[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
This Chapter has been prepared to furnish employees of the City with information about the City and its policies and procedures that concern their employment. This Chapter is intended to serve as a framework for setting forth the principles for which the City stands, the benefits that are provided for employees of the City and the obligations and rights that they have as employees. The information, policies and benefits described in this Chapter are reviewed and may be revised or changed from time to time as the City deems appropriate and advisable.
The contents of this manual are presented as a matter of information only. An attempt to cover all possible situations has been made but due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, other situations may arise and these will be dealt with by the Board of Aldermen. It should be mentioned here that the Board of Aldermen will be the final authority for anything covered or not covered in this Chapter. None of the benefits or policies in this Chapter are intended, by reason of their publication, to convey any contractual rights or privileges upon the employees of the City. This Chapter is not a contract for employment.
The purpose of this personnel manual is to permit citizens, Mayor, Board of Aldermen, City Administrator, department heads and employees to know quickly and accurately the formalized personnel rules and policies of the City of Foristell.
These guidelines should serve to guide the supervisor and employees in the administration of the personnel function in order to insure that all appointments, promotions, transfers, recruitment, job assignments, training, compensation, benefits, etc., are applied equally to all personnel regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, political preference, sex or age. Decisions concerning benefits, compensation, or disciplinary actions are based solely on "merit". It is the goal of the City of Foristell to base personnel decisions on the performance of the individual.
If employees of the City have any questions or comments concerning the policies or benefits outlined in this Chapter, they should consult their supervisor.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The City of Foristell makes every effort to hire, train or promote employees without regard to race, religion, sex or national origin in accordance to Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000d, 2000e), as well as any applicable Titles of the American with Disabilities Act; except as physical factors such as age, sex or other physical requirements is a bona fide occupational qualification necessary for proper, efficient work performance. Applicants are also subject to background checks and drug screening.
The City of Foristell does not tolerate harassment of our job applicants, employees or the public. Any form of harassment related to an employee's race, sex, color, religion or other characteristic will be treated as disciplinary matter. "Harassment" includes but is not limited to slurs, jokes, verbal, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual's characteristics. "Harassment" includes sexual advances and any requests of a sexual nature. "Harassment" also includes creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Violation of this policy by an employee shall subject that employee to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
If an employee feels that they are being harassed, they should make their feelings known to their immediate supervisor at once. The matter will be investigated and where appropriate, disciplinary action taken. If the employee does not feel they can discuss the situation with their supervisor or if the matter was not handled in a satisfactory manner, the employee may ask for a conference with the Board of Aldermen. The Board will then investigate the matter and take appropriate action. It is the employee's responsibility to report incidents that they know about or incidents that have happened to them.
[Ord. No. 314 §1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
It is an established and valued policy of the City of Foristell that any employee may meet and discuss any problem, business or personal, with their immediate supervisor. If this is not possible or if the supervisor maybe a part of the problem, the employee may request to talk with an individual Board member or ask to be heard in an executive session with the entire Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 461 §§1 — 2, 11-5-2001; Ord. No. 577 §1, 12-15-2003]
The employee selection process is formatted to ensure that the best possible applicant fills each position. The City of Foristell may advertise with local, State and/or national media depending on the position needed to be filled.
Qualified personnel currently employed by the City are encouraged to apply for any new or vacated position. The minimum age requirement for full-time permanent employees shall be eighteen (18) years of age, unless previous authorization from the Board of Aldermen is acquired. For seasonal or part-time, non-permanent positions the age requirement shall be sixteen (16). The Board of Aldermen recognizes the importance of having qualified personnel in its employment to assure the City is kept safe, clean and well maintained. The supervisor of personnel shall exercise great care in recommending applicants to fill open positions. The Board of Aldermen must approve all recommendations for employment of department heads.
Department heads are authorized to exert supervisory and management control over departmental employees. Department heads shall complete all pre-employment requirements for the hiring of new departmental employees prior to submitting a recommendation to hire to the City Administrator for approval. All such departmental employees shall be at will employees of the City of Foristell.
Department heads shall also recommend the promotion, demotion, discipline or termination of departmental employees to the City Administrator for approval. In cases where the City Administrator and department head cannot agree, the department head may request the Board of Aldermen review and approve or disapprove the requested action.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Final job applicants for a position may be required to take a physical examination and/or drug-screening tests, at City expense, prior to an actual job offer. The City will designate the location and doctor for this physical.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Final applicants for a position will be required to submit a Police records check before being hired. All job applicants are required to have and maintain a valid Missouri driver's license if the position requires use of a motor vehicle. In addition, employees who are required to operate commercial vehicles shall be required to have and maintain appropriate commercial driver's licenses in accordance with State law.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 425 §1, 2-5-2001]
Full-time employees are employees scheduled to work at least thirty-two (32) hours per week on a regular or permanent basis.
Full-time permanent employees scheduled to work at least forty (40) hours per week on a regular or permanent basis receive all the benefits listed in the manual.
Full-time permanent employees scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week on a regular or permanent basis are entitled to receive medical benefits only, except those required by law.
Part-time employees are employees scheduled to work less than thirty-two (32) hours per week on a regular or irregular basis. A part-time employee receives no benefits except those required by law and earns no vested rights to their position.
Reserve employees are employees that are members of the City of Foristell Police Department that are used on an as-needed basis or sixteen (16) hours a month for the protection of the City and its residents. Reserve employees receive no benefits except those required by law and earn no vested rights to their position.
The Board of Aldermen shall determine pay rates and job classifications for all employees, except for appointed officials, on an annual basis.
The Board of Aldermen will determine the compensation plan for each employee, taking into account the responsibilities of the position, the years of service with the City, recommendation of their supervisor, their work record (re: job performance, attendance, etc.). The pay schedule is intended to encourage and retain employees that excel in their job and attempt to improve their skills.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 425 §3, 2-5-2001]
General Employees. All newly hired employees will serve a three (3) month probationary period before they become permanent full-time employees. During the probationary period employees will be evaluated on their ability to perform the tasks required of the position that they are filling. The probationary period can be extended up to an additional three (3) months if the supervisor feels the needed work competency has not been reached, but the supervisor feels the employee will reach the desired competency with the extended time. At the end of the probationary period the employee becomes a permanent full-time employee if he/she has mastered the requirements of the position. If the employee has not been able to demonstrate the needed proficiency by the end of the probationary period, he/she will be dismissed.
Police Officers. Police Officers are required to complete a six (6) month probationary period before becoming permanent full-time employees. During the probationary period employees will be evaluated on their ability to perform the tasks required of the position that they are filling. The probationary period can be extended up to an additional six (6) months if the supervisor feels the needed work competency has not been reached, but the supervisor feels the employee will reach the desired competency with the extended time. At the end of the probationary period, the employee becomes a permanent full-time employee if he/she has mastered the requirements of the position. If the employee has not been able to demonstrate the needed proficiency by the end of the probationary period, he/she will be dismissed.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The following records must be submitted and maintained in the personnel file of each City employee:
A completed application form.
