No person shall operate or park any motor vehicle or trailer upon any street or highway of this City, unless such motor vehicle or trailer has properly displayed a valid license plate or plates or temporary permit issued to the lawful owner of the vehicle by the Department of Revenue of the State of Missouri, except that any person who is a non-resident of the State of Missouri may operate or park any motor vehicle or trailer upon any street or highway of this City, provided the motor vehicle or trailer has been duly registered for the current year in the State, Country or other place of which the owner is a resident, provided that at all times such motor vehicle or trailer is being operated or parked upon the streets or highways of this City, the valid license plate or plates or temporary permit is properly displayed on such vehicle or trailer.
Unless otherwise provided by duly executed agreements entered into pursuant to Sections 301.271 to 301.279, RSMo., a non-resident owner, owning any motor vehicle which has been duly registered for the current year in the State, District of Columbia, territory or possession of the United States, foreign country or other place of which the owner is a resident, and which at all times when operated in this City has displayed upon it the number plate issued for the vehicle in the place of residence of such owner, may operate or permit the operation of such vehicle within this State without registering such vehicle or paying any such registration fee to this State; but the provisions of this Subsection shall be operative to allow such owner to operate or permit the operation of such vehicle owned by a non-resident of this State only to the extent that under the laws of the State, District of Columbia, territory or possession of the United States, foreign country or other place of residence of the non-resident owner, substantially equivalent exemptions are granted to residents of Missouri for the operation of vehicles duly registered in Missouri.
Unless otherwise provided by duly executed agreements entered into pursuant to Sections 301.271 to 301.279, RSMo., trailers registered in any jurisdiction may be operated in combination with any motor vehicle properly registered in accordance with Sections 301.271 to 301.279, RSMo.
Application for registration of a motor vehicle not previously registered in Missouri, operated for the first (1st) time on the public highways of this State, and previously registered in another state shall be made within thirty (30) days after the owner of such motor vehicle has become a resident of this State.
No motor vehicle or trailer shall be operated on any highway of this City unless it shall have displayed thereon the license plate or set of license plates issued by the Director of Revenue and authorized by Section 301.140, RSMo. Each such plate shall be securely fastened to the motor vehicle in a manner so that all parts thereof shall be plainly visible and reasonably clean so that the reflective qualities thereof are not impaired. License plates shall be fastened to all motor vehicles except trucks, tractors, truck tractors or truck-tractors licensed in excess of twelve thousand (12,000)pounds on the front and rear of such vehicles not less than eight (8) nor more than forty-eight (48) inches above the ground, with the letters and numbers thereon right side up. The license plates on trailers, motorcycles, motortricycles and motorscooters shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicles, with the letters and numbers thereon right side up. The license plate on buses, other than school buses, and on trucks, tractors, truck tractors or truck-tractors licensed in excess of twelve thousand (12,000) pounds shall be displayed on the front of such vehicles not less than eight (8) nor more than forty-eight (48) inches above the ground, with the letters and numbers thereon right side up, or if two (2) plates are issued for the vehicle pursuant to Subsection (5) of Section 301.130, RSMo., displayed in the same manner on the front and rear of such vehicles. The license plate or plates authorized by Section 301.140, RSMo., when properly attached, shall be prima facie evidence that the required fees have been paid.
The vehicle owner to whom a tab or set of tabs is issued shall affix and display such tab or tabs in the designated area of the license plate, no more than one (1) per plate.
No person shall operate a motor vehicle or trailer on which there is displayed on the front or rear thereof any other plate, tag or placard bearing any number except the plate furnished by the Director of Revenue or the placard herein authorized, and the official license tag of any municipality of this State, nor shall there be displayed on any motor vehicle or trailer a placard, sign or tag bearing the words "license lost", "license applied for", or words of similar import, as a substitute for such number plates or such placard.
In event of the loss, theft, mutilation or destruction of any certificate of ownership, number plate, tab or set of tabs issued by the Director of Revenue, the lawful holder thereof shall, within five (5) days, file with the Director of Revenue, an affidavit showing such fact, and shall, on the payment of a fee of eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50), obtain a duplicate or replacement of such plate, certificate, tab or set of tabs. Any duplicate certificate issued for any "motor vehicle primarily for business use", as defined in Section 301.010, RSMo., shall be issued only to the owner of record.
