[Ord. No. 827 §2, 12-13-1999]
Every continuing act or physical condition made, permitted, allowed or continued on any property, public or private, or within any building or structure by any person or legal entity, their agents or servants or any person or legal entity who aids therein, which is significantly detrimental to the safety of the inhabitants of the City or a substantial parts thereof, or any act or condition specifically set forth in this Chapter or any act or condition so designated by Statute or ordinance shall be deemed a public safety nuisance and is hereby prohibited.
[Ord. No. 827 §3, 12-13-1999]
The following are declared to be nuisances affecting health:
All decayed or unwholesome food offered for sale to the public or offered to the public at no charge.
All diseased animals running at large.
All ponds or pools of stagnant water.
Carcasses of dead animals not buried or destroyed within twenty-four (24) hours after death.
Accumulations, wheresoever they may occur, of manure, rubbish, garbage, refuse and human and industrial, noxious or offensive waste, except the normal storage on a farm of manure for agricultural purposes.
Garbage cans which are not fly-tight, that is, garbage cans which do not prevent the entry of flies, insects and rodents.
The pollution of any well, cistern, spring, underground water, stream, lake, canal or body of water by sewage or industrial wastes, or other substances harmful to human beings.
Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot, or cinders in unreasonable quantities, or the presence of any gas, vapor, fume, smoke, dust or any other toxic substance on, in or emitted from the equipment of any premises in quantities sufficient to be toxic, harmful or injurious to the health of any employee or to any premises, occupant or to any other person.
Common drinking cups, roller towels, combs, brushes or eating utensils in public or semi-public places where not properly sanitized after use.
Any vehicle used for septic tank cleaning which does not meet the requirements of this Chapter of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Pine Lawn.
Any vehicle used for garbage or rubbish disposal which is not equipped with a watertight metal body and provided with a tight metal cover or covers and so constructed as to prevent any of the contents from leaking, spilling, falling or blowing out of such vehicle at any time, except while being loaded, or not completely secured and covered so as to prevent offensive odors from escaping therefrom or exposing any part of the contents at any time.
Any and all infestations of flies, fleas, roaches, lice, ticks, rats, mice, fly maggots, mosquito larvae and hookworm larvae.
The keeping of animals and fowls in any area within the City not zoned for agricultural uses except pet cats and dogs, animals in public or licensed zoos, and farm animals in laboratories.
Unlicensed dumps and licensed dumps not operated or maintained in compliance with the ordinances of the City of Pine Lawn and the Statutes of the State of Missouri.
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into a stormwater system any waste materials, liquids, vapor, fat, gasoline, benzene, naphtha, oil or petroleum product, mud, straw, lawn clippings, tree limbs or branches, metal or plastic objects, rags, garbage or any other substance which is capable of causing an obstruction to the flow of the storm system or interfere with the proper operation of the system or which will pollute the natural creeks or waterways.
All other acts, practices, conduct, business, occupation callings, trades, uses of property and all other things detrimental or certain to be detrimental to the health of the inhabitants of the City of Pine Lawn.
In addition to any act or condition which may constitute a public nuisance under Section 220.010 or Subsection (A) hereof, the following acts and conditions are deemed to be public nuisances:
Any room, building, structure or portion thereof which is used for the use, possession or sale of any controlled substances which is prohibited by Federal or State Statute or City ordinance;
The conducting or engaging in business at premises within the City of Pine Lawn for the substantial or principal purpose of vending or trading in sexually obscene materials at wholesale or retail or the giving of sexually obscene live exhibitions or performance as defined in and prohibited by the laws of the State of Missouri or the City of Pine Lawn;
Any building, house, room or other structure maintained or used for the purposes of lewdness, assignation or prostitution;
All vacant, unused or unoccupied buildings or structures within the City which are allowed to become or remain open to entrance by unauthorized persons or the general public because of broken, missing or open windows, doors other openings so that the same may be used by any individual in a manner detrimental to the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City.
[Ord. No. 827 §4, 12-13-1999]
The existence of an alleged public safety nuisance as defined in Sections 220.010 and 220.020 of this Article may be reported to the Public Safety Nuisance Director ("Director") appointed by the Board of Aldermen by any resident or group of residents affected by such alleged public safety nuisance or by any Police Officer or Alderman.