Employee social security number.
Employee data sheet.
Police record check form.
U.S. Department of Immigration Form I-9.
Withholding exemption form (W-4) Federal and Missouri.
The City Clerk's office must be notified immediately of any change in address, telephone number or tax deductions. Failure to notify the Clerk's office within seven (7) days of any such change could result in disciplinary action.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Employees shall arrange and conduct their personal and financial affairs in such a manner that creditors and collection agencies will not have to make use of the offices of the City for the purpose of making collections.
The City shall not become actively involved in a non-adjudicated claim of indebtedness posed by an employee's creditor. In the event that a creditor has obtained a court judgment against a City employee relative to a garnishment or wage assignment, the City shall comply with such judgment.
The City can and will use payroll deductions to obtain reimbursement for any money owed to the City for goods or services provided by the City to the employee. Such reimbursement includes but is not limited to tuition assistance, uniforms and equipment, use of City facilities, etc.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Employees are representatives of the City while they are on the job and therefore, their conduct must present an image of civic pride. Employees must maintain high standards of conduct, cooperation, efficiency and economy in their work for the City. Pride in the community and the work performed is encouraged. Each employee should act in a respectful, professional and responsible fashion as to be as much above criticism as is possible given the circumstances.
Employees shall not engage in any conduct which impairs their ability to perform their official duties or causes the City to be brought into disrepute.
City employees shall make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of the office, since a government employee has no individual ability to obligate a public entity.
City employees shall uphold the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri and the ordinances of the City of Foristell and all other State and City laws.
City employees shall be courteous to the public. Employees shall be tactful in the performance of their duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion, shall not engage in argumentative discussion even in the face of extreme provocation. In the performance of their duties, employees shall not use coarse, violent, profane or insolent language and should not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, politics, national origin, lifestyle or similar personal characteristics.
Notwithstanding the above, no employee shall be expected to withstand abuse, discrimination or unreasonable provocation. In the event of such a situation, the employee is strongly urged to retreat and report the incident to his/her immediate supervisor for resolution.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
It is the policy of the City of Foristell that employees shall not be involved in the use, consumption, possession, sale, distribution or transfer of mind or behavior altering or illegal substances while on City property, conducting City business or while working for the City.
Employees may not use alcohol, drugs (illegal or controlled substances) or narcotics in any manner which may impair their ability to safely perform assigned job duties or which would adversely affect City business. This policy does not prohibit the use of prescription drugs used in a manner approved by the prescribing physician. Although if such proper use impairs the employee's ability to perform his/her job related duties safely, the employee should report the situation to his/her supervisor and follow the recommendation of his/her supervisor.
Any unlawful use, consumption, possession, sale, distribution or transfer of any mind or behavior altering or illegal or controlled substance by a City employee on City property or City time will subject the employee to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
This policy in no way alters the City's encouragement that its employees voluntarily submit to a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program. The policy of the City of Foristell is to encourage any of its employees with an alcohol or drug dependency to seek professional help before the problem leads to an incident that requires disciplinary action. Where a violation of this policy has occurred, the employee's request to submit to a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program shall not serve to waive the application of disciplinary action deemed appropriate for the violation.
Drugs and controlled substances include illegal drugs, lawfully possessed prescriptions and over the counter drugs which may impair alertness, judgment or coordination.
Under the influence is a condition which impairs alertness, judgment or coordination, affects ability to work in a safe and productive manner, creates a safety risk to the employee, co-worker or the public or property and is manifest by having a detectable level of drugs, alcohol or controlled substance in the body.
Employees may be required to submit to random or mandated urine, blood or any other drug or substance testing or screening method. If an employee reports to work and is suspected or appears to be under the influence, he/she may be required to submit to a drug test. An employee will not suffer loss of wages while undergoing such tests. The City of Foristell will pay for all costs involving transportation to and from a testing site and all costs of the test and examination.
The following is a summary of prohibited acts and conditions. It is not a total list:
Use or sale of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances on City property or in City vehicles.
Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances during working hours.
Smoking is prohibited in any City building or vehicle.
Smoking is permitted on City property only in designated areas.
Drug and alcohol testing of blood, urine and other appropriate medical tests may occur in the following circumstances:
Consent required as a condition of employment for all new employees.
When appearance, behavior or involvement in an accident raises reasonable suspicion of impairment or unfitness to work.
Routinely following an accident involving an injury or as part of a physical exam.
As a random check of all City employees.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
All work related injuries which occur in the performance of an employee's assigned duties with the City of Foristell must be reported as soon as possible to the City Clerk. Even if the injury is slight and no lost time is involved, a report must be made. This is necessary to protect the employee in case a future disability results because of the injury. The employee must complete and file a Report of Injury Form with the City Clerk's office within forty-eight (48) hours of the accident. The only exception to this time requirement would be a case of catastrophic injury.
Failure to complete the report within the time limits may result in denial of benefits.
The following hospitals and doctors are authorized by the City of Foristell to treat work-related injuries or make referrals to other approved physicians. Failure to utilize the approved hospitals and doctors may result in denial of Workers' Compensation benefits.
All injuries needing emergency care should go to Doctors Hospital, 500 Medical Drive, Wentzville, Missouri, 327-1100.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (C)(2), which provided that all injuries not needing emergency care should go to St. Luke’s Urgent Care Center, located at 1101 East South Service Road in Wentzville, was removed at the request of the City, because that facility is no longer in business.
In order for the employee to return to work, a Medical Release form must be completed by the attending physician and returned to the City Clerk.
All employees of the City of Foristell that suffer an injury in the performance of their duties are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance as required by Missouri State law. Worker's Compensation insurance provides for hospital, medical, surgical care and income loss payments for certain work-related disabilities. The City pays for this insurance.
Any employee sustaining an injury while on duty must obtain medical treatment at an authorized location and must obtain a written release prior to being allowed to return to work. All hospital or medical bills and correspondence received by the employee must be submitted to the City Clerk who will forward them for payment to our insurance carrier. These bills should be turned in as soon as they are received.
The City of Foristell retains the right to investigate and contest any and all Workers' Compensation claims and may require a medical examination at the City's expense. For each new separate injury, the City may require the employee to furnish medical proof or to submit to a medical examination at the City's expense to determine whether a subsequent injury is a new and separate injury or an aggravation of a former injury received while employed by the City.
