[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen]
This policy is adopted by the Board of Selectmen to establish a balance between preserving the scenic rural characteristics of unpaved "scenic destination public ways," effective and necessary maintenance, snow removal, drainage, and public safety, while at the same time being sensitive to the taxpayer, cost of operations and municipal liability, and to accomplish these policies without any unnecessary widening of the roads.
This policy shall be reviewed from time to time, amended as may be appropriate, and reaffirmed by vote of the Board at that time.
This policy shall apply to the following roads:
Gulf Road.
Baird Hill Road.
Potter Road.
Davis Hill Road to Cemetery.
Leavitt Road.
Greeley Road.
Birch Hill Road.
Crown Hill Road from Gulf to point of abandonment at west side of Parcel 3-27.
The subject roadways shall be plowed with equipment that will not necessitate further widening in order to operate effectively and efficiently.
Stored snow from plowing may be moved or removed from the right-of-way at such time as the traveled way has been reduced by three or more feet from ditch line to ditch line.
Sanding shall be done at the discretion of Highway Department personnel.
Signs shall be posted from November 15 to March 15 advising travelers of the narrow roadway and to drive with caution.
Prior to fall/winter frost freeze at least six inches being established, and in spring when thaw has entered the roadway, plowing shall only occur with storms in excess of four inches.
No further water run-off drainage areas will be constructed without the written consent of the property owner onto whose property the water will flow. Runoffs, when constructed, shall be done only to the degree necessary to rectify the problem area.
Storm drains, culverts and ditches will be cleaned as needed, but no less than once a year.
Dead trees, regardless of size, may be cut and fallen trees removed from the right-of-way. Tree maintenance shall be in accordance with the scenic road statutes. Only growth considered to intrude into the traveled way, or that impedes sufficient road maintenance operations, is to be removed. Trees being removed with a ten-inch to fifteen-inch circumference at four feet from the ground shall be yellow-flagged for one week prior to removal to allow abutters to comment to the Director of Public Works concerning their removal. Smaller trees/brush may be removed at the discretion of the Highway Department.
Traveled ways shall be graded no more than twice a year as conditions permit in the spring and fall, and raked as needed in the summer. In all cases, only those sections, at the discretion of the Highway Department, requiring maintenance shall be graded/raked. Rocks shall be removed from the roadway as necessary to facilitate grading.
The Public Works Director may act in any manner deemed appropriate in emergency situations in order to make the public ways accessible, safe and able to be travelled upon.
A log will be maintained reflecting comments, complaints, compliments, maintenance activity, equipment utilization, and operational problems/incidents that occur on the subject public ways. The logs will be used as part of the Board's annual policy review.