Whenever the Director or his/her designee receives a report of an alleged public safety nuisance, as defined in this Article, from any Police Officer or Alderman or from three (3) or more unrelated residents of the City of Pine Lawn, the Director or his/her designee shall determine whether such public safety nuisance exists.
It shall be a violation of this Article for any person to report the existence of an alleged public safety nuisance solely for the purpose of harassing or intimidating the owner and/or residences of such property.
[Ord. No. 827 §5, 12-13-1999]
Whenever the Director determines that a public nuisance, as defined herein, exists on real property situated in the City and that the public safety is in immediate danger, then summary abatement procedures, as determined by the Director, shall be implemented to remove or abate the nuisance. Summary abatement costs shall be certified to the City Clerk who shall prepare an assessment against the property owner to be collected.
When summary abatement of a public safety nuisance is authorized, notice to the owner, agent or occupant of the property is not required prior to its abatement. Following summary abatement, the Director shall cause to be posted on the property, if possible, a notice describing the action taken to abate the nuisance on such property. A similar notice shall be mailed to the owner of the property as determined from the record of ownership maintained in the office of the Assessor.
[Ord. No. 827 §6, 12-13-1999]
Whenever the Director determines that a public nuisance, as defined herein, exists on real property situated in the City and further determines that such public safety nuisance does not pose an immediate danger to public safety, the Director shall notify the property owner(s) and occupant(s) by mail of the existence of the nuisance and direct that the nuisance be abated in the manner deemed appropriate by the Director within a reasonable period of time to be specified in the notice. Such a notice shall be served by personal service or by registered or certified mail. When an attempt has been made, but service has not been effectuated by personal service or by registered or certified mail, service shall be by posting on the subject property in a conspicuous location. The Director shall promptly notify the Mayor and the Alderman of the ward in which the property, which is the subject of the complaint, is located.
[Ord. No. 827 §7, 12-13-1999]
If the public safety has not been abated within the time allowed by the Director or any extension of time granted by the Director for such abatement, the Director may request that a hearing be held before the Board of Aldermen or a hearing officer designated by such Board in order to obtain an order of abatement.
The Director shall send written notice to the owner(s) and occupant(s) of the subject property of the nuisance abatement hearing. Said written notice shall set forth the date, time and place of the hearing and advise the owner and occupant that they have the right to appear and be heard on the following issues:
Whether a nuisance in fact exists on the property; and
Whether the recommendation of the Director to eliminate the public safety nuisance is appropriate.
The Director shall cause the written notice to be served by personal service or by registered or certified mail to the owner and occupant of the subject property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date. Failure of any person to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of any action taken by the Board of Aldermen.
At the time and place set forth in the notice of hearing, the Board of Aldermen or the designated hearing officer shall conduct a hearing on the alleged public safety nuisance, the hearing officer shall receive testimony and other evidence from the Director or his/her representative, the owner and/or occupant of the subject property and all other interested persons relative to the alleged existence of the public safety nuisance and the method of abatement proposed by the Director.
At the conclusion of the public hearing, the hearing officer shall issue an order of abatement if such hearing officer finds, based upon all of the evidence presented at the hearing, a public safety nuisance does exist on the property. The order of abatement shall set forth:
A description of the nuisance.
The manner and time in which the nuisance is to be abated.
A statement that if the nuisance is not abated in the manner and within the time limit set forth in the order, the City will cause the nuisance to be abated and make the cost of the nuisance abatement a special assessment against the property to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as real property taxes and that such assessment shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for real property taxes.
The decision of the hearing officer on the existence and abatement of a nuisance shall be final and conclusive. The decision of the hearing officer may be appealed to the Circuit Court by any interested party under the provisions of Chapter 536, RSMo.
