[Ord. No. 071113B §2, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §3, 9-13-2010]
All premises using the City water supply must be equipped with an adequate water meter furnished by the City, but paid for by the customer, provided that such water service may be supplied temporarily by the City at a flat rate of charge until such meter may be installed.
Before any premises are occupied, a water meter shall be installed as herein required, an application shall be made for such water service or no water shall be furnished such premises.
[Ord. No. 071113B §3, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §4, 9-13-2010]
Meters shall be installed in a location that will be easy of access, and located in the front utility easement.
[Ord. No. 071113B §§4 — 5, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §§5 — 6, 9-13-2010; Ord. No. 120611C §1, 6-11-2012; Ord. No. 161205B §1, 12-12-2016; Ord. No. 171113C, 11-27-2017; Ord. No. 181210D, 12-10-2018; Ord. No. 211012D, 10-25-2021; Ord. No. 240325A, 4-8-2024]
Except as provided for bulk at a flat rate, every user of water from the municipal water system of the City of Willard, Missouri, shall use said water only after it has been metered in a water meter to be furnished, installed, regulated, and controlled by said City and the applicant for each meter, on behalf of him or her, shall pay for said water used at the following monthly rate:
For the first one thousand (1,000) gallons used in each month, the rate shall be fifteen dollars and twenty-eight cents ($15.28) for residential and commercial, and sixteen dollars and sixty-three cents ($16.63) for rural residential and rural commercial.
For the next one thousand (1,000) gallons or portion thereof used in each month, the rate shall be two dollars and eighty-six cents ($2.86) for residential and commercial, and three dollars and twelve cents ($3.12) for rural residential and commercial.
For each additional one thousand (1,000) gallons or portion thereof used each month, the rate shall be two dollars and eighty-six cents ($2.86) per one thousand (1,000) gallons or portion thereof for residential and commercial, and three dollars and twelve cents ($3.12) for rural residential and commercial.
These rates shall be hereby reviewed on an annual basis.
In the event that less than one thousand (1,000) gallons is used in any one (1) month by a user the minimum rate of fifteen dollars and twenty-eight cents ($15.28) for residential and commercial, and sixteen dollars and sixty-three cents ($16.63) for rural residential and commercial shall be charged and paid.
[Ord. No. 071113B §7, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §8, 9-13-2010; Ord. No. 220110C, 1-10-2022]
In addition to the above rates, every user of the water system utilizing a five-eighths (5/8) inch meter to a one (1) inch meter shall pay an additional fee to provide the funding for water testing as required by Missouri law. These fees shall be as follows:
Annual Missouri Primacy Fee
Unmetered Customers And Those With Meters
Less Than Or Equal To One Inch
Water System Service Connection
1 — 10
11 — 10,000
10,001 — 50,000
50,001 — 100,000
More than 100,000
Annual Missouri Primacy Fee
Customers With Meters Greater Than One Inch
Meter Size
> 1 inch — ≤ 2 inches
> 2 inches — ≤ 4 inches
> 4 inches
The fee may be charged and billed as a one-time fee each fiscal year in a particular month, or divided equally and billed monthly in accordance with the policy as may be established from time to time by the Board of Aldermen. The annual fee shall be charged on a fiscal year basis of August first (1st) to July thirty-first (31st) of each year.
[Ord. No. 100913 §9, 9-13-2010]
All meters shall be read by the City each month and an accurate record of all readings shall be kept in the City Finance Department.
[Ord. No. 071113B §6, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 092710 §1, 8-13-2010; Ord. No. 100913 §7, 9-13-2010; Ord. No. 140922B §1, 9-22-2014]
Residential and commercial builders will sign up for water service at the time of purchase of the building permit. A deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be paid at that time. Said builders will be billed on a monthly basis for all water usage metered. Upon completion of the final inspection, the developer will be responsible for the final water bill and a one-month base sewer rate. The final bill will be deducted from the deposit with the developer responsible for any overage owed to the City.
[Ord. No. 071113B §9, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 092710 §1, 8-13-2010; Ord. No. 100913 §10, 9-13-2010; Ord. No. 120109B §1, 1-9-2012; Ord. No. 121009 §1, 10-9-2012; Ord. No. 141110 §1, 11-10-2014]
After the meters have been read as herein provided, the City Finance Department shall as soon thereafter as is reasonable and before the 25th day of the month send to each user a written statement stating the amount of water used and the charge therefor as of the last meter reading date. Thereafter, all bills shall be due and payable at the City Hall on or before the 10th day of the month following the use of the water. Any bill not paid in full on or before the 10th day of the month following the use of the water shall be subject to a penalty equal to ten percent (10%) of the total payment due, pretax, for water and sewer service.