None of us looks forward to the possibility of being disabled, and that is why the City of Foristell tries its best to provide its workers with a safe place to work. But the major factor in a safe work environment is the worker. If at any time an employee feels that what they are doing is unsafe, the employee should stop and advise their supervisor of their feelings. Hopefully a safer solution will be found.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Any employee who is ill and unable to report to work must notify the City Clerk's office at least one (1) hour prior to the time scheduled to report to work. Any employee that misses more than three (3) consecutive days of work may be required to provide a doctor's excuse for the days missed.
Any employee that misses more than three (3) consecutive days of work without notifying the City Clerk may be considered to have voluntarily terminated his/her employment.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The City of Foristell follows the Federal and State of Missouri policy as stated under the Family Medical Leave Act.
The City of Foristell is willing to work with all employees on needed leave of absence. Employees, however, must realize that the City has a limited number of employees and a limited amount of resources. It also has a responsibility to the residents of the City and must be able to continue to operate the City. Therefore, the City may request medical certification as to the need for a leave of absence.
In summary, the Family Medical Leave Act allows up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave in a twelve (12) month period for maternity or family illness.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Employees are permitted to engage in outside employment subject to the following restrictions:
Any outside employment is secondary to City employment and shall not interfere with the proper performance of City employment and shall not bring embarrassment or criticism to their department or the City of Foristell. Employees should report to work refreshed and ready for work.
No employee shall accept pay or compensation from anyone for time during which the City reimburses him/her.
No employee shall perform work for any contractor or company that has a contract with the City, during the period of construction or contract work performed for the City of Foristell.
No employee shall accept employment that requires the use of City equipment, facilities or materials.
Any doubtful cases should be taken up with the Mayor/City Administrator if it may involve a conflict of interest.
No employee shall accept employment while on sick or injury leave with the City.
Department heads shall be notified of any outside employment.
Outside employment shall be recorded giving the name, address, phone number and supervisor of the company and approximate hours worked.
An employee that is injured while working for an outside employer or during self-employment shall not be eligible to receive any City of Foristell benefits and may be subject to disciplinary action.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Leave for military duty will be granted in accordance with the Missouri State Statutes.
Such leave shall be granted upon submission of verifiable military order. Only permanent full-time employees of the City are entitled to military leave as authorized by law.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The City of Foristell believes it is an individual's responsibility to serve our judicial system when called upon. Therefore, the City strongly encourages employees called upon for jury duty to serve.
Employees serving on jury duty shall receive full pay for the duration of that jury. A full-time employee shall be granted pay for time he/she is absent from scheduled work to serve as a juror in court, or to testify under subpoena as a witness in court. Any pay resulting from these conditions shall be submitted to the City Clerk. An employee will not be considered as a witness when the employee is the plaintiff or a defendant in court unless this action is specifically job related.
In no event shall compensation be granted for court time that is required as a result of an employee action against the City of Foristell.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
In the event of a death in the immediate family up to three (3) workdays of paid leave may be taken. Bereavement pay request can only be for the actual amount of time the employee was absent from work.
The immediate family includes father, mother, husband, wife, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Other relatives will be allowed one (1) day unless travel time is needed. Extra time or other leave will be at the discretion of the Mayor/Administrator.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 362 §1, 1-13-2000; Ord. No. 473 §1, 2-4-2002]
All full-time employees will be paid their regular straight time wages for holidays designated by the City of Foristell. The Mayor will approve any other holidays not included with this schedule for closing of City offices.
Schedule for permanent holidays:
New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Holidays which fall on Saturday will be observed on the Friday before the holiday and holidays which fall on Sunday will be observed on the Monday after the holiday. Full-time employees must work the day before or the day after the holiday to be eligible for holiday pay, unless they have taken an approved vacation or personal day off. If the holiday falls within an employee's scheduled vacation, the employee is entitled to another day off with pay.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 496 §1, 9-3-2002]
Upon employment, full-time employees shall earn vacation time as follows:
During the first 12 months of employment
3.33 hours per month to total 40 hours per year.
During the next 48 months of employment
6.67 hours per month to total 80 hours per year.
During the next 60 months of employment
10.00 hours per month to total 120 hours per year.
Over 120 months of employment
13.33 hours per month to total 160 hours per year.
Partial calendar months of employment whether beginning employment or leaving employment shall not be accrued to the employee's vacation time.
Employees are not eligible to use accumulated vacation time during the initial probationary employment period. After completion of their probationary period, employees may use vacation time in accordance with City policies.
It is intended that employees take their vacation time each year. If an employee does not use all of his/her vacation time before the end of a calendar year, with the approval of the City Administrator such accumulated vacation time may be carried over to the next year. Any vacation time carried over to the following year shall be used within the carryover year. If not used within the carryover year, such vacation credits shall be deleted from the employees accumulated vacation time.
Employees may not take more than their accumulated vacation time at any time unless prior written approval has been given by the Mayor or City Administrator.
Employees that leave employment with the City are entitled to be paid for accumulated vacation time. Vacation pay is calculated on employee's regular rate of pay.
Part-time, temporary or seasonal employees shall not earn nor be paid for any vacation time.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Employees that have completed their probation period shall be entitled to five (5) personal days off per calendar year. Employees may utilize their personal days when unable to perform their duties because of a personal problem such as: illness, non-work related injury, medical or dental appointments, need of family member, etc.
When the use of personal time off becomes necessary, it is the responsibility of the employee to notify his/her immediate supervisor prior to normal starting time or as soon as possible thereafter or if possible at least a day or two (2) in advance. If proper notice is not given, personal leave may not be approved, unless an emergency condition or situation makes it impossible to give adequate notice. Department heads or supervisors have the right to request verifying documentation if personal time appears to be abused.
In an effort to encourage employees not to miss work, unused personal days may be carried over to the next calendar year. No more than ten (10) days may be carried forward. Any amount of time over ten (10) days will be lost and not compensated for. Employees will be compensated for personal days at their regularly scheduled rate of pay.
Upon separation from the City employment, personal days will not be paid in lieu of time off and will be considered as lost if not taken prior to separation. An employee separating from City employment shall not be allowed to use personal time in the last two (2) calendar weeks of employment without presenting a written statement from a physician stating the employee is not able to perform his/her normal duties.