In determining whether the activity or condition of a property is a public safety nuisance, the hearing officer may consider the following factors, giving such weight thereto as deemed appropriate:
The physical characteristics of the neighborhood in which the alleged nuisance properly is located with particular consideration being given to the proximity of the property to residential property, park, churches, schools and playgrounds;
Littering committed by owner, occupant or persons frequenting the alleged nuisance property;
Drinking of alcoholic beverages in public by the owner, occupant or persons frequenting the alleged nuisance property;
Lewd and indecent conduct, including, but not limited to, public urination, exhibited by the owner, occupant or person frequenting the alleged nuisance property, whether such behavior occurs on the property or in the immediate vicinity thereof,
Commission of crimes, as prohibited by Federal or State Statute, upon or in the immediate vicinity of a premise by the owner, occupant or persons frequenting the alleged nuisance property;
Sale or use of illegal drugs, as prohibited by Federal or State Statute or City ordinance, upon or in the immediate vicinity of the alleged nuisance property by the owner, occupant or persons frequenting the property;
Harassing or intimidating behavior exhibited by the owner, occupant or persons frequenting or congregating about the alleged nuisance property toward persons living in the neighborhood in which the property is located or toward persons passing by the property;
Noise, as prohibited by the Municipal Code, associated with or caused by the owner, occupant or persons frequenting the alleged nuisance property;
Street or sidewalk congestion associated with or caused by the owner, occupant or persons frequenting the alleged nuisance property;
Any other activity deemed relevant by the hearing officer to the determination of whether said activity is detrimental to the neighborhood in which the alleged nuisance property is located.
Should the evidence support a finding that the building, structure or condition constitutes a public safety nuisance, the hearing officer shall issue an order making specific findings of facts which shows the building, structure or condition to be a public safety nuisance, identifying the party or parties responsible for abating such nuisance and ordering the manner in which the nuisance is to be abated.
[Ord. No. 827 §8, 12-13-1999]
The owner of the premises, location or structure at the time an order of the hearing officer is issued shall be responsible for complying with that order and liable for any costs incurred by the City therewith, notwithstanding the fact that he/she conveys his/her interests in the property to any other person or persons after such order was issued and served.
[Ord. No. 827 §9, 12-13-1999]
Failure to comply with an order to abate a public safety nuisance under this Chapter shall be a violation of this Chapter and any person who fails to comply with such an order shall be subject to punishment as provided in Section 100.220 of this Code.
[Ord. No. 827 §10, 12-13-1999]
The Director or his/her designee shall have the authority to enter upon the property and abate the public safety nuisance found thereon if the hearing officer finds that a public safety nuisance exists in violation of this Chapter and the responsible party fails to comply with the order of the hearing officer to abate a nuisance within a reasonable time. In abating such nuisance, the City may go to whatever extent may be necessary to complete the abatement of the public safety nuisance.
[Ord. No. 827 §11, 12-13-1999]
In abating a public safety nuisance, the Director or his/her designee may call upon any of the City departments or divisions for whatever assistance shall be deemed necessary or may by private contract cause the abatement of the public safety nuisance.
[Ord. No. 827 §12, 12-13-1999]
The Director shall, after completing the removal and abatement of a public safety nuisance, file a statement of costs with the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall certify costs and issue a special assessment to be collected.
[Ord. No. 827 §13, 12-13-1999]
The City may seek to recover the cost of any demolition or repair required to abate a public nuisance prior to the occurrence of such action. Upon issuance of an order by the Building Commissioner that a public safety nuisance exists and that building or structure must be demolished or repaired in order to abate the nuisance, then the Building Commissioner may solicit no less than two (2) independent bids for such demolition or repair work, provided that the owner of the property in question has been given the opportunity to contest such order. The amount of the lowest bid, including offset for salvage value, if any, plus reasonable anticipated costs of collection, including attorney's fees, shall be certified to the City Clerk who shall cause a special assessment to be issued against the property owner to be prepared and collected. The City Clerk shall discharge the special assessment upon documentation by the property owner of the completion of the ordered repair or demolition work. The payment of the special assessment shall be held in an interest-bearing account. Upon full payment of the special assessment, the Building Commissioner shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days thereafter, cause the ordered work to be completed and certify the actual costs thereof, including the cost of special assessment collection and attorneys' fees, to the City Clerk who shall, if the actual cost differs from the paid amount by greater than two percent (2%) of the paid amount, refund the excess payment, if any, to the payor or if the actual amount is greater, cause a special assessment or assessment for the difference against the property to be prepared and collected. If the Building Commissioner shall not, within one hundred twenty (120) days after full payment, cause the ordered work to be completed, then the full amount of the payment, plus interest, shall be repaid to the payor. At the request of the taxpayer the special assessment for the difference may be paid in installments over a period of not more than ten (10) years. The special assessment for the difference from the date of its issuance shall be deemed a person and debt against the property owner and shall also be a lien on the property until paid.
[Ord. No. 827 §14, 12-13-1999]
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as abandoning or limiting the City's right to exercise all legal remedies in abating public safety nuisance or the right by civil action to recover the expense incurred in abating such nuisance.