Upon filing affidavit of lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed certificate of registration, the Director of Revenue shall issue to the lawful owner a duplicate or replacement thereof upon payment of a fee of eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50).
Vehicle owners who elect not to transfer or renew multi-year plates shall be charged a fee equal to that charged for a lost plate in addition to the registration fee prescribed by law at the time the new plate or plates are issued.
No person shall show, exhibit, display or have in possession for the purpose of sale any motor vehicle bearing or displaying thereon any number or license plates, except those of the dealer or owner so displaying said motor vehicle; provided however, that where the motor vehicle is placed on consignment with a dealer by the owner thereof, there may be displayed a number or license plate issued to the owner thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate in this City a motor vehicle or trailer required to be registered as provided by law, unless a certificate of ownership has been issued.
It shall be unlawful for any person to buy or sell in this City any motor vehicle or trailer registered under the laws of this State unless at the time of delivery thereof there shall pass between the parties a certificate of ownership with an assignment thereof as provided in Section 301.210, RSMo., as amended, and the sale of any motor vehicle or trailer registered under the laws of this State, without the assignment of such certificate of ownership, shall be fraudulent and void.
Upon the transfer of ownership of any motor vehicle or trailer, the certificate of registration and the right to use the number plates shall expire and the number plates shall be removed by the owner at the time of the transfer of possession, and it shall be unlawful for any person other than the person to whom such number plates were originally issued to have the same in his/her possession whether in use or not; except that the buyer of a motor vehicle or trailer who trades in a motor vehicle or trailer may attach the license plates from the trade-in motor vehicle or trailer to the newly purchased motor vehicle or trailer. The operation of a motor vehicle with such transferred plates shall be lawful for no more than thirty (30) days. As used in this Section, the term "trade-in motor vehicle or trailer" shall include any single motor vehicle or trailer sold by the buyer of the newly purchased vehicle or trailer, as long as the license plates for the trade-in motor vehicle or trailer are still valid.
Upon the sale of a motor vehicle or trailer by a dealer, a buyer who has made application for registration, by mail or otherwise, may operate the same for a period of thirty (30) days after taking possession thereof, if during such period the motor vehicle or trailer shall have attached thereto, in the manner required by Section 301.130, RSMo., number plates issued to the dealer. Upon application and presentation of satisfactory evidence that the buyer has applied for registration, a dealer may furnish such number plates to the buyer for such temporary use. In such event, the dealer shall require the buyer to deposit the sum of ten dollars fifty cents ($10.50), to be returned to the buyer upon return of the number plates as a guarantee that said buyer will return to the dealer such number plates within thirty (30) days.
No dealer shall advise any purchaser of a motor vehicle or trailer that such purchaser may drive such a motor vehicle or trailer without compliance with the foregoing license requirements.
Any motor vehicle over twenty-five (25) years old which is owned solely as a collector's item and which is used and intended to be used for exhibition and educational purposes shall be permanently registered upon payment of a registration fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Upon the transfer of the title to any such vehicle the registration shall be canceled and the license plates issued therefor shall be returned to the Director of Revenue.
The owner of any such vehicle shall file an application in a form prescribed by the Director, if such vehicle meets the requirements of this Section, and a certificate of registration shall be issued therefor. Such certificate need not specify the horsepower of the motor vehicle.
Historic vehicles may be driven to and from repair facilities one hundred (100) miles from the vehicle's location, and in addition may be driven up to one thousand (1,000) miles per year for personal use. The owner of the historic vehicle shall be responsible for keeping a log of the miles driven for personal use each calendar year. Such log must be kept in the historic vehicle when the vehicle is driven on any State road. The historic vehicle's mileage driven in an antique auto tour or event and mileage driven to and from such a tour or event shall not be considered mileage driven for the purpose of the mileage limitations in this Section. Violation of this Section is a misdemeanor and in addition to any other penalties prescribed by law, upon conviction thereof, the Director of Revenue shall revoke the historic motor vehicle license plates of such violator which were issued pursuant to this Section.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this Section to the contrary, any person possessing a license plate issued by the State of Missouri prior to 1979 in which the year of the issuance of such plate is consistent with the year of the manufacture of the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle may register such plate as a personalized plate by following the procedures for personalized license plate registration and paying the same fees as prescribed in Section 301.144, RSMo. Such license plate shall not be required to possess the characteristic features of reflective material and common color scheme and design as prescribed in Section 301.130, RSMo.