the time this Charter takes full effect a Village Administrative Officer or employee holds any office or position which is or can be abolished by or under this Charter, he shall continue in such office or position until the taking effect of some specific provision under this Charter directing that he vacate the office or position.
Personnel System. An employee holding a Village position at the time this Charter takes full effect, who was serving in that same or a comparable position at the time of its adoption, shall not be subject to competitive tests as a condition of continuance in the same position but in all other respects shall be subject to the personnel system provided for in Section 4.02.
Transfer of Powers. If a Village Department, Officer or Agency is abolished by this Charter, the powers and duties given it by law shall be transferred to the City Department, Office or Agency designated by this Charter or, if the Charter makes no provision, designated by the City Council.
Property and Records. All property, records and equipment of any department, office or agency existing when this Charter is adopted shall be transferred to the department, office or agency assuming its powers and duties, but, in the event that the powers or duties are to be discontinued or divided between units or in the event that any conflict arises regarding a transfer, such property, records or equipment shall be transferred to one (1) or more departments, offices or agencies designated by the Council in accordance with this Charter.
All rights, claims, actions, orders, contracts and legal or administrative proceedings shall continue except as modified pursuant to the provisions of this Charter and in each case shall be maintained, carried on or dealt with by the City Department, Office or Agency appropriate under this Charter.
All Village ordinances, resolutions, orders and regulations which are in force when this Charter becomes fully effective are repealed to the extent that they are inconsistent or interfere with the effective operation of this Charter or of ordinances or resolutions adopted pursuant thereto. To the extent that the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri permit, all laws relating to or affecting this Village or its agencies, officers or employees which are in force when this Charter becomes fully effective are superseded to the extent that they are inconsistent or interfere with the effective operation of this Charter or of ordinances or resolutions adopted pursuant thereto.
First Election. At the time of its adoption, this Charter shall be in effect to the extent necessary in order that the first election of members of the City Council may be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. The first election shall be held on the 2nd of April, 1974, under the supervision of the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners.
Time of Taking Full Effect. This Charter shall be in full effect for all purposes on and after the date and time of the first meeting of the newly elected Council as provided in Subsection (C).
First Council Meeting. On the fifteenth (15th) day of April, 1974, following the first election of Council Members under this Charter, the newly elected members of the Council shall meet at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall:
For the purpose of appointing or considering the appointment of a City Manager or acting City Manager, and choosing, if it so desires, one of its members to act as temporary Clerk pending appointment of a City Clerk pursuant to Section 2.08; and
For the purpose of adopting ordinances and resolutions necessary to effect the transition of government under this Charter and to maintain effective City Government during that transition.
Temporary Ordinances. In adopting ordinances as provided in Subsection (C), the Council shall follow the procedures prescribed in Article II, except that at its first meeting or any meeting held within sixty (60) days thereafter, the Council may adopt temporary ordinances to deal with cases in which there is an urgent need for prompt action in connection with the transition of government and in which the delay incident to the appropriate ordinance procedure would probably cause serious hardship or impairment of effective City Government. Every temporary ordinance shall be plainly labelled as such but shall be introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances generally. A temporary ordinance may be considered and may be adopted with or without amendment or rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced. After adoption of a temporary ordinance, the Council shall cause it to be printed and published as prescribed for other adopted ordinances. A temporary ordinance shall become effective upon adoption or at such later time preceding automatic repeal under this Subsection as it may specify, and the referendum power shall not extend any such ordinance. Every temporary ordinance, including any amendments made thereto after adoption, shall automatically stand repealed as of the ninety-first (91st) day following the date on which it was adopted, and it shall not be readopted, renewed or otherwise continued except by adoption in the manner prescribed in Article II for ordinances of the kind concerned.
The Village Trustees in office at the date this Charter is adopted shall continue in office until the first meeting of the Council on April 15, 1974, and thereupon the terms of office of the Village Trustees shall terminate and the new Council shall forthwith become the official governing body of the City.