Part-time, temporary or seasonal employees shall not be entitled to any personal days.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 425 §2, 2-5-2001; Ord. No. 517 §1, 12-16-2002; Ord. No. 688 §1, 8-7-2006]
The City will provide all full-time employees with group medical, dental, life and optical insurance at a cost of ten percent (10%) of the medical insurance premium to the employee. Dependent health and dental coverage will be offered under the City's group plan through payroll deduction for one hundred percent (100%) of the premium. Effective date of coverage shall begin the first (1st) of the month following thirty (30) days of employment.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 474 §1, 2-19-2002]
State law permits employees and covered dependents to choose to continue health and dental coverage, at group rates, in certain instances, where coverage under the plan would otherwise end. Any eligible employee may continue this coverage for up to nine (9) months should they terminate employment for any reason other than "gross misconduct". Dependents of employees may continue their coverage upon the employee's death, divorce or legal separation. In all situations, the person continuing the coverage will pay the full premium with no contribution on the City's part.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 425 §4, 2-5-2001; Ord. No. 570 §1, 10-20-2003]
The City of Foristell employees are allowed to participate in a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. All full-time employees scheduled to work at least thirty-two (32) hours per week on a regular basis may at their option defer the maximum contribution allowed by the IRS to this program. No City contributions will be made to the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
[Ord. No. 564 §1, 9-18-2003; Ord. No. 686 §§1 — 8, 8-7-2006]
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Foristell, a political subdivision as defined in Sections 70.600 through 70.755, RSMo., (2000), as amended, hereby elects to become a participating political subdivision of the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System and to thereby provide retirement benefits to all its eligible general employees, all Police Officers, future firefighters under benefit program L-3 (1.25%).
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Foristell hereby elects one hundred percent (100%) of prior employment be considered for "prior service credit" in calculating benefits and contributions to LAGERS and further elects that employees eligible to become members of LAGERS are those employees employed in positions normally requiring fifteen hundred (1,500) hours of work a year, provided such employees are not members of another governmental retirement plan or are otherwise excluded from membership in LAGERS by State law.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Foristell hereby elects to have the "final average salary" of its employee members determined over a thirty-six (36) consecutive month period.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Foristell hereby elects to require employees who become members of LAGERS to pay no employee contributions to LAGERS.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Foristell hereby elects the regular retirement age for all eligible employees.
The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deduct from the wages or salaries of each employee member the employee contributions, if any, required by Section 70.705, RSMo., (2000), and to promptly remit such contributions to LAGERS, along with the employer contributions required by Sections 70.705 through 70.730, RSMo., (2000), as amended.
The City of Foristell's participation as a LAGERS political subdivision will commence on September 1, 2006.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 551 §1, 8-4-2003]
The regular work period for employees who are not Police Officers shall be from 12:00:01 A.M. Saturday morning to 12:00:00 Midnight Friday night. Regular working hours (forty (40) hours) shall be from 8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. A twenty (20) minute lunch break and two (2) ten (10) minute break periods may be taken by each employee, one (1) in the morning and one (1) in the afternoon, whenever it will not interfere with job performance.
The regular work period for Police Officers shall be within a two (2) week period from 12:00:01 A.M. Saturday morning and ending at 12:00 Midnight on Friday night. Regular working hours (eighty (80) hours) shall be as scheduled by the Chief of Police or his representative. Normal work shifts may be up to twelve (12) hours for Police Officers as determined by the Chief of Police.
Other shift times may be established by department heads with the approval of the City Administrator to meet operational needs of the City.
It is expected that all employees will report to work on time, use their available working hours to the best advantage and leave only after their regular working hours. It is also expected that all employees will work needed overtime if the situation calls for an extension of normal hours.
When an employee, other than the members of the Police Department, is needed to return to work after their regularly scheduled hours or on a scheduled day off, they shall be paid for two (2) hours overtime or overtime based on the actual time spent, whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 551 §1, 8-4-2003]
The pay period shall be two (2) weeks (fourteen (14) days) ending at 12:00:00 Midnight on Friday night and consistent with the work periods in Section 117.260.
[Ord. No. 551 §1 8-4-2003]
Timecards are to be used to clock in and out every day worked. If an employee fails to clock in or out, the employee must have his or her supervisor or department head fill in the correct time and initial the card. Constant non-use of the time clock may call for disciplinary action. Disciplinary measures can and may include dismissal.
Employees are to only clock in or out on their own time cards. An employee that clocks in or out for another employee is subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary measures can and may include dismissal.
Employees utilizing the time clock should clock in as close to their time to start work and to leave work as possible. City will not reimburse for early clock in or late clock out of less than fifteen (15) minutes. Time in excess of fifteen (15) minutes requires approval of the City Administrator or department head.
[Ord. No. 551 §1, 8-4-2003]
City employees will be paid on a two (2) week schedule.
The City Treasurer will distribute paychecks to employees after 8:00 A.M. on Friday following the pay period. Upon request, the City Administrator may authorize an employee to receive a paycheck prior to Friday but not prior to the pay period being completed. Paychecks will be for hours worked during the previous pay period.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 551 §1, 8-4-2003]
Work time that qualifies for overtime requires prior authorization by the City Administrator or department head.
Employees who are not Police Officers will be awarded overtime for all hours worked over eight (8) hours in a day. Overtime will be awarded at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the amount of time worked. Overtime will be awarded at the rate of two (2) times the amount of time worked on a City recognized holiday.
Overtime for Police Officers will be awarded at the rate of two (2) times the amount of time worked on a City recognized holiday.
[Ord. No. 551 §1, 8-4-2003]
Work time that qualifies for compensatory time requires prior authorization by the City Administrator or department head.
In order to keep personnel costs within budgeted limits, it may be necessary for the City to award "compensatory time" in lieu of overtime pay. Compensatory time will be awarded in lieu of overtime hours paid and recorded at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the amount of time worked. Compensatory time will not be awarded for time worked on a City recognized holiday, the employee will be paid for such time in accordance with these regulations. When the City pays an employee for compensatory time, the employee will receive his current hourly rate times the number of hours of compensatory time being paid for.
Non-exempt employees who are not Police Officers who work in excess of forty (40) hours during a work period, up to forty-eight (48) hours, shall be compensated with compensatory time. Any hours worked over forty-eight (48) hours in a work period shall be paid as overtime.
Non-exempt employees who are not Police Officers may accumulate up to sixty (60) hours of compensatory time. Department heads are responsible to see that employees are given the opportunity to keep accumulated compensatory time below the sixty (60) hour limit.
Non-exempt Police Officers who work in excess of eighty (80) hours during a work period up to eighty-eight (88) hours shall be compensated with compensatory time. Any hours worked over eighty-eight (88) hours in a work period shall be paid as overtime.
Non-exempt Police Officers may accumulate up to sixty (60) hours of compensatory time. The Chief of Police is responsible to see that officers are given the opportunity to keep accumulated compensatory time below the sixty (60) hour limit.
