Cross References — As to public works director, §§
115.310 et seq.; as to contracting for architectural engineering and surveying services, §§
135.080 et seq.; as to buildings and building regulations, ch.
500; as to dangerous buildings, ch.
505; as to flood prevention and protection, ch.
410; as to establishment of development permit in flood hazard areas, §§
410.140 et seq.; as to standards for subdivision proposals in flood hazard areas, §
410.160(D)(6); as to garbage and refuse, ch.
230; as to placement of solid waste, §
230.020; as to health and sanitation, ch.
215; as to accumulation of trash, junk and debris unlawful, §
215.030; as to police department, ch.
200; as to property maintenance code, §
500.070; as to signs and advertising, ch.
415; as to subdivisions, ch.
405; as to traffic and motor vehicles, Title III; as to weeds and vegetation, §§
215.240 et seq.; as to zoning, ch.
400; as to minimum development standards for street system in subdivisions, §
405.120; as to speed limits, §§
320.030 et seq. and sch. I to Title III; as to street schedule for stop streets, sch. II to Title III; as to commercial vehicles prohibited on certain streets, §
365.110; as to parking of commercial vehicles prohibited in certain areas, §
365.120; as to procedure for removal of vehicles from street rights-of-way, ch.
State Law References — Municipal authority over streets
and sidewalks, §79.410, RSMo.; public works and special assessments
in fourth class cities of thirty thousand (30,000) or less population,
§§88.667 — 88.773, 88.863 — 88.913, RSMo.
[R.O. 2009 §19-16; Ord. No. 31 §1, 7-14-1953]
All new streets within the City shall be constructed in accordance
with the minimum specifications as specified by St. Louis County.
These specifications are hereby adopted and are on file in the City
Clerk's office.