A person commits the offense of abandonment of an airtight or semi-airtight container if he or she knowingly abandons, discards, or permits to remain on premises under his or her control, in a place accessible to children, any abandoned or discarded icebox, refrigerator, or other airtight or semi-airtight container which has a capacity of one and one-half (1 1/2) cubic feet or more and an opening of fifty (50) square inches or more and which has a door or lid equipped with hinge, latch or other fastening device capable of securing such door or lid, without rendering such equipment harmless to human life by removing such hinges, latches or other hardware which may cause a person to be confined therein.
Subsection (A) of this Section does not apply to an icebox, refrigerator or other airtight or semi-airtight container located in that part of a building occupied by a dealer, warehouse operator or repair person.
The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue under Subsection (B) of this Section.
The offense of abandonment of an airtight or semi-airtight container is an ordinance violation.
A person commits the offense of littering if he or she places, deposits, or causes to be placed or deposited, any glass, glass bottles, wire, nails, tacks, hedge, cans, garbage, trash, refuse, or rubbish of any kind, nature or description on the right-of-way of any public road or highway or on any private real property owned by another without the owner's consent.
A person commits the offense of unlawful disposition of a dead animal if he or she knowingly places or causes to be placed the carcass or offal of any dead animal:
Into any well, spring, brook, branch, creek, pond, or lake; or
On any public road or highway, river, stream, or watercourse or upon premises not his or her own for the purpose of annoying another or others.
A person commits the offense of tampering with a water supply if he or she purposely:
Poisons, defiles or in any way corrupts the water of a well, spring, brook or reservoir used for domestic or municipal purposes; or
Diverts, dams up and holds back from its natural course and flow any spring, brook or other water supply for domestic or municipal purposes, after said water supply shall have once been taken for use by any person or persons, corporation, town or city for his/her, their or its use.
The offense of tampering with a water supply is an ordinance violation.
A person commits the offense of abandoning a vehicle or trailer if he or she knowingly abandons any vehicle or trailer on:
The right-of-way of any public road or State highway;
On the banks of any stream;
On any public land; or
On any private real property owned by another without his or her consent.
For purposes of this Section, the last owner of record of a vehicle or trailer found abandoned and not shown to be transferred pursuant to Sections 301.196 and 301.197, RSMo., shall be deemed prima facie evidence of ownership of such vehicle or trailer at the time it was abandoned and the person who abandoned the vehicle or trailer or caused or procured its abandonment. The registered owner of the abandoned vehicle or trailer shall not be subject to the penalties provided by this Section if the vehicle or trailer was in the care, custody, or control of another person at the time of the violation. In such instance, the owner shall submit such evidence in an affidavit permitted by the court setting forth the name, address, and other pertinent information of the person who leased, rented, or otherwise had care, custody, or control of the vehicle or trailer at the time of the alleged violation. The affidavit submitted pursuant to this Subsection shall be admissible in a court proceeding adjudicating the alleged violation and shall raise a rebuttable presumption that the person identified in the affidavit was in actual control of the vehicle or trailer. In such case, the court has the authority to terminate the prosecution of the summons issued to the owner and issue a summons to the person identified in the affidavit as the operator. If the vehicle or trailer is alleged to have been stolen, the owner of the vehicle or trailer shall submit proof that a police report was filed in a timely manner indicating that the vehicle was stolen at the time of the alleged violation.
The offense of abandoning a vehicle or trailer is an ordinance violation.
Any person convicted pursuant to this Section shall be civilly liable for all reasonable towing, storage, and administrative costs associated with the abandonment of the vehicle or trailer. Any reasonable towing, storage, and administrative costs in excess of the value of the abandoned vehicle or trailer that exist at the time the property is transferred pursuant to Section 304.156, RSMo., shall remain the liability of the person convicted pursuant to this Section so long as the towing company, as defined in Chapter 304, RSMo., provided the title owner and lienholders, as ascertained by the Department of Revenue records, a notice within the time frame and in the form as described in Subsection 1 of Section 304.156, RSMo.