It is the intent of these regulations that compensatory time is to be accumulated and used in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
All employees are expected to dress appropriately for their required duties. Cleanliness and good grooming is expected of all personnel. A department head may require an employee to leave his/her job without pay when the attire or general appearance is considered inconsistent with City policy. The City will provide five (5) seasonal rental uniforms per week for all the Public Works Department employees who are scheduled to work forty (40) hours or more. Police Department personnel will be provided with uniforms on an as-needed basis.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Employees are not permitted to make excessive personal telephone calls or to make any personal long distance calls which are charged to the City. Employees who travel out of town on City business overnight may charge one (1) long distance call up to fifteen (15) minutes in length in their residence to the City each day that they are out of town on City business.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The City of Foristell encourages training and attendance at professional conferences for the purpose of improving job performance and preparing employees for promotional opportunities. Department heads shall be responsible for disseminating such pertinent training information to interested employees. Requests to participate in training or conference opportunities shall be directed to the Mayor/Administrator. Such requests should state the nature of the training program, the date and time of the program and estimated cost.
The nature of certain positions requires training from time to time to develop certain skills or certification. Such training that is deemed mandatory by the department head should be scheduled during normal working hours when possible.
In the event that training is scheduled outside of normal working hours, the employee will be compensated for the actual hours involved in attendance of the training session. If a training session requires more than one (1) day and travel outside of the City and overnight accommodations are needed, the employee will be compensated for travel time to and from training and no more than the actual time of the training session per day. Verification of training session time and mileage will be required.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 567 §1, 9-18-2003]
In the interest of promoting professional growth, representing the City at various functions and conducting official business, it is necessary for employees and other officials to travel out of the area from time to time. Any official travel requires prior approval from the Mayor/Administrator. It is intended that all reasonable costs incurred as a result of authorized travel shall be reimbursed in accordance with the following guidelines.
The least expensive and most direct mode of transportation shall be used when traveling out of the area for official business. City of Foristell vehicles shall be used whenever possible. Reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle, when authorized, shall be at the prevailing mileage, permitted by the Internal Revenue Service. No reimbursement shall be granted for any damage, repairs or towing of personal vehicles used for City business. Reimbursement may be claimed for parking or tolls but receipts should be obtained, if possible. Auto rental or use of taxicabs is permitted if alternate modes of local transportation are not available.
When overnight stay is required for authorized travel, the City will reimburse for the actual cost of such lodging. Receipts are required.
Reimbursement for meals, not to exceed three (3) in a twenty-four (24) hour period, shall not exceed eight dollars ($8.00) for breakfast, fourteen dollars ($14.00) for lunch or twenty dollars ($20.00) for dinner individually or forty-two dollars ($42.00) for all day will be permitted. Meal receipts are required. Alcoholic beverages including beer and wine are not reimbursable.
It is understood that official travel requires expenditures for gratuities. A fifteen percent (15%) allowance will be reimbursable for transportation and meal tipping. Reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out official business may be reimbursed upon the presentation of receipts. It is recommended that if possible all miscellaneous expenses be approved before hand. No employee will be allowed to be reimbursed for expenses that he/she cannot justify as completely necessary and unavoidable. Under no circumstances will expenses be reimbursed that have no receipts and cannot be justified.
Expenses incurred for registration fees for official conferences, seminars, conventions or special meals may be reimbursed. Attendance at such reimbursable functions must be for public purpose, i.e., employee training, employee education, legislation or technology that can be directly or indirectly beneficial to the City of Foristell.
Final approval for staff attendance at any such functions shall be the responsibility of the Mayor/Administrator.
The City will not pay the expense of spouses unless authorized by the Mayor/Administrator. Meals and transportation for spouses will not be covered.
If necessary, advance travel expense funds may be granted with Mayor/Administrator approval. All requests for advance payment shall be made far enough in advance so that a preliminary check or verification of expenses can be made.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Equipment, supplies and vehicles purchased, or provided by other governments, shall be used exclusively for public purposes. Employees shall not use or permit the use of City-owned or controlled property for private gain or advantage. It is the responsibility of all City of Foristell employees to conduct themselves in a manner that is safe to the employee, fellow employees and the general public. It is an employee's duty to report to their supervisor any condition or practice which they think or feel might be unsafe. Equipment, which is felt or appears to be unsafe, should not be operated and the unsafe condition should be reported immediately.
At first sign of equipment failure, notify the City Clerk. In the event equipment is needed for a job which the City does not have the proper equipment for, the employee should notify the City Clerk who will make arrangements to rent, lease or purchase the equipment needed.
As part of an employee's regular duties, they may operate City-owned vehicles or equipment. As a City employee, they are under an obligation to care for any piece of equipment assigned to them in the performance of their work. The employee is responsible for inspecting their equipment and seeing that it is in proper operating condition. If there is anything wrong with the operation of the employee's equipment, the employee should report it to their supervisor immediately.
The following is a list of requirements for the use of City equipment or vehicles:
Employees must have a proper valid Missouri State driver's license for the vehicle they are operating. If a piece of equipment requires a commercial driver's license, the employee must have one in order to operate the equipment. If any other piece of equipment needs special certification, the employee must be certified to operate that piece of equipment.
The employee must keep their equipment or vehicle clean, as weather and conditions allow.
Each day the employee must check the condition of their equipment or vehicle. Make a visual inspection of the outside and inside. Check all fluid levels, check tires, lights, safety equipment, etc. Report any problems and keep a written log of any work done.
The employee must obey all traffic and State motor vehicle regulations. Never exceed the posted speed limit, but remember that regardless of the speed limit, the safest speed the employee may travel is governed by road conditions.
All accidents must be reported immediately to the employee's supervisor and Police Department for investigation. Do not leave the scene of the accident before it is investigated even if there is no apparent damage. If the other party wants to leave, obtain their name, address and license number and wait until someone in authority investigates and tells the employee to leave.
City-owned vehicles and equipment are generally available to employees to facilitate performing job-related duties and shall be used for official business whenever possible or practical. City employees are expected to use City-owned vehicles and equipment solely for that purpose. City vehicles or equipment may not be used for personal purposes unless specifically authorized by the Mayor/Administrator in writing.
Members of an employee's family or unauthorized personnel are not permitted to drive or be a passenger in City of Foristell owned vehicles or equipment.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
Equipment or vehicle operators involved in accidents must notify the Foristell Police Department immediately for investigation and report. The employee should also notify their supervisor and department head. The department head shall notify the City Clerk immediately so that the City insurance carrier may be apprized of the accident.
