Editor's Note — Ord. no. 1414, enacted on October 19, 1998, superseded chapter 200. The previous chapter 200 derived from CC 1984 §§15-1 — 15-21, ord. no. 477 §§1 — 4, 7 — 8, 11-3-1969, ord. no. 660 §1, 8-16-1978, ord. no. 1119 §1, 8-18-1993, ord. no. 1169 §1, 5-2-1994, and ord. no. 1223 §§1 — 2, 3-20-1995.
[R.O. 2013 §200.010; Ord. No. 1414 §15-1, 10-19-1998; Ord. No. 1568 §1, 8-5-2002; Ord. No. 1883 §1, 12-12-2011]
The elected City Marshal/ex officio Collector shall have the following powers and duties, provided that he/she may not exercise arrest powers or carry a firearm or interfere with officers or agents of the St. Louis County Police exercising their duties and responsibilities pursuant to Section 200.020 of the Valley Park Code of Ordinances:
The Marshal/ex officio Collector shall be entitled to wear or display a badge as an emolument of their office.
The Marshal/ex officio Collector shall be entitled to be the official "Marshal" of the Valley Days parade and celebration.
The Marshal/ex officio Collector may assist the St. Louis County Police in delivering packets and materials to the members of the Board of Aldermen.
The Marshal/ex officio Collector may assist the St. Louis County Police Department as a co-sergeant at arms at meetings of the Board of Aldermen.
The Marshal/ex officio Collector may make himself/herself available to answer questions by the Board of Aldermen in matters pertaining to public safety.
The Marshal/ex officio Collector may perform such other duties or functions as determined by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the members elected to the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2013 §200.020; Ord. No. 1414 §15-2, 10-19-1998]
The City of Valley Park, through a contract with St. Louis County, Missouri, authorizes the Department of Police of St. Louis County to provide full service police protection and services including local patrols to traffic supervision within the corporate limits. All police personnel shall be employees of St. Louis County and shall be under direct supervision of the St. Louis County Police Department. The terms "Police" and "Police Officers", as used herein, shall refer to Law Enforcement Officers. The term "Police Department" shall refer to the St. Louis County Police Department/City of Valley Park.
[R.O. 2013 §200.030; Ord. No. 1414 §15-3, 10-19-1998]
It is the duty of all Police Officers to acquaint themselves and to be familiar with the ordinances of the City of Valley Park and any amendments thereto, and they are hereby authorized to enforce such ordinances. They shall be alert at all times to direct obstructions of any street, sidewalk, tree, lawn or public place, the maintenance of any nuisance as described in the ordinances of the City of Valley Park and amendments thereto, obstruction or alteration of any building, or any other activity where a permit or licensing is required, traffic violations, the violation of laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer, disturbance of the peace or disorderly conduct, and the violation of any other ordinance of the City of Valley Park and amendments thereto. They are authorized to make arrests, serve summons and report violations.
[R.O. 2013 §200.040; Ord. No. 1414 §15-4, 10-19-1998]
In traffic cases, the complaint or information and summons shall be in the form known as the "uniform traffic ticket" as set out in Supreme Court Rules as adapted in the City of Valley Park. All other complaints or information used by the City of Valley Park shall be approved by the City Attorney for the City of Valley Park. The procedures for handling and disposal of tickets and other complaints shall follow the Supreme Court Rules of the State of Missouri, and shall be further regulated as follows:
Responsible to Municipal Court. The disposition of all such uniform tickets shall be the responsibility of the Valley Park Municipal Court.
No ticket to be altered. Once a uniform ticket has been filled out and executed by a Police Officer, the ticket so executed shall not in any circumstances be amended, altered, added to or subtracted from by the Police Officer. Upon execution, the uniform ticket shall be immediately transmitted to the Municipal Court Clerk, and in no way shall the issued and executed uniform ticket be deposited in the Municipal Clerk's office later than seventy-two (72) hours after issuance. Should any officer have comment or recommendation regarding any uniform ticket issued and executed, the officer shall cause same to be transmitted to or communicated with the Prosecuting Attorney. Nothing herein shall prevent the filing of more detailed information or amended information by the Prosecuting Attorney.
Improper disposition. Any person who improperly disposes, or who solicits, or aids in the disposition of a uniform ticket in any manner, other than authorized by the court or this Section, shall be proceeded against for criminal contempt in the manner provided by the Supreme Court Rules.
Other complaints.
All citizen complaints and other complaints involving municipal ordinance violations shall be turned over to the Municipal Court Clerk within twelve (12) hours of execution by the citizen or other persons. The Prosecuting Attorney shall then determine whether said complaint shall be prosecuted.
The proper disposition of citizen and other complaints shall be subject to the requirements of this Section.
Violations of State Statutes. Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect the disposition of matters that are violations of State law, except that any uniform ticket issued as a State Statute violation shall likewise be subject to the provisions of this Section, except that transmission shall be made to the proper County authority.
[R.O. 2013 §200.050; Ord. No. 1414 §15-5, 10-19-1998]
There is hereby created a Police Committee to consist of one (1) Alderman from each ward of the City to be appointed by the Mayor. The Committee shall report to the Board of Aldermen its observations regarding the conduct and operation of the Valley Park Police Department and make recommendations thereto.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 1749 §1, adopted January 7, 2008, repealed section 200.060 "administrative search warrants" in its entirety. Former section 200.060 derived from ord. no. 1740 §1, 9-17-2007.