[R.O. 1997 § 700.010; Ord. No. 193 § 1, 6-11-1941]
There is hereby created and established within the City of Kennett, Dunklin County, Missouri, an executive department to be known as the "Board of Public Works," to consist of four (4) persons, electors of said City, who have resided therein for a period of two (2) years next before their appointment. The members of said Board shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City and confirmed by the City Council, and shall hold office for a term of four (4) years each, except the first incumbents as members of said Board of Public Works, who shall be appointed and hold office for terms of one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) years, respectively.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.020; Ord. No. 193 § 2, 6-11-1941]
In case of removal, or if by death or otherwise a vacancy occurs or exists in such Board of Public Works, such vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments are made, but the vacancy shall be filled by appointment covering only the unexpired term of such vacating member.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.030; Ord. No. 193 § 3, 6-11-1941]
Not more than two (2) members of said Board shall belong to the same political party, and its administration shall be in all respects entirely non-partisan.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.040; Ord. No. 193 § 5, 6-11-1941; Ord. No. 527 § 1, 9-15-1953]
Said Board of Public Works, shall have the management and control of the Municipal Water Works, Municipal Electrical Light Plant and Natural Gas Facilities of the City of Kennett, and also the assessment of light, power, gas and water rates, provided that such rates shall be approved by the Mayor and Council of said City.
There is hereby vested in the Board of Public Works of the City of Kennett, Missouri, during the existence of said Board the power and duty to take charge of and exercise control over the Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System of said City and hereafter said Board shall have all the powers and duties respecting said Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System which are vested in said Board with respect to the waterworks of said City under the provisions of Sections 91.450 to 91.540, RSMo., inclusive.
The Kennett Board of Public Works shall have the duty to take charge of and maintain all water hydrants and fireplugs in the City.
[Ord. No. 3078, 3-7-2023]
[R.O. 1997 § 700.050; Ord. No. 193 § 6, 6-11-1941]
Said Board shall hold its regular meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month and shall hold adjourned meeting when deemed necessary. All meetings of said Board shall be public.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.060; Ord. No. 193 § 7, 6-11-1941]
There shall be a President, Vice President, and Secretary of the Board of Public Works, who shall be appointed by said Board and at its pleasure removed. Said officers shall be elected from the members of the Board of Public Works.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.070; Ord. No. 193 § 8, 6-11-1941]
Said Board may employ a Water Engineer, Gas Engineer and an Electrical Engineer, also such subordinates and other persons as may be necessary. Said Board is hereby given the power to fix salaries of the Water Engineer, Gas Engineer and Electrical Engineer and all subordinates and the right to remove them by a three-fourths vote of said Board; provided, however, that should there be a tie vote on any vote under this Section, then in that event the City Council shall have the deciding vote, which vote shall be final.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.080; Ord. No. 193 § 9, 6-11-1941]
All bills, and accounts due the Municipal Light and Water Plant shall be collected through the facilities of the employees of the Board of Public Works.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.090; Ord. No. 193 § 10, 6-11-1941]
The Board of Public Works, shall certify all bills to the City Council with recommendations thereon, and said bills shall be allowed and paid as other bills are allowed and paid; provided that no bills shall be paid except through an order of the City Council.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.100; Ord. No. 193 § 11, 6-11-1941]
Any member of said Board of Public Works who shall become a candidate for or accept a nomination for any other public office during his/her term of office shall be deemed thereby to have resigned as a member of said Board and his/her membership shall be ipso facto vacated.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.110; Ord. No. 193 § 12, 6-11-1941]
The Board of Public Works shall make such rules as may be necessary for the government of its departments not inconsistent with the ordinances of the City or any rules of the City Council.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.120; Ord. No. 193 § 13, 6-11-1941]
Said Board shall keep and preserve a true record of all of its proceedings and official acts; and said record of proceedings shall be attested by the Secretary of said Board.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.130; Ord. No. 193 § 14, 6-11-1941]
The Board of Public Works, shall furnish through its President to the Mayor and City Council such information as may be required from time to time. It shall be the duty of the Board to make monthly reports to the City Council on the first meeting in each month of all business under its supervision.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.140; Ord. No. 193 § 15, 6-11-1941]
All contracts and official acts of the Board of Public Works, shall be signed by the President or by two (2) members of the Board and attested under the hand of the Secretary, but no contracts shall be effective until ratified by the City Council.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.150; Ord. No. 193 § 16, 6-11-1941]
Said Board shall recommend the purchase of all supplies and materials necessary to be used by the City in the Electric Light and Water Departments.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.160; Ord. No. 193 § 17, 6-11-1941]
At all times the Waterworks Funds and the Electrical Light Funds shall be kept separate and apart from each other; and the salaries of employees shall be paid from the fund of the department for which they work. In the event any employee shall work in both departments his/her salary shall be prorated as the Board of Public Works shall deem proper.
[R.O. 1997 § 700.170]
Each member of the Board of Public Works shall receive as full compensation for his/her services such sum as may be fixed by the Board of Public Works.