An employee involved in an accident with a City vehicle or equipment outside of the City limits must notify the appropriate law enforcement agency immediately for an investigation and report. The employee shall also notify their department head and request that a copy of the accident report be submitted to the City Clerk. The responsible department head will submit an accident report to the City Clerk describing the accident, the probable causes and any preventive action taken.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The Board of Aldermen may layoff employees whenever such action is made necessary by reason of shortage of work or funds, the abolition of a position or because of change in organization. Skill and ability shall be the primary determining factor regarding layoff, recall, transfers, demotions, promotions or other job changes. However, no permanent full-time employee shall be laid off while there are seasonal, part-time or probationary employees serving in the position for which the permanent full-time employee is qualified, eligible and available. When two (2) or more employees are eligible to be laid off, seniority will be the determining factor if all other circumstances and factors are equal.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
In the event of catastrophe or extreme emergency where the health, welfare or safety of the public is threatened or where lives and/or property are endangered, a department head or his/her designate may require employees to report to work for extended periods. During these extreme situations, management may require employees to perform tasks that are not reflected in their job description. In these situations, the City reserves the right to employ such persons as may be needed for the duration of the emergency. Special assignment employees will receive no employee benefits.
Vacations may be denied temporarily in an emergency or when the granting of vacation would result in insufficient manpower by reason of other employees in the department being out sick or on vacation.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
All employees are expected to comply with the provisions of the City of Foristell and with generally accepted norms of work behavior, which will reflect favorably on the personnel system and the City. It is the City's philosophy that discipline is to be used to help correct behavior rather than to punish. Consistent action will be taken in similar circumstances so that all employees are treated with fairness and uniformity.
Since violations of certain regulations are more serious than others and because each situation must be weighed individually, no specific disciplinary action is mandatory. Depending upon the severity and frequency of the infraction, one (1) of the following actions may be taken:
Verbal warning. When a minor infraction of conduct occurs, the department head will meet with the employee to discuss the infraction. An explanation of the unacceptable conduct will be made as well as recommendations for corrective measures. The employee will be advised that reoccurrence of the infraction will result in more serious disciplinary action. A written accounting of the verbal reprimand will be placed in the employee's personnel file.
Written reprimand. Moderate offenses or failure to respond to a verbal warning will result on the issuance of a written warning. The department head shall state in writing the nature of the infraction, prior record of similar misconduct and the date and time the incident occurred. One (1) copy shall be placed in the personnel file and one (1) copy shall be given to the employee. A meeting will be held with the employee to fully explain the action being taken.
Suspension. It shall be understood that a suspension is a temporary relief from duty, which may be imposed on an employee as a penalty for substandard performance, violation of departmental rules or regulations, administrative instructions or repeated lesser infractions. The length of the suspension will be determined by the Mayor/Administrator and will depend on the seriousness of the offense. A written statement shall be submitted to the employee specifying reasons for the suspension. This statement will be included in the employee's personnel file.
Termination. An employee may be discharged at any time for just cause pursuant to the laws of the State of Missouri.
Appeals Process.
All permanent employees have the right to appeal if they feel that a disciplinary action taken against them was unjustified. The employee should submit their appeal in writing to their supervisor, the Mayor/Administrator or any Board of Aldermen member within ten (10) days after the incident. If the matter cannot be resolved at the supervisor level the employee and the supervisor will meet with the Mayor/Administrator to decide the case. All City of Foristell employees have the right to meet with the Board of Aldermen on any disciplinary action taken that involves suspension or dismissal. After hearing and considering the evidence, the Board of Aldermen shall render a decision that will:
Confirm the dismissal or suspension.
Reinstate the employee with or without loss of pay.
Provide for such other disposition as it deems necessary or appropriate.
All appeals to the Board of Aldermen will be held in executive session at the next regularly scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting. The Board of Aldermen will file a copy of its decision with the employee and a copy will be put in the employee's file. The Board of Aldermen's decision will be final.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
The offenses listed below are not all inclusive. Unacceptable conduct not specifically covered by these rules may result in disciplinary action, depending on the circumstances. Repeated violations of the same rule, violations of more than one (1) rule in a single act or violations of different rules at different times shall be cause for accelerated or compound disciplinary action.
Violations of the following rules shall be handled on a four (4) step basis. Depending on the infraction or the severity of the infraction, any of the steps may be accelerated, eliminated or combined.
First (1st) infraction. Verbal warning.
Second (2nd) infraction. Written warning.
Third (3rd) infraction. Three (3) workdays' suspension without pay.
Fourth (4th) infraction. Discharge.
Engaging in any unlawful conduct on City premises or engaging in any unlawful conduct off City premises which affects the employee's relationship to his/her job or fellow employees.
Falsifying work, employment or attendance records.
Theft of City property.
Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.
Possession of, sale or use of alcohol or illegal substances and drugs on City property.
Unauthorized release of any confidential information, which directly affects the business of the City of Foristell.
Acts of harassment.
Being the aggressor or causing a fight on City premises.
Using threatening, foul or abusive language.
Leaving place of employment during working hours for non-business purposes.
Gross negligence or carelessness.
Habitual tardiness or absenteeism.
Refusal or failure to perform job assignment or refusal to follow directions.
Failure to promptly report an accident or injury.
Acting in a discourteous, threatening or abusive manner or using abusive, threatening or discourteous language toward a fellow employee or visitor to the City.
Failure to properly fill out and submit in a timely manner City reports and records.
Improper use of the telephone. Unauthorized personal or long distance calls.
Smoking in unauthorized areas.
Failure to observe recognized or instructed safety practices.
Refusal to comply with direction to take a drug or alcohol test.
Accepting a bribe in the form of money or other valuables.
Refusal to work overtime when necessary to keep essential services operating.
Failure or refusal to report to work when scheduled. Failure to notify supervisor of inability to work or being late.
Any actions or activities which are determined to be inappropriate or detrimental to the operation of the City of Foristell.
The Mayor/Administrator shall have the authority to impose disciplinary action on employees for violations of the City's work rules in accordance with the foregoing and additionally may discipline an employee for violation of any other policies or regulations of the City of Foristell or for violation of any State or Federal law.
Employee discharges may be appealed to the Board of Aldermen in executive session at its regularly scheduled meeting following the discharge. The decision of the Board of Aldermen is final and binding.
[Ord. No. 314 §§1 — 3, 3-1-1999]
When an employee leaves City employment for any reason, they are responsible for submitting final timecards, any City-owned property, including uniforms and employee I.D. cards to their department head, who will then notify the City Clerk that the final paycheck may be released. The final paycheck shall be issued on the next regular payday and will include any unused vacation pay, provided that all of the above-stated requirements have been met.
The final paycheck due any officer or employee who may be indebted to the City shall not be issued until the extent of the indebtedness to the City has been eliminated. In addition, the final paycheck will not be issued if the individual has not returned all City-owned equipment or clothing.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The Internet is a complex association of governmental, business and educational agencies working together to share resources. Along with the use of the Internet come new responsibilities. Please read the following guidelines carefully.
Computers, computer files, the e-mail system and Internet access and software furnished to employees are City property intended for business use only. Employees shall not use a password, access a file or retrieve any stored communication without prior authorization. To ensure compliance with this policy, computers, Internet and e-mail usage may be monitored.