If any customer of the Willard Water System does not agree with the billing he or she receives he or she must contact City Hall by the 10th of the following month. At that time, his or her account will be reviewed and the appropriate steps taken.
All past due balances not paid in full by 5:00 P.M. on the business day prior to the disconnect day of each month shall be subject to disconnect. No disconnect will be done on amounts due less than fifty dollars ($50.00). A notice informing the customer of past due balances and possible disconnection shall be sent after the 10th day of each month.
If the customer wishes to make arrangements to pay his or her bill at an alternate time, he or she must come to City Hall to complete a payment arrangement form by 5:00 P.M. on or before the business day immediately prior to the disconnect day of each month. If the customer defaults on an approved payment arrangement, said customer shall not be eligible for use of the payment arrangement option for a period of not less than six (6) months and shall be immediately disconnected from the water system. Service shall not be restored until all current and past due account balances have been paid in full. Checks shall not be accepted as a means of reconnection of service.
Penalty Fee.
Any account with a past due balance not paid in full by the required date and time, or any service that has been disconnected by reason of a failure to pay all past due balances of the utility bill shall be assessed a penalty fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). If water service has been disconnected all past due balances plus the penalty shall be paid before water service is restored. If it becomes necessary to remove the meter, the reconnect fee will be one hundred dollars ($100.00). Checks shall not be accepted as a means of reconnection of service. Water service shall be restored by the end of the business day after full payment has been made for penalties and all outstanding amounts due.
The above-referenced penalty fee will be waived one (1) time within a twelve-month period for any non-commercial user/household if a recognized, designated not-for-profit entity/charity as defined by the Internal Revenue Code § 501 (c)(3) commits to assist in the payment of any or all of said past due balance. The City must receive documentation of proof of a valid not-for-profit entity/charity as defined by the Internal Revenue Code § 501 (c)(3 prior to/at the time of payment.
Any payment returned by reason of insufficient funds shall result in an additional service fee of ($30.00) thirty dollars being added to the account. A notice shall be sent to the customer detailing the date and time by which the account balances must be paid, in cash, or water service shall be disconnected.
Bulk water sales may be permitted with prior approval of the Director of Public Works of the City of Willard. The Director shall establish the location, date and time bulk water may be acquired from the Willard Municipal water system. The customer purchasing bulk water shall be required to establish an account with the City of Willard and shall pay a deposit of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for use of the bulk water meter at the time the account is established. Upon return of the meter, in good working order, to the Director, the customer shall be billed during the next regular billing period for the total water used, and the deposit shall be refunded at that time less the charges owed for the water.
[Ord. No. 071113B §10, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §11, 9-13-2010]
The City may adjust the customer's utility bill once per year when any such customer usage exceeds said customer's normal usage by more than one hundred percent (100%) as a result of a water leak and only for one (1) billing cycle. Said adjustment shall be computed by deducting the charge for normal water usage by such customer from the amount of the bill in question, and then charging such customer for fifty percent (50%) of the remainder.
[Ord. No. 071113B §11, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 092710 §1, 8-13-2010; Ord. No. 100913 §12, 9-13-2010]
No connections with a water main shall be made by any person other than a City employee. All such connections shall be made by or under the supervision of the Public Works Director. Applications for such connections must be made to the City Clerk.
No fee shall be paid for the connection, as each new owner of a site where there has not previously been a water meter installed shall pay to the City the costs for the meter. Fees for the installation of said meter shall be paid according to the schedule established below. The cost for the meter and the cost of installation shall be paid prior to obtaining water service.
[Ord. No. 210111B, 1-11-2021]
Meter Size
¾ inch
$ 1,200.00
1 inch
$ 1,550.00
1 1/2 inch
2 inches
3 inches
Individually Priced
These charges shall be for installation of the meter pit and all necessary hardware, including the appropriate meter size. In the event the request is only for the standard ¾" meter, the charge will be six hundred fifty dollars ($650.00). For all other meter installations larger than 2", requests will be individually priced.
Any person outside the City limits that requests permission to connect to the Waterworks System must: (1) file an application for a special connection permit; and (2) execute and file with the Recorder of Deeds an irrevocable consent to annex into the City limits pertaining to their property.
[Ord. No. 201214E, 12-28-2020]
[Ord. No. 071113B §§12 — 13, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 092710 §1, 8-13-2010; Ord. No. 100913 §§13 — 14, 9-13-2010; Ord. No. 140922C §1, 9-22-2014; Ord. No. 161114F §1, 11-28-2016]
Application to have water turned on shall be made in writing to the Utility Clerk and shall contain an agreement by the applicant to abide by and accept all of the provisions of this Article as conditions governing the use of the City water supply by the applicant.
A deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or two hundred dollars ($200.00), for business and non-business use shall be paid with each such application. This sum shall be retained by the City, to ensure payment of the final bill. Once all debt has been satisfied and account has been closed, any remainder of the deposit will be sent to the forwarding address.
[Ord. No. 071113B §14, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §15, 9-13-2010; Ord. No. 140922C §1, 9-22-2014; Ord. No. 161114F §1, 11-28-2016]
No water shall be turned on for service in new construction in which the plumbing does not comply with the ordinances of the City; provided that water may be turned on for construction work in unfinished buildings, subject to the provisions of this Article.
All plumbing fixtures, and methods of installation shall comply with the requirements of the applicable City ordinances.
[Ord. No. 071113B §15, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 092710 §1, 8-13-2010; Ord. No. 100913 §16, 9-13-2010]
It is hereby declared unlawful and an offense for any person or persons to knowingly use water from the said municipal system unless said water is metered as provided herein.
No water from the City water supply shall be turned on for service into any premises by any person but the Director of Public Works or some person authorized by him to perform this service, except in case of emergency.
No person shall attach a device to a water line to receive water without benefit of a meter installed by the City. Also, no person shall damage or destroy City owned property such as the water meter or the electronic radio transmitter. Such will be a direct violation of this Article and will be subject to a citation and fine as defined in Section 705.160.
[Ord. No. 071113B §16, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §17, 9-13-2010]
No water shall be resold or distributed by the recipient thereof for the City supply to any premises other than that for which application has been made and the meter installed, except in case of emergency.
[Ord. No. 071113B §17, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §18, 9-13-2010]
All water meters installed as herein provided are hereby declared to be and to remain the exclusive property of the City of Willard, Missouri, and it is hereby declared unlawful and an offense for any persons to damage, destroy, steal, or tamper with in any manner whatsoever with any water meter or with any other part of said water system.
[Ord. No. 071113B §§18 — 19, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §§19 — 20, 9-13-2010]
Each family unit and each business of any kind whatsoever shall have a separate and individual meter; provided, however that if an individual is operating a business from his or her chief place of residence, and said operation is otherwise permissible under the ordinances of the City, one (1) meter shall be sufficient for both business and the dwelling.
Provided further, however, where there is or has been constructed multi-family living units providing living quarters for three (3) or more families' units in one (1) complex, the owner thereof must provide one (1) meter for each family unit.
An exception shall be made to Subsection (B) if the owner of said multifamily unit assumes all responsibility for the payment of utility services offered by the City of Willard to the unit. In such an instance, the owner may make a request to the City that only one (1) meter service the entire multifamily unit.
[Ord. No. 140714C §1, 7-14-2014[1]]
Editor's Note: Section 1 of this ordinance also redesignated former Subsection C as Subsection D.
The term "family unit" as used herein shall have the same meaning as that commonly applied to the word "family" and shall mean any number of persons more than one (1), living together under the same roof with someone of their number as head who controls the affairs of the household, and upon whom the others or some of them are by reason of same legal or moral obligation dependent.
[Ord. No. 071113B §20, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §21, 9-13-2010]
The acceptance and the use of water supplied through said municipal system shall constitute a consent by the owner and occupant of the premises that any officer, servant, or employee of said City may come on the premises and enter the buildings on said premises for which water is being supplied for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Article or any other ordinance relating to said water system or for any cause reasonably necessary to the efficient and proper operation of said water system.
[Ord. No. 071113B §21, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §22, 9-13-2010]
Any complaints about reading of water meters or computation of water bills shall be made to the Board of Aldermen through the City Clerk and shall be made in writing signed by the user and state the exact nature of the complaint.
[Ord. No. 071113B §22, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §23, 9-13-2010]
Any person or entity that shall violate the provisions of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) together with costs.
Further, whenever in the determination of the Board of Aldermen as shown by its records or after hearing thereon, any person or entity is not complying with or is violating any of the provisions of this Article, the meter to such user's premises shall be disconnected and removed if applicable and that premises denied the further use of water from said system until there has been compliance with all provisions of this Article.
Editor’s Note: Former Section 705.190, Owner and Occupant Jointly Responsible for Payments Due for Water and Sewerage Services, as adopted and amended by Ord. No. 071113B §23, 11-13-2007; Ord. No. 100913 §24, 9-13-2010, was repealed 1-12-2015 by Ord. No. 150112A.