The intent of these regulations is to provide guidance for acceptable use of the Internet and e-mail services and to assure that these services are used properly for City purposes.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The City of Foristell's electronic mail (e-mail) and Internet system is designed to facilitate City business communication among employees and other City business activities for messages and memoranda and to research and obtain City-related business materials.
The purpose of using the Internet is to support research and information gathering and the dissemination of information by providing access to City employees by the public and visa versa. Utilization of the Internet must be in support of City programs and missions. Transmission of any material in violation of any United States, State or City regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene materials or materials protected by trade secret. Use for commercial, for profit or illegal activities are strictly prohibited.
Users may not participate in any activity which violates the spirit of cooperation that is the basis of the Internet. Each individual is responsible for his/her image on the Internet as well as the image of the City of Foristell. Any employee of the City of Foristell who has Internet access is expected to comply with these use guidelines, the generally accepted policies and practices of the Internet, and any local policies and procedures that apply to a resource to which the user may have access.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The use of the Internet and e-mail is a continuance of the City's business activity, therefore the City's Personal Handbook also applies to the use of the Internet.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges or other appropriate disciplinary action as set forth in the Personnel Handbook. Users shall not lend Internet accounts and/or passwords to other persons. Users shall respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. The use of any form of obscene, harassing or abusive language on-line is prohibited. Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges and appropriate disciplinary action. "Vandalism" is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, modify or destroy data of another user. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading, uploading or creation of a computer virus. The City of Foristell reserves the right to access, read, delete or copy any information stored on any of the City's computers. This would include work, e-mail, or other files on the system.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Security on any computer system is a high priority. If users identify a security problem, they are to notify the City Clerk at once. Never demonstrate the problem to other users. Never use another individual's account without written permission from that person. All use of the system must be under the user's own assigned account and password.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Since no computer system is completely secure, the e-mail and Internet system is not intended to transmit sensitive materials such as personnel decisions and other similar information which may be more appropriately communicated by written memorandum or personal communication. Furthermore, senders of confidential information via e-mail must label transmissions accordingly so receivers handle such data properly. Users should use the same care in drafting e-mail and other electronic documents as they would for any other written communication, with the added knowledge that there can be no expectation that any e-mail document or message will be private. Confidential information should not be sent via e-mail or the Internet.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The e-mail and Internet systems are intended to be used for City-related business purposes such as to communicate with citizens and suppliers, to research relevant topics and obtain useful business information. The system is not to be used for an employee's personal benefit or to support or to advocate for non-City related business or purposes. All data, files, work and e-mail messages within the system are the property of the City of Foristell.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Incidental and occasional personal use of e-mail is permitted, but these messages will be treated the same as other messages and subject to the same rules. E-mail should be treated the same as telephone use, with incidental and occasional personal use to be just that, only incidental and occasional. Just like the telephone, the Internet and e-mail are for business purposes, not for frequent and/or lengthy visits with family and friends.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The City strives to maintain a workplace that is free from harassment and is sensitive to the diversity of its employees. Therefore, the City prohibits the use of computers, the Internet and the e-mail system in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others or harmful to morale. For example, the display or transmission of any kind of sexually explicit images, documents, messages and cartoons on any City system is not allowed and considered a violation of the City's policy on sexual harassment. Other such misuse includes, but is not limited to, ethnic slurs, racial comments, off-color jokes or anything that may be considered as harassment or showing disrespect for others. Such material may not be accessed, archived, stored, distributed, edited or recorded using the City of Foristell's computing or Internet resources. E-mail may not be used to solicit others for commercial ventures, political causes, outside organizations or other non-business matters. All such inappropriate uses are subject to the City's established disciplinary policy.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Each employee, using the City's Internet system shall identify himself or herself honestly, accurately and completely and shall not send any e-mail or other information by forging another person's identity or attempt to conceal the origin of the message in any way.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
No employee should have any expectation of privacy as to his or her computer, Internet and e-mail usage. Although each employee may have an individual password to access the system, it belongs to the City and the contents of e-mail communications are accessible at all times by supervisory City staff for any business purpose. The City reserves the right to periodically review the contents of an employee's e-mail communications and Internet use and reserves the right to access, monitor and/or disclose as necessary all messages sent over its e-mail and Internet system without regard to content and without notification to the employee. Since each user's personal messages can be accessed by the City without prior notice, users should not use e-mail to transmit any messages such user would not want read by a third (3rd) party. For example, users shall not use the City's e-mail for gossip, including personal information about themselves or others, for forwarding information under circumstances likely to embarrass the sender or for emotional responses to business correspondence or work situations. Employees may not intentionally intercept, eavesdrop, record, read, alter or receive another person's e-mail messages without proper authorization from that person, the City Clerk or City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Employees should not forward an e-mail to any other person or entity outside of the City offices without permission of the sender. If a sender explicitly wishes an internal e-mail message to not be forwarded to someone else, the sender should include "do not forward" in the message.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Users may not initiate or forward chain e-mail.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Users may not spam other users such as send or forward unsolicited messages to everyone in your address book at the same time. This takes up space on servers and can be very offensive to the people receiving such messages.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Generally, e-mail messages are temporary communications which are non-vital and may be discarded routinely; however, depending on the content of the e-mail message, it may be considered a more formal record and should be retained pursuant to the State's required record retention schedule. These e-mail messages are similar to printed communication and should be written with the same care. If you have a question about retention, contact the City Clerk.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Employees should be aware that when they have deleted a message from their mailbox, it may not have been deleted from the e-mail system. The message may be residing in the recipient's mailbox, forwarded to other recipients or be sitting on the e-mail server. Furthermore, the message may be stored on the computer's backup system.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The Internet provides the City with significant access and dissemination of information to individuals outside the City of Foristell. Like all e-mail messages, Internet messages are capable of being forwarded without the express permission of the original author. Users must use caution in the transmission and dissemination of messages outside of the City and must comply with this policy as well as all State and Federal laws. The City's Internet facilities and computing resources must not knowingly be used to violate the laws and regulations of the United States or any other nation or the laws and regulations of any State, City, province or other local jurisdiction. Use of any City resources for illegal activity is grounds for immediate dismissal, and the City of Foristell will cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement agency.
A variety of information is available on the Internet. Some individuals may find some information on the Internet offensive or otherwise objectionable. Individual users should be aware that the City of Foristell has no control over, and can therefore not be responsible for, the content of information found on the Internet. Resources of any kind for which there is a fee must not be accessed or downloaded without prior approval of the City Clerk or City Administrator. Users shall not knowingly use the City's Internet facilities to download, utilize or distribute pirated software or data; use the City's Internet facilities to deliberately propagate any virus, worm, Trojan horse, trap-door or similar program code; or use the City's Internet facilities to disable or overload any computer system or network, or to circumvent any system intended to protect the privacy or security of data of another user.
This policy is intended to prevent the misuse of Internet access, specifically as it pertains to the following unacceptable practices:
Improperly downloading files or opening e-mail attachments that contain viruses that may contaminate City information systems and databases;
Accessing objectionable or improper material;
Use of work time to browse the Internet for personal or private interests;
Misrepresenting an individual's opinion as City policy or opinion.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The City's resources to access the Internet are limited. Because of this, the number of people with access to this resource must by closely monitored. Access to the Internet will be evaluated on a per user basis by the City Clerk and the City Administrator. In general, it is advised that a department head only request access for employees who would make frequent use of the Internet as a routine part of their jobs. Employees making only occasional use of the Internet should be supported by other authorized users.
A written request will need to be submitted by the employee's department head to the City Clerk. The City Clerk will then submit it, with a recommendation, to the City Administrator for evaluation and decision. The request should include the following:
Name and title of the person requiring access;
Department and location of the person requiring access;
Business reason for the access;
Requester's signature; and
Department head's signature.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The City purchases and licenses the use of computer software for business purposes and does not own the copyright to this software or its related documentation. Employees may only use software on local area networks or on multiple machines according to the software license agreement. The City prohibits the illegal duplication of software and its related documentation. The City retains the copyright and ownership to any material posted to any forum, news group, chat or world wide web page by any employee in the course of his or her duties. The user has the responsibility to respect the legal protection provided by the copyright and license to programs and data and must abide by copyright laws and rules. These include unauthorized review, duplication, dissemination, removal, damage or alteration of files, passwords, computer systems or programs.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
No employee is allowed to load an unauthorized program into the system.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
All independent downloading of files is prohibited by users because of the potential for viruses and the potential for the downloaded file to need proper installation. Thus, all requests for downloads will need to be submitted to the City Clerk for processing. The URL (Internet address) of the file will need to be copied into an e-mail and the file needing downloaded, identified for processing. If the file to be downloaded is on a password protected site, written permission to download, instructions on placement of file, and virus scanning instructions must first be issued by the City Clerk. If the file to be downloaded is for law enforcement personnel use, procedures established by the Chief of Police will need to be followed.
To copy the URL to an e-mail, first open a blank e-mail message. Then highlight the contents of the address or URL field of the browser. Right click on the highlighted information and choose copy from the menu. Then move to the new blank e-mail and place your curser in the blank e-mail. Once your curser is placed, right click one (1) time and choose paste from the menu. Send the e-mail to the City Clerk.
Opening attachments to e-mail is a form of downloading which can contain viruses. Unsolicited e-mail attachments should not be opened without first scanning for potential viruses. If the user does not know who the e-mail is from and it was unsolicited, it is suspect and should be deleted without opening. If you have questions, contact the City Clerk for assistance.
Downloading any executable programs, sound files, movie clips, screen savers, icon or any other non-essential application is not authorized nor supported by the City of Foristell. Installing software on City equipment without prior authorization from the City Clerk will not be allowed under any circumstances.
Video and audio downloading, also known as "streaming", should be avoided unless there is a legitimate business need to receive this material. Video and audio streaming technologies create significant data traffic which can cause local network congestion and other problems.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Users enlisting their e-mail address into a listservs must be for City or professionally related purposes. Inundation of e-mail from listservs could potentially cause an overload in the City's e-mail system. Listservs from professional organizations and business related topics may be considered through the individual's department head. If a user feels they need to enroll in a listserv, the request must be submitted through their department head to the City Clerk for consideration. If approval is granted to a listserv, users should unsubscribe from the service when leaving town for an extended period of time thus not allowing outside e-mail to bottleneck the City's resources.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The City does not allow dial-in access to the City's computer system by City employees or other individuals. The City does allow selected vendors dial-in access with restricted security to the City's computer system for software administration.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Network passwords are not to be shared with other employees. Employees granted Internet access shall be held accountable for usage of their assigned equipment and software.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
E-mail attachments are responsible for the propagation of viruses. Employees receiving e-mail attachments are not to open such files unless the following two (2) criteria are met:
The sender is a known and trusted address, and
The attached document has been requested by the recipient or the sender has made prior notification to the recipient that it is being transmitted.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
Employees with Internet access shall not establish or utilize personally created e-mail accounts via the web. Bypassing the City's Internet mail server could create a potential for viruses because it can circumvent the installed virus software.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
As representatives of the City, users accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network to the City Clerk. Misuse may come in many forms, but it is commonly viewed as any message(s) sent or received that indicate or suggest pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language and other issues described herein.
Users have responsibilities as outlined in this document to access the Internet to facilitate City business and purposes as long as they are responsible users of the Internet and e-mail services. Users should:
Be polite. Never send or encourage others to send abusive messages.
Use appropriate language. Remember that you are a representative of the City of Foristell. You may be alone at your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed globally. Never swear, use vulgarities, or other inappropriate language, or spam others on the Internet system. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden.
Respect the privacy of other users. For example, users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, data, accounts or passwords belonging to other users, or represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user.
Respect the integrity of computing systems. For example, users shall not intentionally develop or attempt to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage/alter the software components, a computer or computing system.
Keep programs of a viral nature off any City equipment. The user will be held accountable for any deliberate attempts to knowingly install and/or run a computer virus. Do not use the network in any way that would disrupt the use of the network by others.
Monitor files received and be responsible for all materials received via the Internet under his/her account.
Keeping all pornographic material, inappropriate text files or files dangerous to the integrity of the network from entering the City system.
Maintain the integrity of the electronic mail system. Users have the responsibility to make only those contacts leading to City-related business on the Internet. The user is responsible for insuring all e-mail received by him/her does not contain pornographic material, inappropriate information, or text-encoded files that are potentially dangerous to the integrity of the hardware or software of the system. A user who receives material that they think may be objectionable or danger to the system or a violation of this policy should immediately report it to the City Clerk.
Conduct themselves in accordance with the City's standards of conduct. As contained in the Personnel Handbook and use the Internet to send or receive messages that are consistent with such standards.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The misuse of e-mail and Internet privileges shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the City's Personnel Handbook and/or other applicable rules or laws.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
The City of Foristell makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. The City of Foristell will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on this system. Use of any information via the Internet system is at user's own risk. The City of Foristell specifically disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through the use of its Internet services and e-mail services.
[Ord. No. 552 §1, 8-4-2003]
All City employees are required to read these policies and sign an acknowledgment form that they have read and fully understand the terms of this policy and agree to abide by them.